* server.js - http server for hsd
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* https://github.com/handshake-org/hsd
'use strict';
const assert = require('bsert');
const path = require('path');
const {Server} = require('bweb');
const Validator = require('bval');
const base58 = require('bcrypto/lib/encoding/base58');
const {BloomFilter} = require('@handshake-org/bfilter');
const sha256 = require('bcrypto/lib/sha256');
const random = require('bcrypto/lib/random');
const {safeEqual} = require('bcrypto/lib/safe');
const util = require('../utils/util');
const TX = require('../primitives/tx');
const Claim = require('../primitives/claim');
const Address = require('../primitives/address');
const Network = require('../protocol/network');
const scanActions = require('../blockchain/common').scanActions;
const pkg = require('../pkg');
* @alias module:http.Server
class HTTP extends Server {
* Create an http server.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options
constructor(options) {
super(new HTTPOptions(options));
this.network = this.options.network;
this.logger = this.options.logger.context('node-http');
this.node = this.options.node;
this.chain = this.node.chain;
this.mempool = this.node.mempool;
this.pool = this.node.pool;
this.fees = this.node.fees;
this.miner = this.node.miner;
this.rpc = this.node.rpc;
* Initialize routes.
* @private
init() {
this.on('request', (req, res) => {
if (req.method === 'POST' && req.pathname === '/')
this.logger.debug('Request for method=%s path=%s (%s).',
req.method, req.pathname, req.socket.remoteAddress);
this.on('listening', (address) => {
this.logger.info('Node HTTP server listening on %s (port=%d).',
address.address, address.port);
* Initialize routes.
* @private
initRouter() {
if (this.options.cors)
if (!this.options.noAuth) {
hash: sha256.digest,
password: this.options.apiKey,
realm: 'node'
type: 'json'
this.error((err, req, res) => {
const code = err.statusCode || 500;
res.json(code, {
error: {
type: err.type,
code: err.code,
message: err.message
this.get('/', async (req, res) => {
const totalTX = this.mempool ? this.mempool.map.size : 0;
const size = this.mempool ? this.mempool.getSize() : 0;
const claims = this.mempool ? this.mempool.claims.size : 0;
const airdrops = this.mempool ? this.mempool.airdrops.size : 0;
const orphans = this.mempool ? this.mempool.orphans.size : 0;
const brontide = this.pool.hosts.brontide;
const pub = {
listen: this.pool.options.listen,
host: null,
port: null,
brontidePort: null
const addr = this.pool.hosts.getLocal();
if (addr && pub.listen) {
pub.host = addr.host;
pub.port = addr.port;
pub.brontidePort = brontide.port;
const treeInterval = this.network.names.treeInterval;
const prevHeight = this.chain.height - 1;
const treeRootHeight = this.chain.height === 0 ? 0 :
prevHeight - (prevHeight % treeInterval) + 1;
const treeCompaction = {
compacted: false,
compactOnInit: false,
compactInterval: null,
lastCompaction: null,
nextCompaction: null
if (!this.chain.options.spv) {
const chainOptions = this.chain.options;
const {
} = await this.chain.getCompactionHeights();
treeCompaction.compactOnInit = chainOptions.compactTreeOnInit;
if (chainOptions.compactTreeOnInit) {
treeCompaction.compactInterval = chainOptions.compactTreeInitInterval;
treeCompaction.nextCompaction = compactFrom;
if (compactionHeight > 0) {
treeCompaction.compacted = true;
treeCompaction.lastCompaction = compactionHeight;
res.json(200, {
version: pkg.version,
network: this.network.type,
chain: {
height: this.chain.height,
tip: this.chain.tip.hash.toString('hex'),
treeRoot: this.chain.tip.treeRoot.toString('hex'),
