Source: node/rpc.js

 * rpc.js - bitcoind-compatible json rpc for hsd.
 * Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).

'use strict';

const assert = require('bsert');
const bweb = require('bweb');
const {Lock} = require('bmutex');
const IP = require('binet');
const Validator = require('bval');
const {BufferMap, BufferSet} = require('buffer-map');
const blake2b = require('bcrypto/lib/blake2b');
const {safeEqual} = require('bcrypto/lib/safe');
const secp256k1 = require('bcrypto/lib/secp256k1');
const util = require('../utils/util');
const common = require('../blockchain/common');
const Amount = require('../ui/amount');
const NetAddress = require('../net/netaddress');
const Script = require('../script/script');
const Address = require('../primitives/address');
const Block = require('../primitives/block');
const Input = require('../primitives/input');
const KeyRing = require('../primitives/keyring');
const MerkleBlock = require('../primitives/merkleblock');
const Headers = require('../primitives/headers');
const MTX = require('../primitives/mtx');
const Network = require('../protocol/network');
const Outpoint = require('../primitives/outpoint');
const Output = require('../primitives/output');
const TX = require('../primitives/tx');
const Claim = require('../primitives/claim');
const consensus = require('../protocol/consensus');
const pkg = require('../pkg');
const rules = require('../covenants/rules');
const {Resource} = require('../dns/resource');
const NameState = require('../covenants/namestate');
const {ownership} = require('../covenants/ownership');
const AirdropProof = require('../primitives/airdropproof');
const {EXP} = consensus;
const RPCBase = bweb.RPC;
const RPCError = bweb.RPCError;

 * Constants

const errs = {
  // Standard JSON-RPC 2.0 errors

  // General application defined errors
  IN_WARMUP: -28,

  // P2P client errors

const MAGIC_STRING = `${pkg.currency} signed message:\n`;

 * Handshake RPC
 * @alias module:http.RPC
 * @extends bweb.RPC

class RPC extends RPCBase {
   * Create RPC.
   * @param {Node} node

  constructor(node) {

    assert(node, 'RPC requires a Node.');

    this.node = node; =;
    this.workers = node.workers;
    this.chain = node.chain;
    this.mempool = node.mempool;
    this.pool = node.pool;
    this.fees = node.fees;
    this.miner = node.miner;
    this.logger = node.logger.context('node-rpc'); = new Lock();

    this.mining = false;
    this.procLimit = 0;
    this.attempt = null;
    this.lastActivity = 0;
    this.boundChain = false;
    this.mask = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x00);
    this.merkleMap = new BufferMap();
    this.merkleList = [];
    this.pollers = [];


  getCode(err) {
    switch (err.type) {
      case 'RPCError':
        return err.code;
      case 'ValidationError':
        return errs.TYPE_ERROR;
      case 'EncodingError':
        return errs.DESERIALIZATION_ERROR;
        return errs.INTERNAL_ERROR;

  handleCall(cmd, query) {
    if (cmd.method !== 'getwork'
        && cmd.method !== 'getblocktemplate'
        && cmd.method !== 'getbestblockhash') {
      this.logger.debug('Handling RPC call: %s.', cmd.method);

      if (cmd.method !== 'submitblock')

    if (cmd.method === 'getwork') {
      if (query.longpoll)
        cmd.method = 'getworklp';

  handleError(err) {
    this.logger.error('RPC internal error.');

  init() {
    this.add('stop', this.stop);

    this.add('getblockchaininfo', this.getBlockchainInfo);
    this.add('getbestblockhash', this.getBestBlockHash);
    this.add('getblockcount', this.getBlockCount);
    this.add('getblock', this.getBlock);
    this.add('getblockbyheight', this.getBlockByHeight);
    this.add('getblockhash', this.getBlockHash);
    this.add('getblockheader', this.getBlockHeader);
    this.add('getchaintips', this.getChainTips);
    this.add('getdifficulty', this.getDifficulty);
    this.add('getmempoolancestors', this.getMempoolAncestors);
    this.add('getmempooldescendants', this.getMempoolDescendants);
    this.add('getmempoolentry', this.getMempoolEntry);
    this.add('getmempoolinfo', this.getMempoolInfo);
    this.add('getrawmempool', this.getRawMempool);
    this.add('gettxout', this.getTXOut);
    this.add('gettxoutsetinfo', this.getTXOutSetInfo);
    this.add('pruneblockchain', this.pruneBlockchain);
    this.add('compacttree', this.compactTree);
    this.add('reconstructtree', this.reconstructTree);
    this.add('verifychain', this.verifyChain);

    this.add('invalidateblock', this.invalidateBlock);
    this.add('reconsiderblock', this.reconsiderBlock);

    this.add('getnetworkhashps', this.getNetworkHashPS);
    this.add('getmininginfo', this.getMiningInfo);
    this.add('prioritisetransaction', this.prioritiseTransaction);
    this.add('getwork', this.getWork);
    this.add('getworklp', this.getWorkLongpoll);
    this.add('submitwork', this.submitWork);
    this.add('getblocktemplate', this.getBlockTemplate);
    this.add('submitblock', this.submitBlock);
    this.add('verifyblock', this.verifyBlock);

    this.add('setgenerate', this.setGenerate);
    this.add('getgenerate', this.getGenerate);
    this.add('generate', this.generate);
    this.add('generatetoaddress', this.generateToAddress);

    this.add('estimatefee', this.estimateFee);
    this.add('estimatepriority', this.estimatePriority);
    this.add('estimatesmartfee', this.estimateSmartFee);
    this.add('estimatesmartpriority', this.estimateSmartPriority);

    this.add('getinfo', this.getInfo);
    this.add('validateaddress', this.validateAddress);
    this.add('createmultisig', this.createMultisig);
    this.add('verifymessage', this.verifyMessage);
    this.add('verifymessagewithname', this.verifyMessageWithName);
    this.add('signmessagewithprivkey', this.signMessageWithPrivkey);

    this.add('setmocktime', this.setMockTime);

    this.add('getconnectioncount', this.getConnectionCount);
    this.add('getpeerinfo', this.getPeerInfo);
    this.add('addnode', this.addNode);
    this.add('disconnectnode', this.disconnectNode);
    this.add('getaddednodeinfo', this.getAddedNodeInfo);
    this.add('getnettotals', this.getNetTotals);
    this.add('getnetworkinfo', this.getNetworkInfo);
    this.add('setban', this.setBan);
    this.add('listbanned', this.listBanned);
    this.add('clearbanned', this.clearBanned);

    this.add('getrawtransaction', this.getRawTransaction);
    this.add('createrawtransaction', this.createRawTransaction);
    this.add('decoderawtransaction', this.decodeRawTransaction);
    this.add('decodescript', this.decodeScript);
    this.add('decoderesource', this.decodeResource);
    this.add('sendrawtransaction', this.sendRawTransaction);
    this.add('signrawtransaction', this.signRawTransaction);

    this.add('gettxoutproof', this.getTXOutProof);
    this.add('verifytxoutproof', this.verifyTXOutProof);

    this.add('getmemoryinfo', this.getMemoryInfo);
    this.add('setloglevel', this.setLogLevel);
    this.add('getnames', this.getNames);
    this.add('getnameinfo', this.getNameInfo);
    this.add('getnameresource', this.getNameResource);
    this.add('getnameproof', this.getNameProof);
    this.add('getdnssecproof', this.getDNSSECProof);
    this.add('getnamebyhash', this.getNameByHash);
    this.add('grindname', this.grindName);
    this.add('sendrawclaim', this.sendRawClaim);
    this.add('sendrawairdrop', this.sendRawAirdrop);
    this.add('validateresource', this.validateResource);

    this.add('resetrootcache', this.resetRootCache);

