* mtx.js - mutable transaction object for hsd
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* https://github.com/handshake-org/hsd
'use strict';
const assert = require('bsert');
const {encoding} = require('bufio');
const {BufferMap} = require('buffer-map');
const Script = require('../script/script');
const TX = require('./tx');
const Input = require('./input');
const Output = require('./output');
const Coin = require('./coin');
const Outpoint = require('./outpoint');
const CoinView = require('../coins/coinview');
const Path = require('../wallet/path');
const WalletCoinView = require('../wallet/walletcoinview');
const Address = require('./address');
const consensus = require('../protocol/consensus');
const policy = require('../protocol/policy');
const Amount = require('../ui/amount');
const Stack = require('../script/stack');
const rules = require('../covenants/rules');
const util = require('../utils/util');
const {types} = rules;
/** @typedef {import('../types').SighashType} SighashType */
/** @typedef {import('../types').Hash} Hash */
/** @typedef {import('../types').Amount} AmountValue */
/** @typedef {import('../types').VerifyFlags} VerifyFlags */
/** @typedef {import('../protocol/network')} Network */
/** @typedef {import('../workers/workerpool')} WorkerPool */
/** @typedef {import('./keyring')} KeyRing */
* A mutable transaction object.
* @alias module:primitives.MTX
* @extends TX
* @property {Number} changeIndex
* @property {CoinView} view
class MTX extends TX {
* Create a mutable transaction.
* @alias module:primitives.MTX
* @constructor
* @param {Object?} [options]
constructor(options) {
this.mutable = true;
this.changeIndex = -1;
this.view = new CoinView();
if (options)
* Inject properties from options object.
* @param {Object} options
fromOptions(options) {
if (options.version != null) {
assert((options.version >>> 0) === options.version,
'Version must a be uint32.');
this.version = options.version;
if (options.inputs) {
assert(Array.isArray(options.inputs), 'Inputs must be an array.');
for (const input of options.inputs)
if (options.outputs) {
assert(Array.isArray(options.outputs), 'Outputs must be an array.');
for (const output of options.outputs)
if (options.locktime != null) {
assert((options.locktime >>> 0) === options.locktime,
'Locktime must be a uint32.');
this.locktime = options.locktime;
if (options.changeIndex != null) {
if (options.changeIndex !== -1) {
assert((options.changeIndex >>> 0) === options.changeIndex,
'Change index must be a uint32.');
this.changeIndex = options.changeIndex;
} else {
this.changeIndex = -1;
return this;
* Clone the transaction. Note that
* this will not carry over the view.
* @param {this} mtx
* @returns {this}
inject(mtx) {
assert(mtx instanceof this.constructor);
this.changeIndex = mtx.changeIndex;
return this;
* Add an input to the transaction.
* @param {Input|Object} options
* @returns {Input}
* @example
* mtx.addInput({ prevout: { hash: ... }, witness: ... });
* mtx.addInput(new Input());
addInput(options) {
const input = Input.fromOptions(options);
return input;
* Add an outpoint as an input.
* @param {Outpoint|Object} outpoint
* @returns {Input}
* @example
* mtx.addOutpoint({ hash: ..., index: 0 });
* mtx.addOutpoint(new Outpoint(hash, index));
addOutpoint(outpoint) {
const prevout = Outpoint.fromOptions(outpoint);
const input = Input.fromOutpoint(prevout);
return input;
* Add a coin as an input. Note that this will
* add the coin to the internal coin viewpoint.
* @param {Coin} coin
* @returns {Input}
* @example
* mtx.addCoin(Coin.fromTX(tx, 0, -1));
addCoin(coin) {
assert(coin instanceof Coin, 'Cannot add non-coin.');
const input = Input.fromCoin(coin);
return input;
* Add a transaction as an input. Note that
* this will add the coin to the internal
* coin viewpoint.
* @param {TX} tx
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Number?} height
* @returns {Input}
* @example
* mtx.addTX(tx, 0);
addTX(tx, index, height) {
assert(tx instanceof TX, 'Cannot add non-transaction.');
if (height == null)
height = -1;
const input = Input.fromTX(tx, index);
this.view.addIndex(tx, index, height);
return input;
* Add an output.
* @param {Address|Output|Object} addr - Address or output options.