treeRootHeight: treeRootHeight,
progress: this.chain.getProgress(),
indexers: {
indexTX: this.chain.options.indexTX,
indexAddress: this.chain.options.indexAddress
options: {
spv: this.chain.options.spv,
prune: this.chain.options.prune
treeCompaction: treeCompaction,
state: {
tx: this.chain.db.state.tx,
coin: this.chain.db.state.coin,
value: this.chain.db.state.value,
burned: this.chain.db.state.burned
pool: {
host: this.pool.options.host,
port: this.pool.options.port,
brontidePort: this.pool.options.brontidePort,
identitykey: brontide.getKey('base32'),
agent: this.pool.options.agent,
services: this.pool.options.services.toString(2),
outbound: this.pool.peers.outbound,
inbound: this.pool.peers.inbound,
public: pub
mempool: {
tx: totalTX,
size: size,
claims: claims,
airdrops: airdrops,
orphans: orphans
time: {
uptime: this.node.uptime(),
system: util.now(),
adjusted: this.network.now(),
offset: this.network.time.offset
memory: this.logger.memoryUsage()
// UTXO by address
this.get('/coin/address/:address', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const address = valid.str('address');
enforce(address, 'Address is required.');
enforce(!this.chain.options.spv, 'Cannot get coins in SPV mode.');
const addr = Address.fromString(address, this.network);
const coins = await this.node.getCoinsByAddress(addr);
const result = [];
for (const coin of coins)
res.json(200, result);
// UTXO by id
this.get('/coin/:hash/:index', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.bhash('hash');
const index = valid.u32('index');
enforce(hash, 'Hash is required.');
enforce(index != null, 'Index is required.');
enforce(!this.chain.options.spv, 'Cannot get coins in SPV mode.');
const coin = await this.node.getCoin(hash, index);
if (!coin) {
res.json(200, coin.getJSON(this.network));
// Bulk read UTXOs
// TODO(boymanjor): Deprecate this endpoint
// once the equivalent functionality is included
// in the wallet API.
this.post('/coin/address', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const addresses = valid.array('addresses');
enforce(addresses, 'Addresses is required.');
enforce(!this.chain.options.spv, 'Cannot get coins in SPV mode.');
this.logger.warning('%s %s %s',
'Warning: endpoint being considered for deprecation.',
'Known to cause CPU exhaustion if too many addresses',
'are queried or too many results are found.');
const addrs = [];
for (const address of addresses) {
addrs.push(Address.fromString(address, this.network));
const coins = await this.node.getCoinsByAddress(addrs);
const result = [];
for (const coin of coins)
res.json(200, result);
// TX by hash
this.get('/tx/:hash', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.bhash('hash');
enforce(hash, 'Hash is required.');
enforce(!this.chain.options.spv, 'Cannot get TX in SPV mode.');
const meta = await this.node.getMeta(hash);
if (!meta) {
const view = await this.node.getMetaView(meta);
res.json(200, meta.getJSON(this.network, view, this.chain.height));
// TX by address
this.get('/tx/address/:address', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const address = valid.str('address');
enforce(address, 'Address is required.');
enforce(!this.chain.options.spv, 'Cannot get TX in SPV mode.');
const addr = Address.fromString(address, this.network);
const metas = await this.node.getMetaByAddress(addr);
const result = [];
for (const meta of metas) {
const view = await this.node.getMetaView(meta);
result.push(meta.getJSON(this.network, view, this.chain.height));
res.json(200, result);
// Bulk read TXs
// TODO(boymanjor): Deprecate this endpoint
// once the equivalent functionality is included
// in the wallet API.
