Source: protocol/networks.js

 * network.js - handshake networks for hsd
 * Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).

/* eslint no-implicit-coercion: "off" */

'use strict';

 * @module protocol/networks

/** @typedef {import('../types').NetworkType} NetworkType */

const BN = require('bcrypto/lib/bn.js');
const genesis = require('./genesis');
const network = exports;

 * Network type list.
 * @memberof module:protocol/networks
 * @const {NetworkType[]}
 * @type {NetworkType[]}
 * @default

network.types = ['main', 'testnet', 'regtest', 'simnet'];

 * Mainnet
 * @static
 * @lends module:protocol/networks
 * @type {Object}

const main = {};

 * Symbolic network type.
 * @const {String}
 * @default

main.type = 'main';

 * Default DNS seeds.
 * @const {String[]}
 * @default

main.seeds = [
  '', // Christopher Jeffrey
  '' // Matthew Zipkin

 * Packet magic number.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.magic = genesis.main.magic;

 * Default network port.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.port = 12038;

 * Default brontide port.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.brontidePort = 44806;

 * Checkpoint block list.
 * @const {Object}

main.checkpointMap = {
  1008: Buffer.from(
    '0000000000001013c28fa079b545fb805f04c496687799b98e35e83cbbb8953e', 'hex'),
  2016: Buffer.from(
    '0000000000000424ee6c2a5d6e0da5edfc47a4a10328c1792056ee48303c3e40', 'hex'),
  10000: Buffer.from(
    '00000000000001a86811a6f520bf67cefa03207dc84fd315f58153b28694ec51', 'hex'),
  20000: Buffer.from(
    '0000000000000162c7ac70a582256f59c189b5c90d8e9861b3f374ed714c58de', 'hex'),
  30000: Buffer.from(
    '0000000000000004f790862846b23c3a81585aea0fa79a7d851b409e027bcaa7', 'hex'),
  40000: Buffer.from(
    '0000000000000002966206a40b10a575cb46531253b08dae8e1b356cfa277248', 'hex'),
  50000: Buffer.from(
    '00000000000000020c7447e7139feeb90549bfc77a7f18d4ff28f327c04f8d6e', 'hex'),
  56880: Buffer.from(
    '0000000000000001d4ef9ea6908bb4eb970d556bd07cbd7d06a634e1cd5bbf4e', 'hex'),
  61043: Buffer.from(
    '00000000000000015b84385e0307370f8323420eaa27ef6e407f2d3162f1fd05', 'hex'),
  100000: Buffer.from(
    '000000000000000136d7d3efa688072f40d9fdd71bd47bb961694c0f38950246', 'hex'),
  130000: Buffer.from(
    '0000000000000005ee5106df9e48bcd232a1917684ac344b35ddd9b9e4101096', 'hex'),
  160000: Buffer.from(
    '00000000000000021e723ce5aedc021ab4f85d46a6914e40148f01986baa46c9', 'hex'),
  225000: Buffer.from(
    '00000000000000021f0be013ebad018a9ef97c8501766632f017a778781320d5', 'hex')

 * Last checkpoint height.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.lastCheckpoint = 225000;

 * Reward halving interval.
 * Roughly every 3.25 years.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.halvingInterval = 170000;

 * Number of blocks before a coinbase
 * spend can occur (consensus).
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.coinbaseMaturity = 100;

 * Genesis block header.
 * @const {Object}

main.genesis = genesis.main;

 * The network's genesis block in a hex string.
 * @const {String}

main.genesisBlock = genesis.mainData;

 * POW-related constants.
 * @enum {Number}
 * @default

main.pow = {};

 * Default target.
 * @const {BN}

main.pow.limit = new BN(

 * Compact pow limit.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.pow.bits = 0x1c00ffff;

 * Minimum chainwork for best chain.
 * @const {BN}

main.pow.chainwork = new BN(

 * Retarget window in blocks.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.pow.targetWindow = 144;

 * Average block time.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.pow.targetSpacing = 10 * 60;

 * Average blocks per day.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.pow.blocksPerDay = ((24 * 60 * 60) / main.pow.targetSpacing) >>> 0;

 * Desired retarget period in seconds.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.pow.targetTimespan = main.pow.targetWindow * main.pow.targetSpacing;

 * Minimum actual time.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.pow.minActual = (main.pow.targetTimespan / 4) >>> 0;

 * Maximum actual time.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.pow.maxActual = main.pow.targetTimespan * 4;

 * Whether to reset target if a block
 * has not been mined recently.
 * @const {Boolean}
 * @default

main.pow.targetReset = false;

 * Do not allow retargetting.
 * @const {Boolean}
 * @default

main.pow.noRetargeting = false;

 * Prohibit all transactions until
 * sufficient chainwork has been accumulated.
 * @const {Number}

main.txStart = 14 * main.pow.blocksPerDay;

 * Name-related constants.

main.names = {
   * Height at which the auction system activates.
   * Must be greater or equal to txStart.
   * @const {Number}

  auctionStart: 14 * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Interval at which names are rolled out.
   * @const {Number}

  rolloutInterval: 7 * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Amount of time a name is locked for after being claimed.
   * @const {Number}

  lockupPeriod: 30 * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Time period after which names expire.
   * @const {Number}

  renewalWindow: (2 * 365) * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Committed renewal block hashes
   * must be no older than this.
   * @const {Number}

  renewalPeriod: 182 * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Committed renewal block hashes
   * must be at least this old.
   * @const {Number}

  renewalMaturity: 30 * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * The time window in which the
   * nameholders can claim reserved names.
   * @const {Number}

  claimPeriod: (4 * 365) * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * The time window which the
   * names will be locked before release or hard fork.
   * @const {Number}

  alexaLockupPeriod: (8 * 365) * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Amount of time required in between
   * replacement claims.
   * @const {Number}

  claimFrequency: 2 * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Bidding time period.
   * @const {Number}

  biddingPeriod: 5 * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Reveal time period.
   * @const {Number}

  revealPeriod: 10 * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Interval at which the name tree is updated.
   * @const {Number}

  treeInterval: main.pow.blocksPerDay >>> 2,

   * Amount of time transfers are locked up for.
   * @const {Number}

  transferLockup: 2 * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Sum of total period and revocation delay.
   * @const {Number}

  auctionMaturity: (5 + 10 + 14) * main.pow.blocksPerDay,

   * Whether there is no weekly rollout.
   * @const {Boolean}

  noRollout: false,

   * Whether there are no names reserved.
   * @const {Boolean}

  noReserved: false

 * Block constants.