    // Compat
    // this.add('getnameinfo', this.getNameInfo);
    // this.add('getnameresource', this.getNameResource);
    // this.add('getnameproof', this.getNameProof);

   * Overall control/query calls

  async getInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getinfo');

    return {
      version: pkg.version,
      protocolversion: this.pool.options.version,
      walletversion: 0,
      balance: 0,
      blocks: this.chain.height,
      connections: this.pool.peers.size(),
      proxy: '',
      difficulty: toDifficulty(this.chain.tip.bits),
      testnet: !== Network.main,
      keypoololdest: 0,
      keypoolsize: 0,
      unlocked_until: 0,
      paytxfee: Amount.coin(, true),
      relayfee: Amount.coin(, true),
      errors: ''

  async help(args, _help) {
    if (args.length === 0)
      return 'Select a command.';

    const json = {
      method: args[0],
      params: []

    return this.execute(json, true);

  async stop(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'stop');

    this.node.close().catch((err) => {
      setImmediate(() => {
        throw err;

    return 'Stopping.';

   * P2P networking

  async getNetworkInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getnetworkinfo');

    const hosts = this.pool.hosts;
    const locals = [];

    for (const local of hosts.local.values()) {
        port: local.addr.port,
        score: local.score

    return {
      version: pkg.version,
      subversion: this.pool.options.agent,
      protocolversion: this.pool.options.version,
      identitykey: this.pool.hosts.brontide.getKey('base32'),
      localservices: util.hex32(,
      localservicenames: this.pool.getServiceNames(),
      localrelay: !this.pool.options.noRelay,
      networkactive: this.pool.connected,
      connections: this.pool.peers.size(),
      networks: [],
      relayfee: Amount.coin(, true),
      incrementalfee: 0,
      localaddresses: locals,
      warnings: ''

  async addNode(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'addnode "node" "add|remove|onetry"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const node = valid.str(0, '');
    const cmd = valid.str(1, '');

    switch (cmd) {
      case 'add': {
        ; // fall through
      case 'onetry': {
        const addr = parseNetAddress(node,;

        if (!this.pool.peers.get(addr.hostname)) {
          const peer = this.pool.createOutbound(addr);

      case 'remove': {

    return null;

  async disconnectNode(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'disconnectnode "node"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const str = valid.str(0, '');

    const addr = parseIP(str,;
    const peer = this.pool.peers.get(addr.hostname);

    if (peer)

    return null;

  async getAddedNodeInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length > 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getaddednodeinfo ( "node" )');

    const hosts = this.pool.hosts;
    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const addr = valid.str(0, '');

    let target;
    if (args.length === 1)
      target = parseIP(addr,;

    const result = [];

    for (const node of hosts.nodes) {
      if (target) {
        if ( !==

        if (node.port !== target.port)

      const peer = this.pool.peers.get(node.hostname);

      if (!peer || !peer.connected) {
          addednode: node.hostname,
          connected: false,
          addresses: []

        addednode: node.hostname,
        connected: peer.connected,
        addresses: [
            address: peer.hostname(),
            connected: peer.outbound
              ? 'outbound'
              : 'inbound'

    if (target && result.length === 0) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.CLIENT_NODE_NOT_ADDED,
        'Node has not been added.');

    return result;

  async getConnectionCount(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getconnectioncount');

    return this.pool.peers.size();

  async getNetTotals(args, help) {
    let sent = 0;
    let recv = 0;

    if (help || args.length > 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getnettotals');

    for (let peer = this.pool.peers.head(); peer; peer = {
      sent += peer.socket.bytesWritten;
      recv += peer.socket.bytesRead;

    return {
      totalbytesrecv: recv,
      totalbytessent: sent,

  async getPeerInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length > 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getpeerinfo ( "type" )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const type = valid.str(0);
    const peers = [];

    for (let peer = this.pool.peers.head(); peer; peer = {
      if (!peer.connected)

      if (type && peer.outbound !== (type === 'outbound'))

      const offset = || 0;
      const hashes = [];

      for (const hash in peer.blockMap.keys())


        addr: peer.hostname(),
        addrlocal: !peer.local.isNull()
          ? peer.local.hostname
          : undefined,
        name: || undefined,
        services: util.hex32(,
        servicenames: peer.getServiceNames(),
        relaytxes: !peer.noRelay,
        lastsend: peer.lastSend / 1000 | 0,
        lastrecv: peer.lastRecv / 1000 | 0,
        bytessent: peer.socket.bytesWritten,
        bytesrecv: peer.socket.bytesRead,
        conntime: peer.time !== 0 ? ( - peer.time) / 1000 | 0 : 0,
        timeoffset: offset,
        pingtime: peer.lastPong !== -1
          ? (peer.lastPong - peer.lastPing) / 1000
          : -1,
        minping: peer.minPing !== -1 ? peer.minPing / 1000 : -1,
        version: peer.version,
        subver: peer.agent,
        inbound: !peer.outbound,
        startingheight: peer.height,
        besthash: peer.bestHash.toString('hex'),
        bestheight: peer.bestHeight,
        banscore: peer.banScore,
        inflight: hashes,
        whitelisted: false

    return peers;

  async ping(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'ping');

    for (let peer = this.pool.peers.head(); peer; peer =

    return null;

  async setBan(args, help) {
    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const str = valid.str(0, '');
    const action = valid.str(1, '');

    if (help
        || args.length < 2
        || (action !== 'add' && action !== 'remove')) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'setban "ip(/netmask)" "add|remove" (bantime) (absolute)');

    const addr = parseNetAddress(str,;

    switch (action) {
      case 'add':
      case 'remove':

    return null;

  async listBanned(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'listbanned');

    const banned = [];

    for (const [host, time] of this.pool.hosts.banned) {
        address: host,
        banned_until: time + this.pool.options.banTime,
        ban_created: time,
        ban_reason: ''

    return banned;

  async clearBanned(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'clearbanned');


    return null;

  /* Block chain and UTXO */
  async getBlockchainInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getblockchaininfo');

    return {
      chain: !== 'testnet'
        : 'test',
      blocks: this.chain.height,
      headers: this.chain.height,
      bestblockhash: this.chain.tip.hash.toString('hex'),
      treeroot: this.chain.tip.treeRoot.toString('hex'),
      difficulty: toDifficulty(this.chain.tip.bits),
      mediantime: await this.chain.getMedianTime(this.chain.tip),
      verificationprogress: this.chain.getProgress(),
      chainwork: this.chain.tip.chainwork.toString('hex', 64),
      pruned: this.chain.options.prune,
      softforks: await this.getSoftforks(),
      deflationary: this.chain.height >=,
      pruneheight: this.chain.options.prune
        ? Math.max(0, this.chain.height -
        : null

  async getBestBlockHash(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getbestblockhash');

    return this.chain.tip.hash.toString('hex');

  async getBlockCount(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getblockcount');

    return this.chain.tip.height;

  async getBlock(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 3)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getblock "hash" ( verbose )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);
    const verbose = valid.bool(1, true);
    const details = valid.bool(2, false);

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid block hash.');

    const entry = await this.chain.getEntry(hash);

    if (!entry)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Block not found');

    const block = await this.chain.getBlock(entry.hash);

    if (!block) {
      if (this.chain.options.spv)
        throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Block not available (spv mode)');

      if (this.chain.options.prune) {
        throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
          'Block not available (pruned data)');