this.post('/tx/address', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const addresses = valid.array('addresses');
enforce(addresses, 'Addresses is required.');
enforce(!this.chain.options.spv, 'Cannot get TX in SPV mode.');
this.logger.warning('%s %s %s',
'Warning: endpoint being considered for deprecation.',
'Known to cause CPU exhaustion if too many addresses',
'are queried or too many results are found.');
const addrs = [];
for (const address of addresses) {
addrs.push(Address.fromString(address, this.network));
const metas = await this.node.getMetaByAddress(addrs);
const result = [];
for (const meta of metas) {
const view = await this.node.getMetaView(meta);
result.push(meta.getJSON(this.network, view, this.chain.height));
res.json(200, result);
// Block by hash/height
this.get('/block/:block', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.uintbhash('block');
enforce(hash != null, 'Hash or height required.');
enforce(!this.chain.options.spv, 'Cannot get block in SPV mode.');
const block = await this.chain.getBlock(hash);
if (!block) {
const view = await this.chain.getBlockView(block);
if (!view) {
const height = await this.chain.getHeight(hash);
const depth = this.chain.height - height + 1;
res.json(200, block.getJSON(this.network, view, height, depth));
// Block Header by hash/height
this.get('/header/:block', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.uintbhash('block');
enforce(hash != null, 'Hash or height required.');
const entry = await this.chain.getEntry(hash);
if (!entry) {
res.json(200, entry.toJSON());
// Mempool snapshot
this.get('/mempool', async (req, res) => {
enforce(this.mempool, 'No mempool available.');
const hashes = this.mempool.getSnapshot();
const result = [];
for (const hash of hashes)
res.json(200, result);
// Mempool Rejection Filter
this.get('/mempool/invalid', async (req, res) => {
enforce(this.mempool, 'No mempool available.');
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const verbose = valid.bool('verbose', false);
const rejects = this.mempool.rejects;
res.json(200, {
items: rejects.items,
filter: verbose ? rejects.filter.toString('hex') : undefined,
size: rejects.size,
entries: rejects.entries,
n: rejects.n,
limit: rejects.limit,
tweak: rejects.tweak
// Mempool Rejection Test
this.get('/mempool/invalid/:hash', async (req, res) => {
enforce(this.mempool, 'No mempool available.');
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.bhash('hash');
enforce(hash, 'Must pass hash.');
const invalid = this.mempool.rejects.test(hash, 'hex');
res.json(200, { invalid });
// Broadcast TX
this.post('/broadcast', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const raw = valid.buf('tx');
enforce(raw, 'TX is required.');
const tx = TX.decode(raw);
await this.node.sendTX(tx);
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Broadcast Claim
this.post('/claim', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const raw = valid.buf('claim');
enforce(raw, 'Claim is required.');
const claim = Claim.decode(raw);
await this.node.sendClaim(claim);
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Estimate fee
this.get('/fee', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const blocks = valid.u32('blocks');
if (!this.fees) {
res.json(200, { rate: this.network.feeRate });
const fee = this.fees.estimateFee(blocks);
res.json(200, { rate: fee });
// Reset chain
this.post('/reset', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const height = valid.u32('height');
enforce(height != null, 'Height is required.');
enforce(height <= this.chain.height,
'Height cannot be greater than chain tip.');
await this.chain.reset(height);
res.json(200, { success: true });
* Handle new websocket.
* @private
* @param {WebSocket} socket
handleSocket(socket) {
socket.hook('auth', (...args) => {
if (socket.channel('auth'))
throw new Error('Already authed.');
if (!this.options.noAuth) {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const key = valid.str(0, '');
if (key.length > 255)
throw new Error('Invalid API key.');
const data = Buffer.from(key, 'ascii');
const hash = sha256.digest(data);
if (!safeEqual(hash, this.options.apiHash))
throw new Error('Invalid API key.');
this.logger.info('Successful auth from %s.', socket.host);
return null;
socket.fire('version', {
version: pkg.version,
network: this.network.type
* Handle new auth'd websocket.