* @param {AmountValue?} [value]
* @returns {Output}
* @example
* mtx.addOutput(new Output());
* mtx.addOutput({ address: ..., value: 100000 });
* mtx.addOutput(address, 100000);
addOutput(addr, value) {
let output;
if (value != null)
output = Output.fromScript(addr, value);
output = Output.fromOptions(addr);
return output;
* Verify all transaction inputs.
* @param {VerifyFlags?} [flags=STANDARD_VERIFY_FLAGS]
* @throws {ScriptError} on invalid inputs
check(flags) {
return super.check(this.view, flags);
* Verify the transaction inputs on the worker pool
* (if workers are enabled).
* @param {VerifyFlags?} [flags=STANDARD_VERIFY_FLAGS]
* @param {WorkerPool?} [pool]
* @returns {Promise}
checkAsync(flags, pool) {
return super.checkAsync(this.view, flags, pool);
* Verify all transaction inputs.
* @param {VerifyFlags?} [flags=STANDARD_VERIFY_FLAGS]
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the inputs are valid.
verify(flags) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.type === 'ScriptError')
return false;
throw e;
return true;
* Verify the transaction inputs on the worker pool
* (if workers are enabled).
* @param {VerifyFlags?} [flags=STANDARD_VERIFY_FLAGS]
* @param {WorkerPool?} [pool]
* @returns {Promise}
async verifyAsync(flags, pool) {
try {
await this.checkAsync(flags, pool);
} catch (e) {
if (e.type === 'ScriptError')
return false;
throw e;
return true;
* Calculate the fee for the transaction.
* @returns {AmountValue} fee (zero if not all coins are available).
getFee() {
return super.getFee(this.view);
* Calculate the total input value.
* @returns {AmountValue} value
getInputValue() {
return super.getInputValue(this.view);
* Get all input addresses.
* @returns {Address[]} addresses
getInputAddresses() {
return super.getInputAddresses(this.view);
* Get all addresses.
* @returns {Address[]} addresses
getAddresses() {
return super.getAddresses(this.view);
* Get all input address hashes.
* @returns {Hash[]} hashes
getInputHashes() {
return super.getInputHashes(this.view);
* Get all address hashes.
* @returns {Hash[]} hashes
getHashes() {
return super.getHashes(this.view);
* Test whether the transaction has
* all coins available/filled.
* @returns {Boolean}
hasCoins() {
return super.hasCoins(this.view);
* Calculate virtual sigop count.
* @returns {Number} sigop count
getSigops() {
return super.getSigops(this.view);
* Calculate the virtual size of the transaction
* (weighted against bytes per sigop cost).
* @returns {Number} vsize
getSigopsSize() {
return super.getSigopsSize(this.getSigops());
* Perform contextual checks to verify input, output,
* and fee values, as well as coinbase spend maturity
* (coinbases can only be spent 100 blocks or more
* after they're created). Note that this function is
* consensus critical.
* @param {Number} height - Height at which the
* transaction is being spent. In the mempool this is
* the chain height plus one at the time it entered the pool.
* @param {Network} network
* @returns {Boolean}
verifyInputs(height, network) {
const [fee] = this.checkInputs(height, network);
return fee !== -1;
* Perform contextual checks to verify input, output,
* and fee values, as well as coinbase spend maturity
* (coinbases can only be spent 100 blocks or more
* after they're created). Note that this function is
* consensus critical.
* @param {Number} height - Height at which the
* transaction is being spent. In the mempool this is
* the chain height plus one at the time it entered the pool.
* @param {Network} network
* @returns {Array} [fee, reason, score]
checkInputs(height, network) {
return super.checkInputs(this.view, height, network);
* Build input script (or witness) templates (with
* OP_0 in place of signatures).
* @param {Number} index - Input index.
* @param {Coin|Output} coin
* @param {KeyRing} ring
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the script was able to be built.
scriptInput(index, coin, ring) {
const input = this.inputs[index];
assert(input, 'Input does not exist.');
assert(coin, 'No coin passed.');
// Don't bother with any below calculation
// if the output is already templated.
if (input.witness.items.length !== 0)
return true;
const addr = coin.address;
if (addr.isScripthash()) {
const redeem = ring.getRedeem(addr.hash);
if (!redeem)
return false;
const vector = this.scriptVector(redeem, ring);
if (!vector)
return false;
return true;
if (addr.isPubkeyhash()) {
const pkh = Script.fromPubkeyhash(addr.hash);
const vector = this.scriptVector(pkh, ring);
if (!vector)
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Build script for a single vector
* based on a previous script.