      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Can\'t read block from disk');

    if (!verbose)
      return block.toHex();

    return this.blockToJSON(entry, block, details);

  async getBlockByHeight(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 3) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'getblockbyheight "height" ( verbose )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const height = valid.u32(0, -1);
    const verbose = valid.bool(1, true);
    const details = valid.bool(2, false);

    if (height === -1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid block height.');

    const entry = await this.chain.getEntry(height);

    if (!entry)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Block not found');

    const block = await this.chain.getBlock(entry.hash);

    if (!block) {
      if (this.chain.options.spv)
        throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Block not available (spv mode)');

      if (this.chain.options.prune) {
        throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
          'Block not available (pruned data)');

      throw new RPCError(errs.DATABASE_ERROR, 'Can\'t read block from disk');

    if (!verbose)
      return block.toHex();

    return this.blockToJSON(entry, block, details);

  async getBlockHash(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getblockhash index');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const height = valid.u32(0);

    if (height == null || height > this.chain.height)
      throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Block height out of range.');

    const hash = await this.chain.getHash(height);

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Not found.');

    return hash.toString('hex');

  async getBlockHeader(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getblockheader "hash" ( verbose )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);
    const verbose = valid.bool(1, true);

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Invalid block hash.');

    const entry = await this.chain.getEntry(hash);

    if (!entry)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Block not found');

    if (!verbose)
      return entry.encode().toString('hex', 36, 36 + consensus.HEADER_SIZE);

    return this.headerToJSON(entry);

  async getChainTips(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getchaintips');

    const tips = await this.chain.getTips();
    const result = [];

    for (const hash of tips) {
      const entry = await this.chain.getEntry(hash);


      const fork = await this.findFork(entry);
      const main = await this.chain.isMainChain(entry);

        height: entry.height,
        hash: entry.hash.toString('hex'),
        branchlen: entry.height - fork.height,
        status: main ? 'active' : 'valid-headers'

    return result;

  async getDifficulty(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getdifficulty');

    return toDifficulty(this.chain.tip.bits);

  async getMempoolInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getmempoolinfo');

    if (!this.mempool)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'No mempool available.');

    return {
      bytes: this.mempool.getSize(),
      usage: this.mempool.getSize(),
      maxmempool: this.mempool.options.maxSize,
      mempoolminfee: Amount.coin(this.mempool.options.minRelay, true)

  async getMempoolAncestors(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getmempoolancestors txid (verbose)');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);
    const verbose = valid.bool(1, false);

    if (!this.mempool)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'No mempool available.');

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid TXID.');

    const entry = this.mempool.getEntry(hash);

    if (!entry)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Transaction not in mempool.');

    const entries = this.mempool.getAncestors(entry);
    const out = [];

    if (verbose) {
      for (const entry of entries)
    } else {
      for (const entry of entries)

    return out;

  async getMempoolDescendants(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'getmempooldescendants txid (verbose)');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);
    const verbose = valid.bool(1, false);

    if (!this.mempool)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'No mempool available.');

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid TXID.');

    const entry = this.mempool.getEntry(hash);

    if (!entry)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Transaction not in mempool.');

    const entries = this.mempool.getDescendants(entry);
    const out = [];

    if (verbose) {
      for (const entry of entries)
    } else {
      for (const entry of entries)

    return out;

  async getMempoolEntry(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getmempoolentry txid');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);

    if (!this.mempool)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'No mempool available.');

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid TXID.');

    const entry = this.mempool.getEntry(hash);

    if (!entry)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Transaction not in mempool.');

    return this.entryToJSON(entry);

  async getRawMempool(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length > 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getrawmempool ( verbose )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const verbose = valid.bool(0, false);

    if (!this.mempool)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'No mempool available.');

    if (verbose) {
      const out = Object.create(null);

      for (const entry of
        out[entry.txid()] = this.entryToJSON(entry);

      return out;

    const hashes = this.mempool.getSnapshot();

    return => hash.toString('hex'));

  async getTXOut(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'gettxout "txid" n ( includemempool )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);
    const index = valid.u32(1);
    const mempool = valid.bool(2, true);

    if (this.chain.options.spv)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot get coins in SPV mode.');

    if (this.chain.options.prune)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot get coins when pruned.');

    if (!hash || index == null)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid outpoint.');

    let coin;
    if (mempool) {
      if (!this.mempool)
        throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'No mempool available.');
      coin = this.mempool.getCoin(hash, index);

    if (!coin)
      coin = await this.chain.getCoin(hash, index);

    if (!coin)
      return null;

    return {
      bestblock: this.chain.tip.hash.toString('hex'),
      confirmations: coin.getDepth(this.chain.height),
      value: Amount.coin(coin.value, true),
      address: this.addrToJSON(coin.address),
      version: coin.version,
      coinbase: coin.coinbase

  async getTXOutProof(args, help) {
    if (help || (args.length !== 1 && args.length !== 2)) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'gettxoutproof ["txid",...] ( blockhash )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const txids = valid.array(0);
    const hash = valid.bhash(1);

    if (this.chain.options.spv)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot get coins in SPV mode.');

    if (this.chain.options.prune)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot get coins when pruned.');

    if (!txids || txids.length === 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid TXIDs.');

    const items = new Validator(txids);
    const set = new BufferSet();
    const hashes = [];

    let last = null;

    for (let i = 0; i < txids.length; i++) {
      const hash = items.bhash(i);

      if (!hash)
        throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid TXID.');

      if (set.has(hash))
        throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Duplicate txid.');


      last = hash;

    let block = null;

    if (hash) {
      block = await this.chain.getBlock(hash);
    } else if (this.chain.options.indexTX) {
      const tx = await this.chain.getMeta(last);
      if (tx)
        block = await this.chain.getBlock(tx.block);
    } else {
      const coin = await this.chain.getCoin(last, 0);
      if (coin)
        block = await this.chain.getBlock(coin.height);

    if (!block)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Block not found.');

    const whashes = [];

    for (const hash of hashes) {
      const index = block.indexOf(hash);

      if (index === -1) {
        throw new RPCError(errs.VERIFY_ERROR,
          'Block does not contain all txids.');

      const tx = block.txs[index];


    const mblock = MerkleBlock.fromHashes(block, whashes);

    return mblock.toHex();

  async verifyTXOutProof(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'verifytxoutproof "proof"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0);

    if (!data)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid hex string.');

    const block = MerkleBlock.decode(data);

    if (!block.verify())
      return [];

    const entry = await this.chain.getEntry(block.hash());

    if (!entry)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Block not found in chain.');

    const tree = block.getTree();
    const out = [];

    for (const hash of tree.matches)

    return out;

  async getTXOutSetInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'gettxoutsetinfo');

    if (this.chain.options.spv) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'Chainstate not available (SPV mode).');

    return {
      height: this.chain.height,
      bestblock: this.chain.tip.hash.toString('hex'),
      transactions: this.chain.db.state.tx,
      txouts: this.chain.db.state.coin,
      bytes_serialized: 0,
      hash_serialized: 0,
      total_amount: Amount.coin(this.chain.db.state.value, true),
      total_burned: Amount.coin(this.chain.db.state.burned, true)

  async pruneBlockchain(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'pruneblockchain');

    if (this.chain.options.spv)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot prune chain in SPV mode.');

    if (this.chain.options.prune)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Chain is already pruned.');

    if (this.chain.height <
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Chain is too short for pruning.');

    try {
      await this.chain.prune();
    } catch (e) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.DATABASE_ERROR, e.message);

    async compactTree(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'compacttree');

    if (this.chain.options.spv)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot compact tree in SPV mode.');

    try {
      await this.chain.compactTree();
    } catch (e) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.DATABASE_ERROR, e.message);

  async reconstructTree(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'reconstructtree');

    if (this.chain.options.spv) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'Cannot reconstruct tree in SPV mode.');

    if (this.chain.options.prune) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'Cannot reconstruct tree in pruned node.');

    try {
      await this.chain.reconstructTree();
    } catch (e) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.DATABASE_ERROR, e.message);

  async verifyChain(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length > 2) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'verifychain ( checklevel numblocks )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const level = valid.u32(0);
    const blocks = valid.u32(1);

    if (level == null || blocks == null)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Missing parameters.');

    if (this.chain.options.spv)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot verify chain in SPV mode.');

    if (this.chain.options.prune)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot verify chain when pruned.');

    return null;