* @private
* @param {WebSocket} socket
handleAuth(socket) {
socket.hook('watch chain', () => {
return null;
socket.hook('unwatch chain', () => {
return null;
socket.hook('watch mempool', () => {
return null;
socket.hook('unwatch mempool', () => {
return null;
socket.hook('set filter', (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const data = valid.buf(0);
if (!data)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
socket.filter = BloomFilter.decode(data);
return null;
socket.hook('get tip', () => {
return this.chain.tip.encode();
socket.hook('get entry', async (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const block = valid.uintbhash(0);
if (block == null)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
const entry = await this.chain.getEntry(block);
if (!entry)
return null;
if (!await this.chain.isMainChain(entry))
return null;
return entry.encode();
socket.hook('get median time', async (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const block = valid.uintbhash(0);
if (block == null)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
const entry = await this.chain.getEntry(block);
if (!entry)
return null;
const mtp = await this.chain.getMedianTime(entry);
return mtp;
socket.hook('get hashes', async (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const start = valid.i32(0, -1);
const end = valid.i32(1, -1);
return this.chain.getHashes(start, end);
socket.hook('get entries', async (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const start = valid.i32(0, -1);
const end = valid.i32(1, -1);
const entries = await this.chain.getEntries(start, end);
return entries.map(entry => entry.encode());
socket.hook('add filter', (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const chunks = valid.array(0);
if (!chunks)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
if (!socket.filter)
throw new Error('No filter set.');
const items = new Validator(chunks);
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
const data = items.buf(i);
if (!data)
throw new Error('Bad data chunk.');
if (this.node.spv)
return null;
socket.hook('reset filter', () => {
socket.filter = null;
return null;
socket.hook('estimate fee', (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const blocks = valid.u32(0);
if (!this.fees)
return this.network.feeRate;
return this.fees.estimateFee(blocks);
socket.hook('send', (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const data = valid.buf(0);
if (!data)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
const tx = TX.decode(data);
return null;
socket.hook('send claim', (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const data = valid.buf(0);
if (!data)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
const claim = Claim.decode(data);
return null;
socket.hook('get name', async (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const nameHash = valid.bhash(0);
if (!nameHash)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
const ns = await this.node.getNameStatus(nameHash);
return ns.getJSON(this.chain.height + 1, this.network);
socket.hook('rescan', (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const start = valid.uintbhash(0);
if (start == null)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
return this.scan(socket, start);
socket.hook('rescan interactive', (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const start = valid.uintbhash(0);
const rawFilter = valid.buf(1);
const fullLock = valid.bool(2, false);
let filter = socket.filter;
if (start == null)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
if (rawFilter)
filter = BloomFilter.fromRaw(rawFilter);
return this.scanInteractive(socket, start, filter, fullLock);
* Bind to chain events.
* @private
initSockets() {
const pool = this.mempool || this.pool;
this.chain.on('connect', (entry, block, view) => {
const sockets = this.channel('chain');
if (!sockets)
const raw = entry.encode();
this.to('chain', 'chain connect', raw);
for (const socket of sockets) {
const txs = this.filterBlock(socket, block);
socket.fire('block connect', raw, txs);
this.chain.on('disconnect', (entry, block, view) => {
const sockets = this.channel('chain');
if (!sockets)
const raw = entry.encode();
this.to('chain', 'chain disconnect', raw);
this.to('chain', 'block disconnect', raw);
this.chain.on('reset', (tip) => {
const sockets = this.channel('chain');
if (!sockets)
this.to('chain', 'chain reset', tip.encode());
pool.on('tx', (tx) => {
const sockets = this.channel('mempool');
if (!sockets)
const raw = tx.encode();
for (const socket of sockets) {
if (!this.filterTX(socket, tx))
socket.fire('tx', raw);
this.chain.on('tree commit', (root, entry, block) => {
const sockets = this.channel('chain');
if (!sockets)
this.to('chain', 'tree commit', root, entry, block);
* Filter block by socket.
* @private
* @param {WebSocket} socket
* @param {Block} block
* @returns {TX[]}
filterBlock(socket, block) {
if (!socket.filter)
return [];
const txs = [];
for (const tx of block.txs) {
if (this.filterTX(socket, tx))
return txs;
* Filter transaction by socket.
* @private
* @param {WebSocket} socket
* @param {TX} tx
* @returns {Boolean}
filterTX(socket, tx) {
if (!socket.filter)
return false;
return tx.testAndMaybeUpdate(socket.filter);
* Scan using a socket's filter.
* @private
* @param {WebSocket} socket
* @param {Hash} start
* @returns {Promise}
async scan(socket, start) {
await this.node.scan(start, socket.filter, (entry, txs) => {
const block = entry.encode();
const raw = [];
for (const tx of txs)
return socket.call('block rescan', block, raw);
return null;
* Scan using a socket's filter (interactive).