* @param {Script} prev
* @param {KeyRing} ring
* @return {Stack}
scriptVector(prev, ring) {
// P2PK
const pk = prev.getPubkey();
if (pk) {
if (!pk.equals(ring.publicKey))
return null;
const stack = new Stack();
return stack;
// P2PKH
const pkh = prev.getPubkeyhash();
if (pkh) {
if (!pkh.equals(ring.getKeyHash()))
return null;
const stack = new Stack();
return stack;
// Multisig
const [, n] = prev.getMultisig();
if (n !== -1) {
if (prev.indexOf(ring.publicKey) === -1)
return null;
// Technically we should create m signature slots,
// but we create n signature slots so we can order
// the signatures properly.
const stack = new Stack();
// Fill script with `n` signature slots.
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++)
return stack;
return null;
* Sign a transaction input on the worker pool
* (if workers are enabled).
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Coin|Output} coin
* @param {KeyRing} ring
* @param {SighashType?} type
* @param {WorkerPool?} [pool]
* @returns {Promise}
async signInputAsync(index, coin, ring, type, pool) {
if (!pool)
return this.signInput(index, coin, ring, type);
return await pool.signInput(this, index, coin, ring, type);
* Sign an input.
* @param {Number} index - Index of input being signed.
* @param {Coin|Output} coin
* @param {KeyRing} ring - Private key.
* @param {SighashType} type
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the input was able to be signed.
signInput(index, coin, ring, type) {
const input = this.inputs[index];
const key = ring.privateKey;
assert(input, 'Input does not exist.');
assert(coin, 'No coin passed.');
// Get the previous output's script
const value = coin.value;
const addr = coin.address;
// Create our signature.
if (addr.isScripthash()) {
const stack = input.witness.toStack();
const redeem = stack.pop();
if (!redeem)
return false;
const prev = Script.decode(redeem);
const sig = this.signature(index, prev, value, key, type);
const result = this.signVector(prev, stack, sig, ring);
if (!result)
return false;
return true;
if (addr.isPubkeyhash()) {
const prev = Script.fromPubkeyhash(addr.hash);
const sig = this.signature(index, prev, value, key, type);
const stack = input.witness.toStack();
const result = this.signVector(prev, stack, sig, ring);
if (!result)
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Add a signature to a vector
* based on a previous script.
* @param {Script} prev
* @param {Stack} vector
* @param {Buffer} sig
* @param {KeyRing} ring
* @return {Stack?}
signVector(prev, vector, sig, ring) {
// P2PK
const pk = prev.getPubkey();
if (pk) {
// Make sure the pubkey is ours.
if (!ring.publicKey.equals(pk))
return null;
if (vector.length === 0)
throw new Error('Input has not been templated.');
// Already signed.
if (vector.get(0).length > 0)
return vector;
vector.set(0, sig);
return vector;
// P2PKH
const pkh = prev.getPubkeyhash();
if (pkh) {
// Make sure the pubkey hash is ours.
if (!ring.getKeyHash().equals(pkh))
return null;
if (vector.length !== 2)
throw new Error('Input has not been templated.');
if (vector.get(1).length === 0)
throw new Error('Input has not been templated.');
// Already signed.
if (vector.get(0).length > 0)
return vector;
vector.set(0, sig);
return vector;
// Multisig
const [m, n] = prev.getMultisig();
if (m !== -1) {
if (vector.length < 2)
throw new Error('Input has not been templated.');
if (vector.get(0).length !== 0)
throw new Error('Input has not been templated.');
// Too many signature slots. Abort.
if (vector.length - 1 > n)
throw new Error('Input has not been templated.');
// Count the number of current signatures.
let total = 0;
for (let i = 1; i < vector.length; i++) {
const item = vector.get(i);
if (item.length > 0)
total += 1;
// Signatures are already finalized.
if (total === m && vector.length - 1 === m)
return vector;
// Add some signature slots for us to use if
// there was for some reason not enough.
while (vector.length - 1 < n)
// Grab the redeem script's keys to figure
// out where our key should go.
const keys = [];
for (const op of prev.code) {
if (op.data)
// Find the key index so we can place
// the signature in the same index.
let keyIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
if (key.equals(ring.publicKey)) {
keyIndex = i;
// Our public key is not in the prev_out
// script. We tried to sign a transaction
// that is not redeemable by us.
if (keyIndex === -1)
return null;
// Offset key index by one to turn it into
// "sig index". Accounts for OP_0 byte at
// the start.
keyIndex += 1;
// Add our signature to the correct slot
// and increment the total number of
// signatures.
if (keyIndex < vector.length && total < m) {
if (vector.get(keyIndex).length === 0) {
vector.set(keyIndex, sig);
total += 1;
// All signatures added. Finalize.
if (total >= m) {
// Remove empty slots left over.
for (let i = vector.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
const item = vector.get(i);
if (item.length === 0)
// Remove signatures which are not required.
