* outpoint.js - outpoint object for hsd
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* https://github.com/handshake-org/hsd
'use strict';
const assert = require('bsert');
const bio = require('bufio');
const consensus = require('../protocol/consensus');
const util = require('../utils/util');
/** @typedef {import('../types').Hash} Hash */
/** @typedef {import('../types').HexHash} HexHash */
/** @typedef {import('../types').BufioWriter} BufioWriter */
/** @typedef {import('./tx')} TX */
* @typedef {Object} OutpointJSON
* @property {HexHash} hash
* @property {Number} index
* Outpoint
* Represents a COutPoint.
* @alias module:primitives.Outpoint
* @property {Hash} hash
* @property {Number} index
class Outpoint extends bio.Struct {
* Create an outpoint.
* @constructor
* @param {Hash?} [hash]
* @param {Number?} [index]
constructor(hash, index) {
this.hash = consensus.ZERO_HASH;
this.index = 0xffffffff;
if (hash != null) {
assert((index >>> 0) === index, 'Index must be a uint32.');
this.hash = hash;
this.index = index;
* Inject properties from options object.
* @param {Object} options
fromOptions(options) {
assert(options, 'Outpoint data is required.');
assert((options.index >>> 0) === options.index, 'Index must be a uint32.');
this.hash = options.hash;
this.index = options.index;
return this;
* Clone the outpoint.
* @param {this} prevout
* @returns {this}
inject(prevout) {
assert(prevout instanceof this.constructor);
this.hash = prevout.hash;
this.index = prevout.index;
return this;
* Test equality against another outpoint.
* @param {this} prevout
* @returns {Boolean}
equals(prevout) {
assert(prevout instanceof this.constructor);
return this.hash.equals(prevout.hash)
&& this.index === prevout.index;
* Compare against another outpoint (BIP69).
* @param {this} prevout
* @returns {Number}
compare(prevout) {
assert(prevout instanceof this.constructor);
const cmp = this.hash.compare(prevout.hash);
if (cmp !== 0)
return cmp;
return this.index - prevout.index;
* Test whether the outpoint is null (hash of zeroes
* with max-u32 index). Used to detect coinbases.
* @returns {Boolean}
isNull() {
return this.index === 0xffffffff && this.hash.equals(consensus.ZERO_HASH);
* Get little-endian hash.
* @returns {HexHash}
txid() {
return this.hash.toString('hex');
* Serialize outpoint to a key
* suitable for a hash table.
* @returns {Buffer}
toKey() {
return Outpoint.toKey(this.hash, this.index);
* Inject properties from hash table key.
* @param {Buffer} key
* @returns {Outpoint}
fromKey(key) {
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(key) && key.length === 36);
this.hash = key.slice(0, 32);
this.index = bio.readU32(key, 32);
return this;
* Instantiate outpoint from hash table key.
* @param {Buffer} key
* @returns {Outpoint}
static fromKey(key) {
return new this().fromKey(key);
* Write outpoint to a buffer writer.
* @param {BufioWriter} bw
* @returns {BufioWriter}
write(bw) {
return bw;
* Calculate size of outpoint.
* @returns {Number}
getSize() {
return 36;
* Inject properties from buffer reader.
* @param {bio.BufferReader} br
read(br) {
this.hash = br.readHash();
this.index = br.readU32();
return this;
* Inject properties from json object.
* @param {OutpointJSON} json
fromJSON(json) {
assert(json, 'Outpoint data is required.');
assert(json.hash, 'Hash is required.');
assert((json.index >>> 0) === json.index, 'Index must be a uint32.');
this.hash = util.parseHex(json.hash, 32);
this.index = json.index;
return this;
* Convert the outpoint to an object suitable
* for JSON serialization.
* @returns {OutpointJSON}
getJSON() {
return {
hash: this.hash.toString('hex'),
index: this.index
* Inject properties from tx.
* @private
* @param {TX} tx
* @param {Number} index
fromTX(tx, index) {
assert((index >>> 0) === index);
this.hash = tx.hash();
this.index = index;
return this;
* Instantiate outpoint from tx.
* @param {TX} tx
* @param {Number} index
* @returns {Outpoint}
static fromTX(tx, index) {
return new this().fromTX(tx, index);
* Serialize outpoint to a key
* suitable for a hash table.
* @param {Hash} hash
* @param {Number} index
* @returns {Buffer}
static toKey(hash, index) {
return new Outpoint(hash, index).encode();
* Convert the outpoint to a user-friendly string.
* @returns {String}
format() {
return `<Outpoint: ${this.hash.toString('hex')}/${this.index}>`;
* Test an object to see if it is an outpoint.
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {Boolean}
static isOutpoint(obj) {
return obj instanceof Outpoint;
* Expose
module.exports = Outpoint;