* @param {WebSocket} socket
* @param {Hash} start
* @param {BloomFilter} filter
* @param {Boolean} [fullLock=false]
* @returns {Promise}
async scanInteractive(socket, start, filter, fullLock = false) {
const iter = async (entry, txs) => {
const block = entry.encode();
const raw = [];
for (const tx of txs)
const action = await socket.call('block rescan interactive', block, raw);
const valid = new Validator(action);
const actionType = valid.i32('type');
switch (actionType) {
case scanActions.NEXT:
case scanActions.ABORT:
case scanActions.REPEAT: {
return {
type: actionType
case scanActions.REPEAT_SET: {
// NOTE: This is operation is on the heavier side,
// because it sends the whole Filter that can be quite
// big depending on the situation.
// NOTE: In HTTP Context REPEAT_SET wont modify socket.filter
// but instead setup new one for the rescan. Further REPEAT_ADDs will
// modify this filter instead of the socket.filter.
const rawFilter = valid.buf('filter');
let filter = null;
if (rawFilter != null)
filter = BloomFilter.fromRaw(rawFilter);
return {
type: scanActions.REPEAT_SET,
filter: filter
case scanActions.REPEAT_ADD: {
// NOTE: This operation depending on the filter
// that was provided can be either modifying the
// socket.filter or the filter provided by REPEAT_SET.
const chunks = valid.array('chunks');
if (!chunks)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
return {
type: scanActions.REPEAT_ADD,
chunks: chunks
throw new Error('Unknown action.');
try {
await this.node.scanInteractive(start, filter, iter, fullLock);
} catch (err) {
await socket.call('block rescan interactive abort', err.message);
throw err;
class HTTPOptions {
* HTTPOptions
* @alias module:http.HTTPOptions
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options
constructor(options) {
this.network = Network.primary;
this.logger = null;
this.node = null;
this.apiKey = base58.encode(random.randomBytes(20));
this.apiHash = sha256.digest(Buffer.from(this.apiKey, 'ascii'));
this.noAuth = false;
this.cors = false;
this.prefix = null;
this.host = '';
this.port = 8080;
this.ssl = false;
this.keyFile = null;
this.certFile = null;
* Inject properties from object.
* @private
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {HTTPOptions}
fromOptions(options) {
assert(options.node && typeof options.node === 'object',
'HTTP Server requires a Node.');
this.node = options.node;
this.network = options.node.network;
this.logger = options.node.logger;
this.port = this.network.rpcPort;
if (options.logger != null) {
assert(typeof options.logger === 'object');
this.logger = options.logger;
if (options.apiKey != null) {
assert(typeof options.apiKey === 'string',
'API key must be a string.');
assert(options.apiKey.length <= 255,
'API key must be under 256 bytes.');
this.apiKey = options.apiKey;
this.apiHash = sha256.digest(Buffer.from(this.apiKey, 'ascii'));
if (options.noAuth != null) {
assert(typeof options.noAuth === 'boolean');
this.noAuth = options.noAuth;
if (options.cors != null) {
assert(typeof options.cors === 'boolean');
this.cors = options.cors;
if (options.prefix != null) {
assert(typeof options.prefix === 'string');
this.prefix = options.prefix;
this.keyFile = path.join(this.prefix, 'key.pem');
this.certFile = path.join(this.prefix, 'cert.pem');
if (options.host != null) {
assert(typeof options.host === 'string');
this.host = options.host;
if (options.port != null) {
assert((options.port & 0xffff) === options.port,
'Port must be a number.');
this.port = options.port;
if (options.ssl != null) {
assert(typeof options.ssl === 'boolean');
this.ssl = options.ssl;
if (options.keyFile != null) {
assert(typeof options.keyFile === 'string');
this.keyFile = options.keyFile;
if (options.certFile != null) {
assert(typeof options.certFile === 'string');
this.certFile = options.certFile;
// Allow no-auth implicitly
// if we're listening locally.
if (!options.apiKey) {
if ( this.host === ''
|| this.host === '::1'
|| this.host === 'localhost')
this.noAuth = true;
return this;
* Instantiate http options from object.
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {HTTPOptions}
static fromOptions(options) {
return new HTTPOptions().fromOptions(options);
* Helpers
function enforce(value, msg) {
if (!value) {
const err = new Error(msg);
err.statusCode = 400;
throw err;
* Expose
module.exports = HTTP;