// This should never happen.
while (total > m) {
total -= 1;
// Sanity checks.
assert(total === m);
assert(vector.length - 1 === m);
return vector;
return null;
* Test whether the transaction is fully-signed.
* @returns {Boolean}
isSigned() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.inputs.length; i++) {
const {prevout} = this.inputs[i];
const coin = this.view.getOutput(prevout);
if (!coin)
return false;
if (!this.isInputSigned(i, coin))
return false;
return true;
* Test whether an input is fully-signed.
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Coin|Output} coin
* @returns {Boolean}
isInputSigned(index, coin) {
const input = this.inputs[index];
assert(input, 'Input does not exist.');
assert(coin, 'No coin passed.');
const addr = coin.address;
const stack = input.witness.toStack();
if (addr.isScripthash()) {
const prev = Script.decode(stack.pop());
return this.isVectorSigned(prev, stack);
if (addr.isPubkeyhash()) {
const prev = Script.fromPubkeyhash(addr.hash);
return this.isVectorSigned(prev, stack);
return false;
* Test whether a vector is fully-signed.
* @param {Script} prev
* @param {Stack} vector
* @returns {Boolean}
isVectorSigned(prev, vector) {
if (prev.isPubkey()) {
if (vector.length !== 1)
return false;
if (vector.get(0).length === 0)
return false;
return true;
if (prev.isPubkeyhash()) {
if (vector.length !== 2)
return false;
if (vector.get(0).length === 0)
return false;
if (vector.get(1).length === 0)
return false;
return true;
const [m] = prev.getMultisig();
if (m !== -1) {
// Ensure we have the correct number
// of required signatures.
if (vector.length - 1 !== m)
return false;
// Ensure all members are signatures.
for (let i = 1; i < vector.length; i++) {
const item = vector.get(i);
if (item.length === 0)
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Build input scripts (or witnesses).
* @param {KeyRing} ring - Address used to sign. The address
* must be able to redeem the coin.
* @returns {Number} Number of inputs templated.
template(ring) {
if (Array.isArray(ring)) {
let total = 0;
for (const key of ring)
total += this.template(key);
return total;
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.inputs.length; i++) {
const {prevout} = this.inputs[i];
const coin = this.view.getOutput(prevout);
if (!coin)
if (!ring.ownOutput(coin))
// Build script for input
if (!this.scriptInput(i, coin, ring))
total += 1;
return total;
* Built input scripts (or witnesses) and sign the inputs.
* @param {KeyRing} ring - Address used to sign. The address
* must be able to redeem the coin.
* @param {SighashType} type
* @returns {Number} Number of inputs signed.
sign(ring, type) {
if (Array.isArray(ring)) {
let total = 0;
for (const key of ring)
total += this.sign(key, type);
return total;
assert(ring.privateKey, 'No private key available.');
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.inputs.length; i++) {
const {prevout} = this.inputs[i];
const coin = this.view.getOutput(prevout);
if (!coin)
if (!ring.ownOutput(coin))
// Build script for input
if (!this.scriptInput(i, coin, ring))
// Sign input
if (!this.signInput(i, coin, ring, type))
total += 1;
return total;
* Sign the transaction inputs on the worker pool
* (if workers are enabled).
* @param {KeyRing} ring
* @param {SighashType?} type
* @param {WorkerPool?} pool
* @returns {Promise}
async signAsync(ring, type, pool) {
if (!pool)
return this.sign(ring, type);
return await pool.sign(this, ring, type);
* Estimate maximum possible size.
* @param {Function?} estimate - Input script size estimator.
