* fullnode.js - full node for hsd
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* https://github.com/handshake-org/hsd
'use strict';
const assert = require('bsert');
const Chain = require('../blockchain/chain');
const Fees = require('../mempool/fees');
const Mempool = require('../mempool/mempool');
const Pool = require('../net/pool');
const Miner = require('../mining/miner');
const Node = require('./node');
const HTTP = require('./http');
const RPC = require('./rpc');
const blockstore = require('../blockstore');
const pkg = require('../pkg');
const {RootServer, RecursiveServer} = require('../dns/server');
* Full Node
* Respresents a fullnode complete with a
* chain, mempool, miner, etc.
* @alias module:node.FullNode
* @extends Node
class FullNode extends Node {
* Create a full node.
* @constructor
* @param {Object?} options
constructor(options) {
super(pkg.core, pkg.cfg, 'debug.log', options);
this.opened = false;
// SPV flag.
this.spv = false;
// Instantiate block storage.
this.blocks = blockstore.create({
network: this.network,
logger: this.logger,
prefix: this.config.prefix,
cacheSize: this.config.mb('block-cache-size'),
memory: this.memory
// Instantiate blockchain.
this.chain = new Chain({
network: this.network,
logger: this.logger,
blocks: this.blocks,
workers: this.workers,
memory: this.config.bool('memory'),
prefix: this.config.prefix,
maxFiles: this.config.uint('max-files'),
cacheSize: this.config.mb('cache-size'),
prune: this.config.bool('prune'),
checkpoints: this.config.bool('checkpoints'),
entryCache: this.config.uint('entry-cache'),
chainMigrate: this.config.uint('chain-migrate'),
indexTX: this.config.bool('index-tx'),
indexAddress: this.config.bool('index-address'),
compactTreeOnInit: this.config.bool('compact-tree-on-init'),
compactTreeInitInterval: this.config.uint('compact-tree-init-interval')
// Fee estimation.
this.fees = new Fees(this.logger);
// Mempool needs access to the chain.
this.mempool = new Mempool({
network: this.network,
logger: this.logger,
workers: this.workers,
chain: this.chain,
fees: this.fees,
memory: this.config.bool('memory'),
prefix: this.config.prefix,
persistent: this.config.bool('persistent-mempool'),
maxSize: this.config.mb('mempool-size'),
limitFree: this.config.bool('limit-free'),
limitFreeRelay: this.config.uint('limit-free-relay'),
requireStandard: this.config.bool('require-standard'),
rejectAbsurdFees: this.config.bool('reject-absurd-fees'),
indexAddress: this.config.bool('index-address'),
expiryTime: this.config.uint('mempool-expiry-time')
// Pool needs access to the chain and mempool.
this.pool = new Pool({
network: this.network,
logger: this.logger,
chain: this.chain,
mempool: this.mempool,
prefix: this.config.prefix,
compact: this.config.bool('compact'),
bip37: this.config.bool('bip37'),
identityKey: this.identityKey,
maxOutbound: this.config.uint('max-outbound'),
maxInbound: this.config.uint('max-inbound'),
maxProofRPS: this.config.uint('max-proof-rps'),
createSocket: this.config.func('create-socket'),
proxy: this.config.str('proxy'),
onion: this.config.bool('onion'),
brontideOnly: this.config.bool('brontide-only'),
upnp: this.config.bool('upnp'),
seeds: this.config.array('seeds'),
nodes: this.config.array('nodes'),
only: this.config.array('only'),
publicHost: this.config.str('public-host'),
publicPort: this.config.uint('public-port'),
publicBrontidePort: this.config.uint('public-brontide-port'),
host: this.config.str('host'),
port: this.config.uint('port'),
brontidePort: this.config.uint('brontide-port'),
listen: this.config.bool('listen'),
memory: this.config.bool('memory'),
agent: this.config.str('agent')
// Miner needs access to the chain and mempool.
this.miner = new Miner({
network: this.network,
logger: this.logger,
workers: this.workers,
chain: this.chain,
mempool: this.mempool,
address: this.config.array('coinbase-address'),
coinbaseFlags: this.config.str('coinbase-flags'),
preverify: this.config.bool('preverify'),
minWeight: this.config.uint('min-weight'),
maxWeight: this.config.uint('max-weight'),
reservedWeight: this.config.uint('reserved-weight'),
reservedSigops: this.config.uint('reserved-sigops')
// RPC needs access to the node.
this.rpc = new RPC(this);
// HTTP needs access to the node.