   * Mining

  async handleWork(data, mask) {
    const unlock = await;
    try {
      return await this._handleWork(data, mask);
    } finally {

  async _handleWork(data, mask) {
    if (data.length !== 256)
      return [false, 'invalid-data-length'];

    const hdr = Headers.fromMiner(data);
    const maskHash = blake2b.multi(hdr.prevBlock, mask);

    if (!hdr.maskHash().equals(maskHash))
      return [false, 'bad-maskhash'];

    const attempt = this.merkleMap.get(hdr.witnessRoot);

    if (!attempt)
      return [false, 'stale'];

    if (!hdr.prevBlock.equals(attempt.prevBlock)
        || hdr.bits !== attempt.bits) {
      return [false, 'stale'];

    const {nonce, time, extraNonce} = hdr;
    const proof = attempt.getProof(nonce, time, extraNonce, mask);

    if (!proof.verify(,
      return [false, 'bad-diffbits'];

    const block = attempt.commit(proof);

    let entry;
    try {
      entry = await this.chain.add(block);
    } catch (err) {
      if (err.type === 'VerifyError') {
        this.logger.warning('RPC block rejected: %x (%s).',
          block.hash(), err.reason);
        return [false, err.reason];
      throw err;

    if (!entry) {
      this.logger.warning('RPC block rejected: %x (bad-prevblk).',
      return [false, 'bad-prevblk'];

    return [true, 'valid'];

  async createWork() {
    const unlock = await;
    try {
      return await this._createWork();
    } finally {

  async _createWork() {
    const attempt = await this.updateWork();
    const time = attempt.time;
    const nonce = consensus.ZERO_NONCE;
    const mask = consensus.ZERO_HASH;
    const data = attempt.getHeader(0, time, nonce, mask);

    return {
      data: data.toString('hex'),
      height: attempt.height,
      fee: attempt.fees

  async getWorkLongpoll(args, help) {
    await this.longpoll();
    return this.createWork();

  async getWork(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getwork');

    return this.createWork();

  async submitWork(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'submitwork ( "data" "mask" )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0);

    if (!data)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid work data.');

    let mask = consensus.ZERO_HASH;

    if (args.length === 2) {
      mask = valid.bhash(1);

      if (!mask)
        throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid mask.');

    return this.handleWork(data, mask);

  async submitBlock(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'submitblock "hexdata" ( "jsonparametersobject" )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0);

    const block = Block.decode(data);

    return this.addBlock(block);

  async getBlockTemplate(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length > 1) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'getblocktemplate ( "jsonrequestobject" )');

    const validator = new Validator(args);
    const options = validator.obj(0, {});
    const valid = new Validator(options);
    const mode = valid.str('mode', 'template');

    if (mode !== 'template' && mode !== 'proposal')
      throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid mode.');

    if (mode === 'proposal') {
      const data = valid.buf('data');

      if (!data)
        throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Missing data parameter.');

      const block = Block.decode(data);

      if (!block.prevBlock.equals(this.chain.tip.hash))
        return 'inconclusive-not-best-prevblk';

      try {
        await this.chain.verifyBlock(block);
      } catch (e) {
        if (e.type === 'VerifyError')
          return e.reason;
        throw e;

      return null;

    let maxVersion = valid.u32('maxversion', -1);
    let rules = valid.array('rules');

    if (rules)
      maxVersion = -1;

    const capabilities = valid.array('capabilities');
    let coinbase = false;

    if (capabilities) {
      let txnCap = false;
      let valueCap = false;

      for (const capability of capabilities) {
        if (typeof capability !== 'string')
          throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid capability.');

        switch (capability) {
          case 'coinbasetxn':
            txnCap = true;
          case 'coinbasevalue':
            // Prefer value if they support it.
            valueCap = true;

      if (txnCap && !valueCap) {
        if (this.miner.addresses.length === 0) {
          throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
            'No addresses available for coinbase.');
        coinbase = true;

    if (! {
      if (this.pool.peers.size() === 0) {
        throw new RPCError(errs.CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED,
          'Node is not connected!');

      if (!this.chain.synced) {
        throw new RPCError(errs.CLIENT_IN_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD,
          'Node is downloading blocks...');

    const lpid = valid.str('longpollid');

    if (lpid)
      await this.handleLongpoll(lpid);

    if (!rules)
      rules = [];

    return this.createTemplate(maxVersion, coinbase, rules);

  async createTemplate(maxVersion, coinbase, rules) {
    const unlock = await;
    try {
      return await this._createTemplate(maxVersion, coinbase, rules);
    } finally {

  async _createTemplate(maxVersion, coinbase, rules) {
    const attempt = await this.getTemplate();
    const scale = attempt.witness ? 1 : consensus.WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR;

    // Default mutable fields.
    const mutable = ['time', 'transactions', 'prevblock'];

    // The miner doesn't support
    // versionbits. Force them to
    // encode our version.
    if (maxVersion >= 2)

    // Allow the miner to change
    // our provided coinbase.
    // Note that these are implied
    // without `coinbasetxn`.
    if (coinbase) {

    // Build an index of every transaction.
    const index = new BufferMap();
    for (let i = 0; i < attempt.items.length; i++) {
      const entry = attempt.items[i];
      index.set(entry.hash, i + 1);

    // Calculate dependencies for each transaction.
    const txs = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < attempt.items.length; i++) {
      const entry = attempt.items[i];
      const tx = entry.tx;
      const deps = [];

      for (let j = 0; j < tx.inputs.length; j++) {
        const input = tx.inputs[j];
        const dep = index.get(input.prevout.hash);

        if (dep == null)

        if (deps.indexOf(dep) === -1) {
          assert(dep < i + 1);

        data: tx.toHex(),
        txid: tx.txid(),
        hash: tx.wtxid(),
        depends: deps,
        fee: entry.fee,
        sigops: entry.sigops / scale | 0,
        weight: tx.getWeight()

    // Calculate version based on given rules.
    let version = attempt.version;

    const vbavailable = {};
    const vbrules = [];

    for (const deploy of {
      const state = await this.chain.getState(this.chain.tip, deploy);

      let name =;

      switch (state) {
        case common.thresholdStates.DEFINED:
        case common.thresholdStates.FAILED:
        case common.thresholdStates.LOCKED_IN:
          version |= 1 << deploy.bit;
        case common.thresholdStates.STARTED:
          if (!deploy.force) {
            if (rules.indexOf(name) === -1)
              version &= ~(1 << deploy.bit);
            if (deploy.required)
              name = '!' + name;
          vbavailable[name] = deploy.bit;
        case common.thresholdStates.ACTIVE:
          if (!deploy.force && deploy.required) {
            if (rules.indexOf(name) === -1) {
              throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER,
                `Client must support ${name}.`);
            name = '!' + name;
          assert(false, 'Bad state.');

    version >>>= 0;

    const json = {
      capabilities: ['proposal'],
      mutable: mutable,
      version: version,
      rules: vbrules,
      vbavailable: vbavailable,
      vbrequired: 0,
      height: attempt.height,
      previousblockhash: attempt.prevBlock.toString('hex'),
      merkleroot: undefined,
      witnessroot: undefined,
      treeroot: attempt.treeRoot.toString('hex'),
      reservedroot: attempt.reservedRoot.toString('hex'),
      mask: consensus.ZERO_HASH.toString('hex'), // Compat.
      bits: util.hex32(attempt.bits),
        Array(consensus.NONCE_SIZE + 1).join('00')
        + Array(consensus.NONCE_SIZE + 1).join('ff'),
      curtime: attempt.time,
      mintime: attempt.mtp + 1,
      maxtime: attempt.time + 7200,
      expires: attempt.time + 7200,
      sigoplimit: consensus.MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS,
      // sizelimit: consensus.MAX_RAW_BLOCK_SIZE,
      sizelimit: consensus.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE,
      weightlimit: consensus.MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT,
      longpollid: this.chain.tip.hash.toString('hex')
                  + util.hex32(this.totalTX()),
      submitold: false,
      coinbaseaux: {
        flags: attempt.coinbaseFlags.toString('hex')
      coinbasevalue: attempt.getReward(),
      coinbasetxn: undefined,
      claims: => {
        let value = claim.value;
        let fee = claim.fee;