* @returns {Promise<Number>}
async estimateSize(estimate) {
const scale = consensus.WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR;
let total = 0;
// Calculate the size, minus the input scripts.
total += 4;
total += encoding.sizeVarint(this.inputs.length);
total += this.inputs.length * 40;
total += encoding.sizeVarint(this.outputs.length);
for (const output of this.outputs)
total += output.getSize();
total += 4;
// Add size for signatures and public keys
for (const {prevout} of this.inputs) {
const coin = this.view.getOutput(prevout);
// No coin, assume pkh
if (!coin || coin.address.isPubkeyhash()) {
let size = 0;
// varint-items-len
size += 1;
// varint-len [signature]
size += 1 + 65;
// varint-len [key]
size += 1 + 33;
// vsize
size = (size + scale - 1) / scale | 0;
total += size;
// Call out to the custom witness estimator.
if (estimate) {
let size = await estimate(coin.address);
if (size !== -1) {
// vsize
size = (size + scale - 1) / scale | 0;
total += size;
// Unknown script hash, take a wild guess
// and estimate for 2-of-3 multisig.
let size = 0;
// varint-items-len
size += 1;
// 2-of-3 multisig input
size += 239;
// vsize
size = (size + scale - 1) / scale | 0;
total += size;
return total;
* Select necessary coins based on total output value.
* @param {Coin[]} coins
* @param {Object?} options
* @returns {Promise<CoinSelector>}
* @throws on not enough funds available.
selectCoins(coins, options) {
const selector = new CoinSelector(this, options);
return selector.select(coins);
* Attempt to subtract a fee from a single output.
* @param {Number} index
* @param {AmountValue} fee
subtractIndex(index, fee) {
assert(typeof index === 'number');
assert(typeof fee === 'number');
const output = this.outputs[index];
if (!output)
throw new Error('Subtraction index does not exist.');
if (output.value < fee + output.getDustThreshold())
throw new Error('Could not subtract fee.');
output.value -= fee;
* Attempt to subtract a fee from all outputs evenly.
* @param {AmountValue} fee
subtractFee(fee) {
assert(typeof fee === 'number');
let outputs = 0;
for (const output of this.outputs) {
if (output.covenant.type !== types.NONE)
// Ignore nulldatas and
// other OP_RETURN scripts.
if (output.address.isUnspendable())
outputs += 1;
if (outputs === 0)
throw new Error('Could not subtract fee.');
const left = fee % outputs;
const share = (fee - left) / outputs;
// First pass, remove even shares.
for (const output of this.outputs) {
if (output.covenant.type !== types.NONE)
if (output.address.isUnspendable())
if (output.value < share + output.getDustThreshold())
throw new Error('Could not subtract fee.');
output.value -= share;
// Second pass, remove the remainder
// for the one unlucky output.
for (const output of this.outputs) {
if (output.covenant.type !== types.NONE)
if (output.address.isUnspendable())
if (output.value >= left + output.getDustThreshold()) {
output.value -= left;
throw new Error('Could not subtract fee.');
* Select coins and fill the inputs.
* @param {Coin[]} coins
* @param {Object} options - See {@link MTX#selectCoins} options.
* @returns {Promise<CoinSelector>}
async fund(coins, options) {
assert(options, 'Options are required.');
assert(options.changeAddress, 'Change address is required.');
// Select necessary coins.
const select = await this.selectCoins(coins, options);
// Make sure we empty the input array.
this.inputs.length = 0;
// Add coins to transaction.
for (const coin of select.chosen)
// Attempt to subtract fee.
if (select.subtractFee) {
const index = select.subtractIndex;
if (index !== -1)
this.subtractIndex(index, select.fee);
// Add a change output.
const output = new Output();
output.value = select.change;
output.address = select.changeAddress;
if (output.isDust(policy.MIN_RELAY)) {
// Do nothing. Change is added to fee.
this.changeIndex = -1;
assert.strictEqual(this.getFee(), select.fee + select.change);
} else {
this.changeIndex = this.outputs.length - 1;
assert.strictEqual(this.getFee(), select.fee);
return select;
* Sort inputs and outputs according to BIP69.
* @see https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0069.mediawiki
sortMembers() {
let changeOutput = null;
if (this.changeIndex !== -1) {
changeOutput = this.outputs[this.changeIndex];
assert(changeOutput.covenant.type === 0);
/** @type {Input[]} */
const inputs = [];
/** @type {Output[]} */
const outputs = [];
// [Input, Output][]
const linked = [];
let i = 0;
for (; i < this.outputs.length; i++) {
const input = this.input(i);
const output = this.outputs[i];
if (!input) {
if (!output.covenant.isLinked()) {
linked.push([input, output]);
for (; i < this.inputs.length; i++)
this.inputs = [];
this.outputs = [];
for (const [input, output] of linked) {
for (const input of inputs)
for (const output of outputs)
if (this.changeIndex !== -1) {
this.changeIndex = this.outputs.indexOf(changeOutput);
assert(this.changeIndex !== -1);
* Avoid fee sniping.