this.http = new HTTP({
network: this.network,
logger: this.logger,
node: this,
prefix: this.config.prefix,
ssl: this.config.bool('ssl'),
keyFile: this.config.path('ssl-key'),
certFile: this.config.path('ssl-cert'),
host: this.config.str('http-host'),
port: this.config.uint('http-port'),
apiKey: this.config.str('api-key'),
noAuth: this.config.bool('no-auth'),
cors: this.config.bool('cors')
if (!this.config.bool('no-dns')) {
this.ns = new RootServer({
logger: this.logger,
key: this.identityKey,
host: this.config.str('ns-host'),
port: this.config.uint('ns-port', this.network.nsPort),
lookup: key => this.chain.db.tree.get(key),
publicHost: this.config.str('public-host'),
noSig0: this.config.bool('no-sig0')
if (!this.config.bool('no-rs')) {
this.rs = new RecursiveServer({
logger: this.logger,
key: this.identityKey,
host: this.config.str('rs-host'),
port: this.config.uint('rs-port', this.network.rsPort),
stubHost: this.ns.host,
stubPort: this.ns.port,
noUnbound: this.config.bool('rs-no-unbound'),
noSig0: this.config.bool('no-sig0')
* Initialize the node.
* @private
init() {
// Bind to errors
this.chain.on('error', err => this.error(err));
this.chain.on('abort', err => this.abort(err));
this.mempool.on('error', err => this.error(err));
this.pool.on('error', err => this.error(err));
this.miner.on('error', err => this.error(err));
if (this.http)
this.http.on('error', err => this.error(err));
this.mempool.on('tx', (tx) => {
this.emit('tx', tx);
this.mempool.on('claim', (claim) => {
this.emit('claim', claim);
this.mempool.on('airdrop', (proof) => {
this.emit('airdrop', proof);
this.chain.on('connect', async (entry, block, view) => {
try {
await this.mempool._addBlock(entry, block.txs, view);
} catch (e) {
this.emit('block', block);
this.emit('connect', entry, block);
this.chain.on('disconnect', async (entry, block) => {
try {
await this.mempool._removeBlock(entry, block.txs);
} catch (e) {
this.emit('disconnect', entry, block);
this.chain.on('reorganize', async (tip, competitor, fork) => {
try {
await this.mempool._handleReorg();
} catch (e) {
this.emit('reorganize', tip, competitor, fork);
this.chain.on('reset', async (tip) => {
try {
await this.mempool._reset();
} catch (e) {
this.emit('reset', tip);
this.chain.on('tree compact start', (treeRoot, entry) => {
this.emit('tree compact start', treeRoot, entry);
this.chain.on('tree compact end', (treeRoot, entry) => {
this.emit('tree compact end', treeRoot, entry);
this.chain.on('tree reconstruct start', () => {
this.emit('tree reconstruct start');
this.chain.on('tree reconstruct end', () => {
this.emit('tree reconstruct end');
* Open the node and all its child objects,
* wait for the database to load.
* @alias FullNode#open
* @returns {Promise}
async open() {
assert(!this.opened, 'FullNode is already open.');
this.opened = true;
await this.handlePreopen();
await this.blocks.open();
await this.chain.open();
await this.mempool.open();
await this.miner.open();
await this.pool.open();
await this.openPlugins();
await this.http.open();
if (this.ns)
await this.ns.open();
if (this.rs)
await this.rs.open();
await this.handleOpen();
if (this.has('walletdb')) {
const {wdb} = this.require('walletdb');
if (this.miner.addresses.length === 0) {
const addr = await wdb.primary.receiveAddress();
this.logger.info('Node is loaded.');
* Close the node, wait for the database to close.
* @alias FullNode#close
* @returns {Promise}
async close() {
assert(this.opened, 'FullNode is not open.');
this.opened = false;
await this.handlePreclose();
await this.http.close();
if (this.rs)
await this.rs.close();
if (this.ns)
await this.ns.close();
await this.closePlugins();
await this.pool.close();
await this.miner.close();
await this.mempool.close();
await this.chain.close();
await this.blocks.close();
await this.handleClose();
this.logger.info('Node is closed.');
* Rescan for any missed transactions.
* @param {Number|Hash} start - Start block.
* @param {BloomFilter} filter
* @param {Function} iter - Iterator.
* @returns {Promise}
scan(start, filter, iter) {
return this.chain.scan(start, filter, iter);
* Interactive rescan for any missed transactions.
* @param {Number|Hash} start - Start block.
* @param {BloomFilter} filter
* @param {Function} iter - Iterator.
* @param {Boolean} [fullLock=false] - lock the whole chain instead of per
* scan.
* @returns {Promise}
scanInteractive(start, filter, iter, fullLock = false) {
return this.chain.scanInteractive(start, filter, iter, fullLock);
* Broadcast a transaction.
* @param {TX|Block|Claim|AirdropProof} item
* @returns {Promise}
async broadcast(item) {
try {
await this.pool.broadcast(item);
} catch (e) {
this.emit('error', e);
* Add transaction to mempool, broadcast.