        // Account for mining software which creates its own
        // coinbase with something other than `coinbasevalue`.
        if (attempt.height >= {
          if (claim.commitHeight !== 1) {
            value = claim.value - claim.fee;
            fee = 0;

        return {
          data: claim.blob.toString('hex'),
          namehash: claim.nameHash.toString('hex'),
          version: claim.address.version,
          hash: claim.address.hash.toString('hex'),
          value: value,
          fee: fee,
          weak: claim.weak,
          commitHash: claim.commitHash.toString('hex'),
          commitHeight: claim.commitHeight,
          weight: claim.getWeight()
      airdrops: => {
        return {
          data: airdrop.blob.toString('hex'),
          position: airdrop.position,
          version: airdrop.address.version,
          address: airdrop.address.hash.toString('hex'),
          value: airdrop.value,
          fee: airdrop.fee,
          rate: airdrop.rate,
          weak: airdrop.weak
      transactions: txs

    // The client wants a coinbasetxn
    // instead of a coinbasevalue.
    if (coinbase) {
      const tx = attempt.coinbase;

      json.merkleroot = attempt.merkleRoot.toString('hex');
      json.witnessroot = attempt.witnessRoot.toString('hex');

      json.coinbasetxn = {
        data: tx.toHex(),
        txid: tx.txid(),
        hash: tx.wtxid(),
        depends: [],
        fee: 0,
        sigops: tx.getSigops() / scale | 0,
        weight: tx.getWeight()

    return json;

  async getMiningInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getmininginfo');

    const attempt = this.attempt;

    let size = 0;
    let weight = 0;
    let txs = 0;
    let diff = 0;

    if (attempt) {
      weight = attempt.weight;
      txs = attempt.items.length + 1;
      diff = attempt.getDifficulty();
      size = 1000;
      for (const item of attempt.items)
        size += item.tx.getBaseSize();

    return {
      blocks: this.chain.height,
      currentblocksize: size,
      currentblockweight: weight,
      currentblocktx: txs,
      difficulty: diff,
      errors: '',
      genproclimit: this.procLimit,
      networkhashps: await this.getHashRate(120),
      pooledtx: this.totalTX(),
      testnet: !== Network.main,
      chain: !== 'testnet'
        : 'test',
      generate: this.mining

  async getNetworkHashPS(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getnetworkhashps ( blocks height )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const lookup = valid.u32(0, 120);
    const height = valid.u32(1);

    return this.getHashRate(lookup, height);

  async prioritiseTransaction(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 3) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'prioritisetransaction <txid> <priority delta> <fee delta>');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);
    const pri = valid.i64(1);
    const fee = valid.i64(2);

    if (!this.mempool)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'No mempool available.');

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid TXID');

    if (pri == null || fee == null)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid fee or priority.');

    const entry = this.mempool.getEntry(hash);

    if (!entry)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Transaction not in mempool.');

    this.mempool.prioritise(entry, pri, fee);

    return true;

  async verifyBlock(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'verifyblock "block-hex"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0);

    if (!data)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid block hex.');

    if (this.chain.options.spv)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot verify block in SPV mode.');

    const block = Block.decode(data);

    try {
      await this.chain.verifyBlock(block);
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.type === 'VerifyError')
        return e.reason;
      throw e;

    return null;

   * Coin generation

  async getGenerate(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getgenerate');
    return this.mining;

  async setGenerate(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'setgenerate mine ( proclimit )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const mine = valid.bool(0, false);
    const limit = valid.u32(1, 0);

    if (mine && this.miner.addresses.length === 0) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'No addresses available for coinbase.');

    this.mining = mine;
    this.procLimit = limit;

    if (mine) {
      return true;

    await this.miner.cpu.stop();

    return false;

  async generate(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'generate numblocks ( maxtries )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const blocks = valid.u32(0, 1);
    const tries = valid.u32(1);

    if (this.miner.addresses.length === 0) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'No addresses available for coinbase.');

    return this.mineBlocks(blocks, null, tries);

  async generateToAddress(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'generatetoaddress numblocks address ( maxtries )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const blocks = valid.u32(0, 1);
    const str = valid.str(1, '');
    const tries = valid.u32(2);

    const addr = parseAddress(str,;

    return this.mineBlocks(blocks, addr, tries);

   * Raw transactions

  async createRawTransaction(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        + ' [{"txid":"id","vout":n},...]'
        + ' {"address":amount,"data":"hex",...}'
        + ' ( locktime )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const inputs = valid.array(0);
    const sendTo = valid.obj(1);
    const locktime = valid.u32(2);

    if (!inputs || !sendTo) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR,
        'Invalid parameters (inputs and sendTo).');

    const tx = new MTX();

    if (locktime != null)
      tx.locktime = locktime;

    for (const obj of inputs) {
      const valid = new Validator(obj);
      const hash = valid.bhash('txid');
      const index = valid.u32('vout');

      let sequence = valid.u32('sequence', 0xffffffff);

      if (tx.locktime)
        sequence -= 1;

      if (!hash || index == null)
        throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid outpoint.');

      const input = new Input();
      input.prevout.hash = hash;
      input.prevout.index = index;
      input.sequence = sequence;


    const sends = new Validator(sendTo);
    const uniq = new Set();

    for (const key of Object.keys(sendTo)) {
      if (key === 'data') {
        const value = sends.buf(key);

        if (!value)
          throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid nulldata..');

        const output = new Output();
        output.value = 0;


      const addr = parseAddress(key,;
      const b58 = addr.toString(;

      if (uniq.has(b58))
        throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Duplicate address');


      const value = sends.ufixed(key, EXP);

      if (value == null)
        throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid output value.');

      const output = new Output();
      output.value = value;
      output.address = addr;


    return tx.toHex();

  async decodeRawTransaction(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'decoderawtransaction "hexstring"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0);

    if (!data)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid hex string.');

    const tx = TX.decode(data);

    return this.txToJSON(tx);

  async decodeScript(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'decodescript "hex"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0);
    const script = new Script();

    if (data)

    const addr = Address.fromScripthash(script.sha3());

    const json = this.scriptToJSON(script);
    json.p2sh = addr.toString(;

    return json;

  async decodeResource(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'decoderesource "hex"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0);

    const res = Resource.decode(data);
    return res.toJSON();

  async getRawTransaction(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'getrawtransaction "txid" ( verbose )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);
    const verbose = valid.bool(1, false);