* @param {Number} height - Current chain height.
* @see bitcoin/src/wallet/wallet.cpp
avoidFeeSniping(height) {
assert(typeof height === 'number', 'Must pass in height.');
if ((Math.random() * 10 | 0) === 0) {
height -= Math.random() * 100 | 0;
if (height < 0)
height = 0;
* Set locktime and sequences appropriately.
* @param {Number} locktime
* @param {Boolean?} [seconds]
setLocktime(locktime, seconds) {
assert(Number.isSafeInteger(locktime) && locktime >= 0,
'Locktime must be an unsigned integer.');
assert(this.inputs.length > 0, 'Cannot set sequence with no inputs.');
if (seconds) {
assert(locktime < 2 ** 40, 'Time locktime must be 40 bits.');
locktime /= consensus.LOCKTIME_MULT;
locktime |= consensus.LOCKTIME_FLAG;
locktime >>>= 0;
} else {
assert((locktime & consensus.LOCKTIME_MASK) === locktime,
'Height locktime must be 31 bits.');
for (const input of this.inputs) {
if (input.sequence === 0xffffffff)
input.sequence = 0xfffffffe;
this.locktime = locktime;
* Set sequence locktime.
* @param {Number} index - Input index.
* @param {Number} locktime
* @param {Boolean?} seconds
setSequence(index, locktime, seconds) {
const input = this.inputs[index];
assert(input, 'Input does not exist.');
assert((locktime >>> 0) === locktime, 'Locktime must be a uint32.');
if (seconds) {
locktime >>>= consensus.SEQUENCE_GRANULARITY;
locktime &= consensus.SEQUENCE_MASK;
locktime |= consensus.SEQUENCE_TYPE_FLAG;
} else {
locktime &= consensus.SEQUENCE_MASK;
input.sequence = locktime;
* Inspect the transaction.
* @returns {Object}
format() {
return super.format(this.view);
* Convert transaction to JSON.
* @returns {Object}
toJSON() {
return super.getJSON(null, this.view);
* Convert transaction to JSON.
* @param {Network} network
* @returns {Object}
getJSON(network) {
return super.getJSON(network, this.view);
* Inject properties from a json object.
* @param {Object} json
fromJSON(json) {
for (let i = 0; i < json.inputs.length; i++) {
const input = json.inputs[i];
const {prevout} = input;
if (!input.coin)
const coin = Coin.fromJSON(input.coin);
coin.hash = util.parseHex(prevout.hash, 32);
coin.index = prevout.index;
if (!input.path)
if(!(this.view instanceof WalletCoinView))
this.view = WalletCoinView.fromCoinView(this.view);
const outpoint = Outpoint.fromJSON(prevout);
const path = Path.fromJSON(input.path);
this.view.addPath(outpoint, path);
return this;
* Convert the MTX to a TX.
* @returns {TX}
toTX() {
return new TX().inject(this);
* Convert the MTX to a TX.
* @returns {Array} [tx, view]
commit() {
return [this.toTX(), this.view];
* Instantiate MTX from TX.
* @param {TX} tx
* @returns {MTX}
fromTX(tx) {
return super.inject(tx);
* Instantiate MTX from TX.
* @param {TX} tx
* @returns {MTX}
static fromTX(tx) {
return new this().fromTX(tx);
* Test whether an object is an MTX.
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {Boolean}
static isMTX(obj) {
return obj instanceof MTX;
* Coin Selector
* @alias module:primitives.CoinSelector
class CoinSelector {
* Create a coin selector.
* @constructor
* @param {MTX} tx
* @param {Object?} options
constructor(tx, options) {
this.tx = tx.clone();
this.view = tx.view;
this.coins = [];
this.outputValue = 0;
this.index = 0;
this.chosen = [];
this.change = 0;
this.fee = CoinSelector.MIN_FEE;
this.selection = 'value';
this.subtractFee = false;
this.subtractIndex = -1;
this.height = -1;
this.depth = -1;
this.hardFee = -1;
this.rate = CoinSelector.FEE_RATE;
this.maxFee = -1;
this.round = false;
this.coinbaseMaturity = 400;
this.changeAddress = null;
this.inputs = new BufferMap();
// Needed for size estimation.
this.estimate = null;
if (options)
* Initialize selector options.
