* abstractblock.js - abstract block object for hsd
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* https://github.com/handshake-org/hsd
'use strict';
const assert = require('bsert');
const BLAKE2b = require('bcrypto/lib/blake2b');
const SHA3 = require('bcrypto/lib/sha3');
const bio = require('bufio');
const InvItem = require('./invitem');
const consensus = require('../protocol/consensus');
const util = require('../utils/util');
/** @typedef {import('../types').Hash} Hash */
/** @typedef {import('../types').BufioWriter} BufioWriter */
* Abstract Block
* The class which all block-like objects inherit from.
* @alias module:primitives.AbstractBlock
* @abstract
* @property {Number} version
* @property {Hash} prevBlock
* @property {Hash} merkleRoot
* @property {Number} time
* @property {Number} bits
* @property {Number} nonce
class AbstractBlock extends bio.Struct {
* Create an abstract block.
* @constructor
constructor() {
this.version = 0;
this.prevBlock = consensus.ZERO_HASH;
this.merkleRoot = consensus.ZERO_HASH;
this.witnessRoot = consensus.ZERO_HASH;
this.treeRoot = consensus.ZERO_HASH;
this.reservedRoot = consensus.ZERO_HASH;
this.time = 0;
this.bits = 0;
this.nonce = 0;
this.extraNonce = consensus.ZERO_NONCE;
this.mask = consensus.ZERO_HASH;
this.mutable = false;
/** @type {Buffer?} */
this._hash = null;
/** @type {Buffer?} */
this._maskHash = null;
* Inject properties from options object.
* @param {Object} options
parseOptions(options) {
assert(options, 'Block data is required.');
assert((options.version >>> 0) === options.version);
assert((options.bits >>> 0) === options.bits);
assert((options.nonce >>> 0) === options.nonce);
&& options.extraNonce.length === consensus.NONCE_SIZE);
this.version = options.version;
this.prevBlock = options.prevBlock;
this.merkleRoot = options.merkleRoot;
this.witnessRoot = options.witnessRoot;
this.treeRoot = options.treeRoot;
this.reservedRoot = options.reservedRoot;
this.time = options.time;
this.bits = options.bits;
this.nonce = options.nonce;
this.extraNonce = options.extraNonce;
this.mask = options.mask;
if (options.mutable != null) {
assert(typeof options.mutable === 'boolean');
this.mutable = options.mutable;
return this;
* Inject properties from json object.
* @param {Object} json
parseJSON(json) {
assert(json, 'Block data is required.');
assert((json.version >>> 0) === json.version);
assert((json.time >>> 0) === json.time);
assert((json.bits >>> 0) === json.bits);
assert((json.nonce >>> 0) === json.nonce);
this.version = json.version;
this.prevBlock = util.parseHex(json.prevBlock, 32);
this.merkleRoot = util.parseHex(json.merkleRoot, 32);
this.witnessRoot = util.parseHex(json.witnessRoot, 32);
this.treeRoot = util.parseHex(json.treeRoot, 32);
this.reservedRoot = util.parseHex(json.reservedRoot, 32);
this.time = json.time;
this.bits = json.bits;
this.nonce = json.nonce;
this.extraNonce = util.parseHex(json.extraNonce, consensus.NONCE_SIZE);
this.mask = util.parseHex(json.mask, 32);
return this;
* Test whether the block is a memblock.
* @returns {Boolean}
isMemory() {
return false;
* Clear any cached values (abstract).
_refresh() {
this._hash = null;
this._maskHash = null;
return this;
* Clear any cached values.
refresh() {
return this._refresh();
* Hash the block header.
* @returns {Hash}
hash() {
if (this.mutable)
return this.powHash();
if (!this._hash)
this._hash = this.powHash();
return this._hash;
* Hash the block header.
* @returns {String}
hashHex() {
return this.hash().toString('hex');
* Get header size.
* @returns {Number}
sizeHead() {
return consensus.HEADER_SIZE;
* Serialize the block headers.
* @returns {Buffer}
toHead() {
const size = this.sizeHead();
return this.writeHead(bio.write(size)).render();
* Inject properties from serialized data.
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {this}
fromHead(data) {
return this.readHead(bio.read(data));
* Retrieve deterministically random padding.
* @param {Number} size
* @returns {Buffer}
padding(size) {
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
const pad = Buffer.alloc(size);
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++)
pad[i] = this.prevBlock[i % 32] ^ this.treeRoot[i % 32];
return pad;
* Serialize subheader for proof.
* @returns {Buffer}
toSubhead() {
const bw = bio.write(128);
// The subheader contains miner-mutable
// and less essential data (that is,
// less essential for SPV resolvers).
// Exactly one blake2b block (128 bytes).
assert(bw.offset === BLAKE2b.blockSize);
return bw.render();
* Compute subheader hash.
* @returns {Buffer}
subHash() {
return BLAKE2b.digest(this.toSubhead());
* Compute xor bytes hash.
* @returns {Buffer}
maskHash() {
if (this._maskHash != null)
return this._maskHash;
// Hash with previous block in case a pool wants
// to re-use the same mask for the next block!
return BLAKE2b.multi(this.prevBlock, this.mask);
* Compute commitment hash.