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid TXID.');

    const meta = await this.node.getMeta(hash);

    if (!meta)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Transaction not found.');

    const tx = meta.tx;

    if (!verbose)
      return tx.toHex();

    let entry;
    if (meta.block)
      entry = await this.chain.getEntry(meta.block);

    const json = this.txToJSON(tx, entry);
    json.time = meta.mtime;
    json.hex = tx.toHex();

    return json;

  async sendRawTransaction(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'sendrawtransaction "hexstring" ( allowhighfees )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0);

    if (!data)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid hex string.');

    const tx = TX.decode(data);


    return tx.txid();

  async signRawTransaction(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 4) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        + ' "hexstring" ('
        + ' [{"txid":"id","vout":n,"address":"bech32",'
        + 'redeemScript":"hex"},...] ["privatekey1",...]'
        + ' sighashtype )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0);
    const prevout = valid.array(1);
    const secrets = valid.array(2);
    const sighash = valid.str(3);

    if (!data)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid hex string.');

    if (!this.mempool)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'No mempool available.');

    const tx = MTX.decode(data);
    tx.view = await this.mempool.getSpentView(tx);

    const map = new BufferMap();
    const keys = [];

    if (secrets) {
      const valid = new Validator(secrets);
      for (let i = 0; i < secrets.length; i++) {
        const secret = valid.str(i, '');
        const key = parseSecret(secret,;
        map.set(key.getPublicKey(), key);

    if (prevout) {
      for (const prev of prevout) {
        const valid = new Validator(prev);
        const hash = valid.bhash('txid');
        const index = valid.u32('vout');
        const addrRaw = valid.str('address');
        const value = valid.ufixed('amount', EXP);
        const redeemRaw = valid.buf('redeemScript');

        if (!hash || index == null || !addrRaw || value == null)
          throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid UTXO.');

        const outpoint = new Outpoint(hash, index);

        const addr = parseAddress(addrRaw,;
        const coin = Output.fromScript(addr, value);

        tx.view.addOutput(outpoint, coin);

        if (keys.length === 0 || !redeemRaw)

        if (!addr.isScripthash())

        if (!redeemRaw) {
          throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER,
            'P2SH requires redeem script.');

        const redeem = Script.decode(redeemRaw);

        for (const op of redeem.code) {
          if (!

          const key = map.get(;

          if (key) {
            key.script = redeem;

    let type = Script.hashType.ALL;
    if (sighash) {
      const parts = sighash.split('|');

      if (parts.length < 1 || parts.length > 2)
        throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid sighash type.');

      type = Script.hashType[parts[0]];

      if (type == null)
        throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid sighash type.');

      if (parts.length === 2) {
        if (parts[1] !== 'NOINPUT' && parts[1] !== 'ANYONECANPAY')
          throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid sighash type.');

        if (parts[1] === 'NOINPUT')
          type |= Script.hashType.NOINPUT;

        if (parts[1] === 'ANYONECANPAY')
          type |= Script.hashType.ANYONECANPAY;

    await tx.signAsync(keys, type, this.workers);

    return {
      hex: tx.toHex(),
      complete: tx.isSigned()

   * Utility Functions

  async createMultisig(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 2 || args.length > 2) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'createmultisig nrequired ["key",...]');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const keys = valid.array(1, []);
    const m = valid.u32(0, 0);
    const n = keys.length;

    if (m < 1 || n < m || n > 16)
      throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid m and n values.');

    const items = new Validator(keys);

    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      const key = items.buf(i);

      if (!key)
        throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid key.');

      if (!secp256k1.publicKeyVerify(key) || key.length !== 33)
        throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, 'Invalid key.');

      keys[i] = key;

    const script = Script.fromMultisig(m, n, keys);

    if (script.getSize() > consensus.MAX_SCRIPT_PUSH) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.VERIFY_ERROR,
        'Redeem script exceeds size limit.');

    const addr = Address.fromScripthash(script.sha3());

    return {
      address: addr.toString(,
      redeemScript: script.toJSON()

  async validateAddress(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'validateaddress "address"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const str = valid.str(0, '');

    let addr;
    try {
      addr = Address.fromString(str,;
    } catch (e) {
      return {
        isvalid: false

    return {
      isvalid: true,
      address: addr.toString(,
      isscript: addr.isScripthash(),
      isspendable: !addr.isUnspendable(),
      witness_version: addr.version,
      witness_program: addr.hash.toString('hex')

  async verifyMessage(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 3) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'verifymessage "address" "signature" "message"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const b58 = valid.str(0, '');
    const sig = valid.buf(1, null, 'base64');
    const str = valid.str(2);

    if (!sig || !str)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid parameters.');

    const addr = parseAddress(b58,;

    if (addr.version !== 0 || addr.hash.length !== 20)
      return false;

    const msg = Buffer.from(MAGIC_STRING + str, 'utf8');
    const hash = blake2b.digest(msg);

    for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      const key = secp256k1.recover(hash, sig, i, true);

      if (!key)

      if (safeEqual(blake2b.digest(key, 20), addr.hash))
        return true;

    return false;

  async verifyMessageWithName(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 3 || args.length > 4 ) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'verifymessagewithname "name" "signature" "message" (safe)');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const name = valid.str(0, '');
    const sig = valid.buf(1, null, 'base64');
    const str = valid.str(2);
    const safe = valid.bool(3, false);
    const network =;
    const height = this.chain.height;

    if (!name || !rules.verifyName(name))
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid name.');

    const nameHash = rules.hashName(name);

    const ns = await this.getNameState(nameHash, safe);

    if (!ns || !ns.owner)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Cannot find the name owner.');

    if (!ns.isClosed(height, network))
      throw new Error('Invalid name state.');

    const coin = await this.chain.getCoin(ns.owner.hash, ns.owner.index);

    if (!coin) {
      throw new RPCError(
        'Cannot find the owner\'s address.'

    const address = coin.address.toString(;
    return this.verifyMessage([address, sig, str]);

  async signMessageWithPrivkey(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 2) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'signmessagewithprivkey "privkey" "message"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const wif = valid.str(0, '');
    const str = valid.str(1, '');

    const key = parseSecret(wif,;
    const msg = Buffer.from(MAGIC_STRING + str, 'utf8');
    const hash = blake2b.digest(msg);
    const sig = key.sign(hash);

    return sig.toString('base64');

  async estimateFee(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'estimatefee nblocks');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const blocks = valid.u32(0, 1);

    if (!this.fees)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Fee estimation not available.');

    const fee = this.fees.estimateFee(blocks, false);

    if (fee === 0)
      return -1;

    return Amount.coin(fee, true);

  async estimatePriority(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'estimatepriority nblocks');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const blocks = valid.u32(0, 1);

    if (!this.fees)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Priority estimation not available.');

    return this.fees.estimatePriority(blocks, false);

  async estimateSmartFee(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'estimatesmartfee nblocks');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const blocks = valid.u32(0, 1);

    if (!this.fees)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Fee estimation not available.');

    let fee = this.fees.estimateFee(blocks, true);

    if (fee === 0)
      fee = -1;
      fee = Amount.coin(fee, true);

    return {
      fee: fee,
      blocks: blocks

  async estimateSmartPriority(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'estimatesmartpriority nblocks');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const blocks = valid.u32(0, 1);

    if (!this.fees)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Priority estimation not available.');

    const pri = this.fees.estimatePriority(blocks, true);

    return {
      priority: pri,
      blocks: blocks

  async invalidateBlock(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'invalidateblock "hash"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid block hash.');

    await this.chain.invalidate(hash);

    return null;

  async reconsiderBlock(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'reconsiderblock "hash"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid block hash.');


    return null;

  async setMockTime(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'setmocktime timestamp');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const time = valid.u32(0);

    if (time == null)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid timestamp.'); = 0;

    const delta = - time; = -delta;

    return null;

  async getMemoryInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getmemoryinfo');

    return this.logger.memoryUsage();

  async setLogLevel(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'setloglevel "level"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const level = valid.str(0, '');


    return null;

  async getNames(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getnames');

    const network =;
    const height = this.chain.height;
    const txn = this.chain.db.txn;
    const items = [];

    const iter = txn.iterator();

    while (await {
      const {key, value} = iter;
      const ns = NameState.decode(value);
      ns.nameHash = key;

      const info = ns.getJSON(height, network);

    return items;

  async getNameInfo(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getnameinfo "name" (safe)');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const name = valid.str(0);
    const safe = valid.bool(1, false);

    if (!name || !rules.verifyName(name))
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid name.');