* @param {Object} options
* @private
fromOptions(options) {
if (options.selection) {
assert(typeof options.selection === 'string');
this.selection = options.selection;
if (options.subtractFee != null) {
if (typeof options.subtractFee === 'number') {
assert(options.subtractFee >= -1);
this.subtractIndex = options.subtractFee;
this.subtractFee = this.subtractIndex !== -1;
} else {
assert(typeof options.subtractFee === 'boolean');
this.subtractFee = options.subtractFee;
if (options.subtractIndex != null) {
assert(options.subtractIndex >= -1);
this.subtractIndex = options.subtractIndex;
this.subtractFee = this.subtractIndex !== -1;
if (options.height != null) {
assert(options.height >= -1);
this.height = options.height;
if (options.confirmations != null) {
assert(options.confirmations >= -1);
this.depth = options.confirmations;
if (options.depth != null) {
assert(options.depth >= -1);
this.depth = options.depth;
if (options.hardFee != null) {
assert(options.hardFee >= -1);
this.hardFee = options.hardFee;
if (options.rate != null) {
assert(options.rate >= 0);
this.rate = options.rate;
if (options.maxFee != null) {
assert(options.maxFee >= -1);
this.maxFee = options.maxFee;
if (options.round != null) {
assert(typeof options.round === 'boolean');
this.round = options.round;
if (options.coinbaseMaturity != null) {
assert((options.coinbaseMaturity >>> 0) === options.coinbaseMaturity);
this.coinbaseMaturity = options.coinbaseMaturity;
if (options.changeAddress) {
const addr = options.changeAddress;
if (typeof addr === 'string') {
this.changeAddress = Address.fromString(addr);
} else {
assert(addr instanceof Address);
this.changeAddress = addr;
if (options.estimate) {
assert(typeof options.estimate === 'function');
this.estimate = options.estimate;
if (options.inputs) {
const lastIndex = this.inputs.size;
for (let i = 0; i < options.inputs.length; i++) {
const prevout = options.inputs[i];
assert(prevout && typeof prevout === 'object');
const {hash, index} = prevout;
this.inputs.set(Outpoint.toKey(hash, index), lastIndex + i);
return this;
* Attempt to inject existing inputs.
* @private
injectInputs() {
if (this.tx.inputs.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.tx.inputs.length; i++) {
const {prevout} = this.tx.inputs[i];
this.inputs.set(prevout.toKey(), i);
* Initialize the selector with coins to select from.
* @param {Coin[]} coins
init(coins) {
this.coins = coins.slice();
this.outputValue = this.tx.getOutputValue();
this.index = 0;
this.chosen = [];
this.change = 0;
this.fee = CoinSelector.MIN_FEE;
this.tx.inputs.length = 0;
switch (this.selection) {
case 'all':
case 'random':
case 'age':
case 'value':
throw new FundingError(`Bad selection type: ${this.selection}.`);
* Calculate total value required.
* @returns {AmountValue}
total() {
if (this.subtractFee)
return this.outputValue;
return this.outputValue + this.fee;
* Test whether the selector has
* completely funded the transaction.
* @returns {Boolean}
isFull() {
return this.tx.getInputValue() >= this.total();
* Test whether a coin is spendable
* with regards to the options.
* @param {Coin} coin
* @returns {Boolean}
isSpendable(coin) {
if (this.tx.view.hasEntry(coin))
return false;
if (coin.covenant.isNonspendable())
return false;
if (this.height === -1)
return true;
if (coin.coinbase) {
if (coin.height === -1)
return false;
if (this.height + 1 < coin.height + this.coinbaseMaturity)
return false;
return true;
if (this.depth === -1)
return true;
const depth = coin.getDepth(this.height);
if (depth < this.depth)
return false;
return true;
* Get the current fee based on a size.
* @param {Number} size
* @returns {AmountValue}
getFee(size) {
// This is mostly here for testing.