* @returns {Buffer}
commitHash() {
// Note for mining pools: do not send
// the mask itself to individual miners.
return BLAKE2b.multi(this.subHash(), this.maskHash());
* Serialize preheader.
* @returns {Buffer}
toPrehead() {
const bw = bio.write(128);
// The preheader contains only the truly
// essential data. This optimizes for
// SPV resolvers, who may only need
// access to the tree root as well as
// the ability to validate the PoW.
// Note that we don't consider the
// target commitment "essential" as
// the pow can still be validated
// contextually without it.
// Furthermore, the preheader does not
// contain any miner malleable data
// aside from the timestamp and nonce.
// Any malleable data is contained
// within the commitment hash. Miners
// are penalized for updating this
// data, as it will cost them two
// rounds of hashing.
// We could drop the padding here and
// just use a 20 byte blake2 hash for
// the xor bytes (which seems much
// cleaner), but this is insecure due
// to the following attack:
// todo - explain attack.
// The position of the nonce and
// timestamp intentionally provide
// incentives to keep the timestamp
// up-to-date.
// The first 8 bytes of this block
// of data can be treated as a uint64
// and incremented as such. If more
// than a second has passed since
// the last timestamp update, a miner
// can simply let the nonce overflow
// into the timestamp.
// Exactly one blake2b block (128 bytes).
assert(bw.offset === BLAKE2b.blockSize);
return bw.render();
* Calculate share hash.
* @returns {Hash}
shareHash() {
const data = this.toPrehead();
// 128 bytes (output as BLAKE2b-512).
const left = BLAKE2b.digest(data, 64);
// 128 + 8 = 136 bytes.
const right = SHA3.multi(data, this.padding(8));
// 64 + 32 + 32 = 128 bytes.
return BLAKE2b.multi(left, this.padding(32), right);
* Calculate PoW hash.
* @returns {Buffer}
powHash() {
const hash = this.shareHash();
// XOR the PoW hash with arbitrary bytes.
// This can optionally be used by mining
// pools to mitigate block withholding
// attacks. Idea from Kevin Pan:
// https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2017-October/015163.html
// The goal here is to allow a pool to
// deny individual miners the ability
// to recognize whether they have found
// a block, but still allow them to
// recognize a share.
// Example:
// Network target:
// 00000000 00000000 10000000 ...
// Share target:
// 00000000 10000000 00000000 ...
// Mask:
// 00000000 01010101 10000000 ...
// The mask bytes are hidden from the
// individual miner, but known to the
// pool, and precommitted to in the
// block header (i.e. hashed).
// Following our example further:
// Miner share:
// 00000000 01010101 00000000 ...
// PoW hash (after XOR):
// 00000000 00000000 10000000 ...
// At this point, the miner has found
// a block, but this is unknown to
// him or her as they do not have
// access to the mask bytes directly.
for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++)
hash[i] ^= this.mask[i];
return hash;
* Serialize the block headers.
* @param {BufioWriter} bw
* @returns {BufioWriter}
writeHead(bw) {
// Preheader.
// Subheader.
// Mask.
return bw;
* Parse the block headers.
* @param {bio.BufferReader} br
readHead(br) {
// Preheader.
this.nonce = br.readU32();
this.time = br.readU64();
this.prevBlock = br.readHash();
this.treeRoot = br.readHash();
// Subheader.
this.extraNonce = br.readBytes(consensus.NONCE_SIZE);
this.reservedRoot = br.readHash();
this.witnessRoot = br.readHash();
this.merkleRoot = br.readHash();
this.version = br.readU32();
this.bits = br.readU32();
// Mask.
this.mask = br.readBytes(32);
return this;
* Encode to miner serialization.
* @returns {Buffer}
toMiner() {
const bw = bio.write(128 + 128);
// Preheader.
// Replace commitment hash with mask hash.
// Subheader.
return bw.render();
* Decode from miner serialization.
* @param {Buffer} data
fromMiner(data) {
const br = bio.read(data);
// Preheader.
this.nonce = br.readU32();
this.time = br.readU64();
const padding = br.readBytes(20);
this.prevBlock = br.readHash();
this.treeRoot = br.readHash();
// Note: mask _hash_.
this._maskHash = br.readHash();
// Subheader.
this.extraNonce = br.readBytes(consensus.NONCE_SIZE);
this.reservedRoot = br.readHash();
this.witnessRoot = br.readHash();
this.merkleRoot = br.readHash();
this.version = br.readU32();
this.bits = br.readU32();
// Mask (unknown).
this.mask = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x00);
return this;
* Verify the block.
* @returns {Boolean}
verify() {
if (!this.verifyPOW())
return false;
if (!this.verifyBody())
return false;
return true;
* Verify proof-of-work.
* @returns {Boolean}
verifyPOW() {
return consensus.verifyPOW(this.hash(), this.bits);
* Verify the block.
* @returns {Boolean}
verifyBody() {
throw new Error('Abstract method.');
* Convert the block to an inv item.
* @returns {InvItem}
toInv() {
return new InvItem(InvItem.types.BLOCK, this.hash());
* Decode from miner serialization.
* @param {Buffer} data
static fromMiner(data) {
return new this().fromMiner(data);
* Expose
module.exports = AbstractBlock;