    const network =;
    const height = this.chain.height;
    const nameHash = rules.hashName(name);
    const reserved = rules.isReserved(nameHash, height + 1, network);
    const [start, week] = rules.getRollout(nameHash, network);
    const state = await this.chain.getNextState();

    const ns = await this.getNameState(nameHash, safe);

    let locked = undefined;
    let info = null;

    if (ns) {
      if (!ns.isExpired(height, network))
        info = ns.getJSON(height, network);

    if (state.hasICANNLockup())
      locked = rules.isLockedUp(nameHash, height + 1, network);

    return {
      start: {
        reserved: reserved,
        week: week,
        start: start,
        locked: locked

  async getNameResource(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getnameresource "name" (safe)');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const name = valid.str(0);
    const safe = valid.bool(1, false);

    if (!name || !rules.verifyName(name))
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid name.');

    const nameHash = rules.hashName(name);

    const ns = await this.getNameState(nameHash, safe);

    if (!ns || === 0)
      return null;

    try {
      const res = Resource.decode(;
      return res.getJSON(name);
    } catch (e) {
      return {};

  async getNameProof(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getnameproof "name" ("root")');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const name = valid.str(0);
    const treeRoot = valid.bhash(1);

    if (!name || !rules.verifyName(name))
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid name.');

    const hash = this.chain.tip.hash;
    const height = this.chain.tip.height;
    const root = treeRoot || this.chain.tip.treeRoot;
    const key = rules.hashName(name);
    const proof = await this.chain.db.prove(root, key);

    return {
      hash: hash.toString('hex'),
      height: height,
      root: root.toString('hex'),
      name: name,
      key: key.toString('hex'),
      proof: proof.toJSON()

  async getDNSSECProof(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 3)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'getdnssecproof "name" ( estimate ) ( verbose )');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const name = valid.str(0);
    const estimate = valid.bool(1, false);
    const verbose = valid.bool(2, true);

    const proof = await ownership.prove(name, estimate);

    if (!verbose)
      return proof.toHex();

    return proof.toJSON();

  async getNameByHash(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'getnamebyhash "hash" (safe)');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const hash = valid.bhash(0);
    const safe = valid.bool(1, false);

    if (!hash)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid name hash.');

    const ns = await this.getNameState(hash, safe);

    if (!ns)
      return null;


  async grindName(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length > 1)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'grindname size');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const size = valid.u32(0, 10);

    if (size < 1 || size > 63)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid length.');

    const network =;
    const height = this.chain.height;

    return rules.grindName(size, height + 1, network);

  async sendRawClaim(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'sendrawclaim "base64-string"');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0, null, 'base64');

    if (!data)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid base64 string.');

    const claim = Claim.fromBlob(data);


    return claim.hash().toString('hex');

  async sendRawAirdrop(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'sendrawairdrop "base64-string"');

    if ( !== 'main')
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'Currently disabled.');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.buf(0, null, 'base64');

    if (!data)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid base64 string.');

    const proof = AirdropProof.decode(data);


    return proof.hash().toString('hex');

  async validateResource(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length < 1 || args.length > 2)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'validateresource'
        + ' \'{"records": [{...}]}\'');

    const valid = new Validator(args);
    const data = valid.obj(0);

    if (!data)
      throw new RPCError(errs.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid resource object.');

    let resource;
    try {
      resource = Resource.fromJSON(data);
    } catch (e) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.PARSE_ERROR, e.message);

    return resource.toJSON();

  async resetRootCache(args, help) {
    if (help || args.length !== 0)
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR, 'resetrootcache');

    if (!this.node.ns)
      return null;


    return null;

   * Helpers

  async handleLongpoll(lpid) {
    if (lpid.length !== 72)
      throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid longpoll ID.');

    const watched = lpid.slice(0, 64);
    const lastTX = parseInt(lpid.slice(64, 72), 16);

    if ((lastTX >>> 0) !== lastTX)
      throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_PARAMETER, 'Invalid longpoll ID.');

    const hash = util.parseHex(watched, 32);

    if (!this.chain.tip.hash.equals(hash))

    await this.longpoll();

  longpoll() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.pollers.push({ resolve, reject });

  refreshBlock() {
    const pollers = this.pollers;

    this.attempt = null;
    this.lastActivity = 0;
    this.pollers = [];

    for (const job of pollers)

  bindChain() {
    if (this.boundChain)

    this.boundChain = true;

    const refresh = () => {
      if (!this.attempt)

      this.merkleList.length = 0;

    this.node.on('connect', refresh);
    this.node.on('reset', refresh);

    if (!this.mempool)

    const tryRefresh = () => {
      if (!this.attempt)

      if ( - this.lastActivity > 10)

    this.node.on('tx', tryRefresh);
    this.node.on('claim', tryRefresh);
    this.node.on('airdrop', tryRefresh);

  async getTemplate() {

    let attempt = this.attempt;

    if (attempt) {
    } else {
      attempt = await this.miner.createBlock();
      this.attempt = attempt;
      this.lastActivity =;

    return attempt;

  async updateWork() {

    let attempt = this.attempt;

    if (attempt) {
      if (attempt.address.isNull()) {
        throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
          'No addresses available for coinbase.');


      return attempt;

    if (this.miner.addresses.length === 0) {
      throw new RPCError(errs.MISC_ERROR,
        'No addresses available for coinbase.');

    attempt = await this.miner.createBlock();

    if (this.merkleMap.size >= 10)

    this.attempt = attempt;
    this.lastActivity =;
    this.merkleMap.set(attempt.witnessRoot, attempt);

    return attempt;

  async addBlock(block) {
    const unlock1 = await;
    const unlock2 = await;
    try {
      return await this._addBlock(block);
    } finally {

  async _addBlock(block) {'Handling submitted block: %x.', block.hash());

    let entry;
    try {
      entry = await this.chain._add(block);
    } catch (err) {
      if (err.type === 'VerifyError') {
        this.logger.warning('RPC block rejected: %x (%s).',
          block.hash(), err.reason);
        return `rejected: ${err.reason}`;
      throw err;

    if (!entry) {
      this.logger.warning('RPC block rejected: %x (bad-prevblk).',
      return 'rejected: bad-prevblk';

    return null;

  totalTX() {
    return this.mempool ? : 0;

  async getSoftforks() {
    const tip = this.chain.tip;
    const forks = {};

    for (const deployment of {
      const state = await this.chain.getState(tip, deployment);
      let status;

      switch (state) {
        case common.thresholdStates.DEFINED:
          status = 'defined';
        case common.thresholdStates.STARTED:
          status = 'started';
        case common.thresholdStates.LOCKED_IN:
          status = 'locked_in';
        case common.thresholdStates.ACTIVE:
          status = 'active';
        case common.thresholdStates.FAILED:
          status = 'failed';
          assert(false, 'Bad state.');

      forks[] = {
        status: status,
        bit: deployment.bit,
        startTime: deployment.startTime,
        timeout: deployment.timeout

      if (status === 'started') {
        forks[].statistics =
          await this.chain.getBIP9Stats(tip, deployment);

    return forks;

  async getHashRate(lookup, height) {
    let tip = this.chain.tip;

    if (height != null)
      tip = await this.chain.getEntry(height);

    if (!tip)
      return 0;

    assert(typeof lookup === 'number');
    assert(lookup >= 0);

    if (lookup === 0)
      lookup = tip.height % + 1;

    if (lookup > tip.height)
      lookup = tip.height;

    let min = tip.time;
    let max = min;
    let entry = tip;

    for (let i = 0; i < lookup; i++) {
      entry = await this.chain.getPrevious(entry);

      if (!entry)
        throw new RPCError(errs.DATABASE_ERROR, 'Not found.');

      min = Math.min(entry.time, min);
      max = Math.max(entry.time, max);

    const diff = max - min;