// i.e. A fee rounded to the nearest
// kb is easier to predict ahead of time.
if (this.round)
return policy.getRoundFee(size, this.rate);
return policy.getMinFee(size, this.rate);
* Fund the transaction with more
* coins if the `output value + fee`
* total was updated.
fund() {
// Ensure all preferred inputs first.
if (this.isFull())
while (this.index < this.coins.length) {
const coin = this.coins[this.index++];
if (!this.isSpendable(coin))
if (this.selection === 'all')
if (this.isFull())
* Initiate selection from `coins`.
* @param {Coin[]} coins
* @returns {Promise<CoinSelector>}
async select(coins) {
if (this.hardFee !== -1) {
} else {
// This is potentially asynchronous:
// it may invoke the size estimator
// required for redeem scripts (we
// may be calling out to a wallet
// or something similar).
await this.selectEstimate();
if (!this.isFull()) {
// Still failing to get enough funds.
throw new FundingError(
'Not enough funds.',
// How much money is left after filling outputs.
this.change = this.tx.getInputValue() - this.total();
return this;
* Initialize selection based on size estimate.
async selectEstimate() {
// Set minimum fee and do
// an initial round of funding.
this.fee = CoinSelector.MIN_FEE;
// Add dummy output for change.
const change = new Output();
if (this.changeAddress) {
change.address = this.changeAddress;
} else {
// In case we don't have a change address,
// we use a fake p2pkh output to gauge size.
// Keep recalculating the fee and funding
// until we reach some sort of equilibrium.
do {
const size = await this.tx.estimateSize(this.estimate);
this.fee = this.getFee(size);
if (this.maxFee > 0 && this.fee > this.maxFee)
throw new FundingError('Fee is too high.');
// Failed to get enough funds, add more coins.
if (!this.isFull())
} while (!this.isFull() && this.index < this.coins.length);
* Initiate selection based on a hard fee.
selectHard() {
this.fee = this.hardFee;
resolveInputCoins() {
if (this.inputs.size === 0)
const coins = [];
for (let i = 0 ; i < this.inputs.size; i++) {
// first resolve from coinview if possible.
for (const key of this.inputs.keys()) {
const prevout = Outpoint.fromKey(key);
if (this.view.hasEntry(prevout)) {
const coinEntry = this.view.getEntry(prevout);
const i = this.inputs.get(key);
if (i != null) {
coins[i] = coinEntry.toCoin(prevout);
// Now try to resolve from the passed coins array.
if (this.inputs.size > 0) {
for (const coin of this.coins) {
const {hash, index} = coin;
const key = Outpoint.toKey(hash, index);
const i = this.inputs.get(key);
if (i != null) {
coins[i] = coin;
if (this.inputs.size > 0)
throw new Error('Could not resolve preferred inputs.');
for (const coin of coins) {
* Default fee rate
* for coin selection.
* @const {Amount}
* @default
CoinSelector.FEE_RATE = 10000;
* Minimum fee to start with
* during coin selection.
* @const {Amount}
* @default
CoinSelector.MIN_FEE = 10000;
* Funding Error
* An error thrown from the coin selector.
* @ignore
* @extends Error
* @property {String} message - Error message.
* @property {Amount} availableFunds
* @property {Amount} requiredFunds
class FundingError extends Error {
* Create a funding error.
* @constructor
* @param {String} msg
* @param {AmountValue} [available]
* @param {AmountValue} [required]
constructor(msg, available, required) {
this.type = 'FundingError';
this.message = msg;
this.availableFunds = -1;
this.requiredFunds = -1;
if (available != null) {
this.message += ` (available=${Amount.coin(available)},`;
this.message += ` required=${Amount.coin(required)})`;
this.availableFunds = available;
this.requiredFunds = required;
if (Error.captureStackTrace)
Error.captureStackTrace(this, FundingError);
* Helpers
function sortAge(a, b) {
a = a.height === -1 ? 0x7fffffff : a.height;
b = b.height === -1 ? 0x7fffffff : b.height;
return a - b;
function sortRandom(a, b) {
return Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
function sortValue(a, b) {
if (a.height === -1 && b.height !== -1)
return 1;
if (a.height !== -1 && b.height === -1)
return -1;
return b.value - a.value;
function sortInputs(a, b) {
return a.compare(b);
function sortOutputs(a, b) {
return a.compare(b);
function sortLinked(a, b) {
return a[0].compare(b[0]);
* Expose
exports = MTX;
exports.MTX = MTX;
exports.Selector = CoinSelector;
exports.FundingError = FundingError;
module.exports = exports;