* @param {TX} tx
async sendTX(tx) {
let missing;
try {
missing = await this.mempool.addTX(tx);
} catch (err) {
if (err.type === 'VerifyError' && err.score === 0) {
this.logger.warning('Verification failed for tx: %x.', tx.hash());
this.logger.warning('Attempting to broadcast anyway...');
throw err;
if (missing) {
this.logger.warning('TX was orphaned in mempool: %x.', tx.hash());
this.logger.warning('Attempting to broadcast anyway...');
* Add transaction to mempool, broadcast. Silence errors.
* @param {TX} tx
* @returns {Promise}
async relay(tx) {
try {
await this.sendTX(tx);
} catch (e) {
* Add claim to mempool, broadcast.
* @param {Claim} claim
async sendClaim(claim) {
try {
await this.mempool.addClaim(claim);
} catch (err) {
if (err.type === 'VerifyError' && err.score === 0) {
this.logger.warning('Verification failed for claim: %x.', claim.hash());
this.logger.warning('Attempting to broadcast anyway...');
throw err;
* Add claim to mempool, broadcast. Silence errors.
* @param {Claim} claim
* @returns {Promise}
async relayClaim(claim) {
try {
await this.sendClaim(claim);
} catch (e) {
* Add airdrop proof to mempool, broadcast.
* @param {AirdropProof} proof
async sendAirdrop(proof) {
try {
await this.mempool.addAirdrop(proof);
} catch (err) {
if (err.type === 'VerifyError' && err.score === 0) {
this.logger.warning('Verification failed for proof: %x.', proof.hash());
this.logger.warning('Attempting to broadcast anyway...');
throw err;
* Add airdrop proof to mempool, broadcast. Silence errors.
* @param {AirdropProof} proof
* @returns {Promise}
async relayAirdrop(proof) {
try {
await this.sendAirdrop(proof);
} catch (e) {
* Connect to the network.
* @returns {Promise}
connect() {
return this.pool.connect();
* Disconnect from the network.
* @returns {Promise}
disconnect() {
return this.pool.disconnect();
* Start the blockchain sync.
startSync() {
return this.pool.startSync();
* Stop syncing the blockchain.
stopSync() {
return this.pool.stopSync();
* Retrieve a block from the chain database.
* @param {Hash} hash
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {@link Block}.
getBlock(hash) {
return this.chain.getBlock(hash);
* Retrieve a coin from the mempool or chain database.
* Takes into account spent coins in the mempool.
* @param {Hash} hash
* @param {Number} index
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {@link Coin}.
async getCoin(hash, index) {
const coin = this.mempool.getCoin(hash, index);
if (coin)
return coin;
if (this.mempool.isSpent(hash, index))
return null;
return this.chain.getCoin(hash, index);
* Get coins that pertain to an address from the mempool or chain database.
* Takes into account spent coins in the mempool.
* @param {Address} addrs
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {@link Coin}[].
async getCoinsByAddress(addrs) {
const mempool = this.mempool.getCoinsByAddress(addrs);
const chain = await this.chain.getCoinsByAddress(addrs);
const out = [];
for (const coin of chain) {
const spent = this.mempool.isSpent(coin.hash, coin.index);
if (spent)
for (const coin of mempool)
return out;
* Retrieve transactions pertaining to an
* address from the mempool or chain database.
* @param {Address} addrs
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {@link TXMeta}[].
async getMetaByAddress(addrs) {
const mempool = this.mempool.getMetaByAddress(addrs);
const chain = await this.chain.getMetaByAddress(addrs);
return chain.concat(mempool);
* Retrieve a transaction from the mempool or chain database.
* @param {Hash} hash
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {@link TXMeta}.
async getMeta(hash) {
const meta = this.mempool.getMeta(hash);
if (meta)
return meta;
return this.chain.getMeta(hash);
* Retrieve a spent coin viewpoint from mempool or chain database.
* @param {TXMeta} meta
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {@link CoinView}.
async getMetaView(meta) {
if (meta.height === -1)
return this.mempool.getSpentView(meta.tx);
return this.chain.getSpentView(meta.tx);
* Retrieve transactions pertaining to an
* address from the mempool or chain database.
* @param {Address} addrs
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {@link TX}[].
async getTXByAddress(addrs) {
const mtxs = await this.getMetaByAddress(addrs);
const out = [];
for (const mtx of mtxs)
return out;
* Retrieve a transaction from the mempool or chain database.
* @param {Hash} hash
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {@link TX}.
async getTX(hash) {
const mtx = await this.getMeta(hash);
if (!mtx)
return null;
return mtx.tx;
* Test whether the mempool or chain contains a transaction.
* @param {Hash} hash
* @returns {Promise} - Returns Boolean.
async hasTX(hash) {
if (this.mempool.hasEntry(hash))
return true;
return this.chain.hasTX(hash);
* Get current name state.
* @param {Buffer} nameHash
* @returns {NameState}
async getNameStatus(nameHash) {
const height = this.chain.height + 1;
return this.chain.db.getNameStatus(nameHash, height);
* Expose
module.exports = FullNode;