    if (diff === 0)
      return 0;

    const work = tip.chainwork.sub(entry.chainwork);

    return Number(work.toString()) / diff;

  async mineBlocks(blocks, addr, tries) {
    const unlock = await;
    try {
      return await this._mineBlocks(blocks, addr, tries);
    } finally {

  async _mineBlocks(blocks, addr, tries) {
    const hashes = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
      const block = await this.miner.mineBlock(null, addr);
      const entry = await this.chain.add(block);

    return hashes;

  async findFork(entry) {
    while (entry) {
      if (await this.chain.isMainChain(entry))
        return entry;
      entry = await this.chain.getPrevious(entry);
    throw new Error('Fork not found.');

  txToJSON(tx, entry) {
    let height = -1;
    let time = 0;
    let hash = null;
    let conf = 0;

    if (entry) {
      height = entry.height;
      time = entry.time;
      hash = entry.hash;
      conf = this.chain.height - height + 1;

    const vin = [];

    for (const input of tx.inputs) {
      const json = {
        coinbase: undefined,
        txid: undefined,
        vout: undefined,
        txinwitness: undefined,
        sequence: input.sequence,

      json.coinbase = tx.isCoinbase();
      json.txid = input.prevout.txid();
      json.vout = input.prevout.index;
      json.txinwitness = input.witness.toJSON();


    const vout = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < tx.outputs.length; i++) {
      const output = tx.outputs[i];
        value: Amount.coin(output.value, true),
        n: i,
        address: this.addrToJSON(output.address),
        covenant: output.covenant.toJSON()

    return {
      txid: tx.txid(),
      hash: tx.wtxid(),
      size: tx.getSize(),
      vsize: tx.getVirtualSize(),
      version: tx.version,
      locktime: tx.locktime,
      vin: vin,
      vout: vout,
      blockhash: hash ? hash.toString('hex') : null,
      confirmations: conf,
      time: time,
      blocktime: time,
      hex: undefined

  scriptToJSON(script, hex) {
    const type = script.getType();

    const json = {
      asm: script.toASM(),
      hex: undefined,
      type: Script.typesByVal[type],
      reqSigs: 1,
      totalSigs: 1,
      p2sh: undefined

    if (hex)
      json.hex = script.toJSON();

    const [m, n] = script.getMultisig();

    if (m !== -1)
      json.reqSigs = m;

    if (n !== -1)
      json.totalSigs = n;

    return json;

  addrToJSON(addr) {
    return {
      version: addr.version,
      hash: addr.hash.toString('hex'),
      string: addr.toString(

  async headerToJSON(entry) {
    const mtp = await this.chain.getMedianTime(entry);
    const next = await this.chain.getNextHash(entry.hash);

    let confirmations = -1;
    if (await this.chain.isMainChain(entry))
      confirmations = this.chain.height - entry.height + 1;

    return {
      hash: entry.hash.toString('hex'),
      confirmations: confirmations,
      height: entry.height,
      version: entry.version,
      versionHex: util.hex32(entry.version),
      merkleroot: entry.merkleRoot.toString('hex'),
      witnessroot: entry.witnessRoot.toString('hex'),
      treeroot: entry.treeRoot.toString('hex'),
      reservedroot: entry.reservedRoot.toString('hex'),
      mask: entry.mask.toString('hex'),
      time: entry.time,
      mediantime: mtp,
      nonce: entry.nonce,
      extranonce: entry.extraNonce.toString('hex'),
      bits: util.hex32(entry.bits),
      difficulty: toDifficulty(entry.bits),
      chainwork: entry.chainwork.toString('hex', 64),
      previousblockhash: !entry.prevBlock.equals(consensus.ZERO_HASH)
        ? entry.prevBlock.toString('hex')
        : null,
      nextblockhash: next ? next.toString('hex') : null

  async blockToJSON(entry, block, details) {
    const mtp = await this.chain.getMedianTime(entry);
    const next = await this.chain.getNextHash(entry.hash);

    let confirmations = -1;
    if (await this.chain.isMainChain(entry))
      confirmations = this.chain.height - entry.height + 1;

    const txs = [];

    for (const tx of block.txs) {
      if (details) {
        const json = this.txToJSON(tx, entry);

    return {
      hash: entry.hash.toString('hex'),
      confirmations: confirmations,
      strippedsize: block.getBaseSize(),
      size: block.getSize(),
      weight: block.getWeight(),
      height: entry.height,
      version: entry.version,
      versionHex: util.hex32(entry.version),
      merkleroot: entry.merkleRoot.toString('hex'),
      witnessroot: entry.witnessRoot.toString('hex'),
      treeroot: entry.treeRoot.toString('hex'),
      reservedroot: entry.reservedRoot.toString('hex'),
      mask: entry.mask.toString('hex'),
      coinbase: !details
        ? block.txs[0].inputs[0].witness.toJSON()
        : undefined,
      tx: txs,
      time: entry.time,
      mediantime: mtp,
      nonce: entry.nonce,
      extranonce: entry.extraNonce.toString('hex'),
      bits: util.hex32(entry.bits),
      difficulty: toDifficulty(entry.bits),
      chainwork: entry.chainwork.toString('hex', 64),
      nTx: txs.length,
      previousblockhash: !entry.prevBlock.equals(consensus.ZERO_HASH)
        ? entry.prevBlock.toString('hex')
        : null,
      nextblockhash: next ? next.toString('hex') : null

  entryToJSON(entry) {
    return {
      size: entry.size,
      fee: Amount.coin(entry.deltaFee, true),
      modifiedfee: 0,
      time: entry.time,
      height: entry.height,
      startingpriority: entry.priority,
      currentpriority: entry.getPriority(this.chain.height),
      descendantcount: this.mempool.countDescendants(entry),
      descendantsize: entry.descSize,
      descendantfees: entry.descFee,
      ancestorcount: this.mempool.countAncestors(entry),
      ancestorsize: 0,
      ancestorfees: 0,
      depends: this.mempool.getDepends(entry.tx)

  async getNameState(nameHash, safe) {
    if (!safe) {
      // Will always return null in SPV mode
      return this.chain.db.getNameState(nameHash);

    // Safe roots are the last Urkel tree commitment
    // with more than 12 confirmations.
    const root = await this.chain.getSafeRoot();
    let data;
    if (this.chain.options.spv)
      data = await this.pool.resolveAtRoot(nameHash, root);
      data = await this.chain.db.lookup(root, nameHash);

    if (!data)
      return null;

    const ns = NameState.decode(data);
    ns.nameHash = nameHash;
    return ns;

 * Helpers

function parseAddress(raw, network) {
  try {
    return Address.fromString(raw, network);
  } catch (e) {
    throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, 'Invalid address.');

function parseSecret(raw, network) {
  try {
    return KeyRing.fromSecret(raw, network);
  } catch (e) {
    throw new RPCError(errs.INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, 'Invalid key.');

function parseIP(addr, network) {
  let ip;

  try {
    ip = IP.fromHostname(addr);
  } catch (e) {
    throw new RPCError(errs.CLIENT_INVALID_IP_OR_SUBNET,
      'Invalid IP address or subnet.');

  if (ip.port === 0)
    ip.port = ip.key ? network.brontidePort : network.port;

  return ip;

function parseNetAddress(addr, network) {
  try {
    return NetAddress.fromHostname(addr, network);
  } catch (e) {
    throw new RPCError(errs.CLIENT_INVALID_IP_OR_SUBNET,
      'Invalid IP address or subnet.');

function toDifficulty(bits) {
  let shift = (bits >>> 24) & 0xff;
  let diff = 0x0000ffff / (bits & 0x00ffffff);

  while (shift < 29) {
    diff *= 256.0;

  while (shift > 29) {
    diff /= 256.0;

  return diff;

 * Expose

module.exports = RPC;