main.block = {
   * Safe height to start pruning.

  pruneAfterHeight: 1000,

   * Safe number of blocks to keep.

  keepBlocks: 288,

   * Age used for the time delta to
   * determine whether the chain is synced.

  maxTipAge: 12 * 60 * 60,

   * Height at which block processing is
   * slow enough that we can output
   * logs without spamming.

  slowHeight: 0

 * Block height at which GooSig claims are
 * disabled. This limits risk associated
 * with newly discovered cryptography
 * attacks or social engineering attacks.
 * Estimated to be disabled at 1 year +
 * 1 month from the start of the network
 * on mainnet.

main.goosigStop = (365 + 30) * main.pow.blocksPerDay;

 * For versionbits.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.activationThreshold = 1916;

 * Confirmation window for versionbits.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.minerWindow = 2016;

 * Deployments for versionbits.
 * @const {Object}
 * @default

main.deployments = {
  hardening: {
    name: 'hardening',
    bit: 0,
    startTime: 1581638400, // February 14th, 2020
    timeout: 1707868800, // February 14th, 2024
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: false
  icannlockup: {
    name: 'icannlockup',
    bit: 1,
    startTime: 1691625600, // August 10, 2023
    timeout: 1703980800, // December 31, 2023
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: false
  testdummy: {
    name: 'testdummy',
    bit: 28,
    startTime: 1199145601, // January 1, 2008
    timeout: 1230767999, // December 31, 2008
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: true

 * Deployments for versionbits (array form, sorted).
 * @const {Array}
 * @default

main.deploys = [

 * Key prefixes.
 * @enum {Number|String}
 * @default

main.keyPrefix = {
  privkey: 0x80,
  xpubkey: 0x0488b21e,
  xprivkey: 0x0488ade4,
  xpubkey58: 'xpub',
  xprivkey58: 'xprv',
  coinType: 5353

 * Address prefix.
 * @const {String}

main.addressPrefix = 'hs';

 * Default value for whether the mempool
 * accepts non-standard transactions.
 * @const {Boolean}
 * @default

main.requireStandard = true;

 * Default http port.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.rpcPort = 12037;

 * Default wallet port.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.walletPort = 12039;

 * Default DNS port.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.nsPort = 5349;

 * Default recursive DNS port.
 * @const {Number}
 * @default

main.rsPort = 5350;

 * Default min relay rate.
 * @const {Rate}
 * @default

main.minRelay = 1000;

 * Default normal relay rate.
 * @const {Rate}
 * @default

main.feeRate = 100000;

 * Maximum normal relay rate.
 * @const {Rate}
 * @default

main.maxFeeRate = 400000;

 * Default identity key (testing only).
 * @const {Buffer|null}
 * @default

main.identityKey = null;

 * Whether to allow self-connection.
 * @const {Boolean}

main.selfConnect = false;

 * Whether to request mempool on sync.
 * @const {Boolean}

main.requestMempool = true;

 * DNSSEC ownership prefix.
 * @const {String}

main.claimPrefix = 'hns-claim:';

 * Activation height for inflation bug fix.
 * @const {Number}

main.deflationHeight = 61043;

 * Testnet

const testnet = {};

testnet.type = 'testnet';

testnet.seeds = [
  '' // Christopher Jeffrey

testnet.magic = genesis.testnet.magic;

testnet.port = 13038;

testnet.brontidePort = 45806;

testnet.checkpointMap = {};

testnet.lastCheckpoint = 0;

testnet.halvingInterval = 170000;
testnet.coinbaseMaturity = 100;

testnet.genesis = genesis.testnet;
testnet.genesisBlock = genesis.testnetData;

testnet.pow = {};

// Probably minable very quick with 1 GPU.
testnet.pow.limit = new BN(
testnet.pow.bits = 0x1d00ffff;
testnet.pow.chainwork = new BN(
testnet.pow.targetWindow = 144;
testnet.pow.targetSpacing = 10 * 60;
testnet.pow.blocksPerDay = ((24 * 60 * 60) / testnet.pow.targetSpacing) >>> 0;
testnet.pow.targetTimespan =
  testnet.pow.targetWindow * testnet.pow.targetSpacing;
testnet.pow.minActual = (testnet.pow.targetTimespan / 4) >>> 0;
testnet.pow.maxActual = testnet.pow.targetTimespan * 4;
testnet.pow.targetReset = true;
testnet.pow.noRetargeting = false;
testnet.txStart = 0;

testnet.names = {
  auctionStart: (0.25 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay) | 0,
  rolloutInterval: (0.25 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay) | 0,
  lockupPeriod: (0.25 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay) | 0,
  renewalWindow: 30 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  renewalPeriod: 7 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  renewalMaturity: 1 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  claimPeriod: 90 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  alexaLockupPeriod: 180 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  claimFrequency: 2 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  biddingPeriod: 1 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  revealPeriod: 2 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  treeInterval: testnet.pow.blocksPerDay >>> 2,
  transferLockup: 2 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  auctionMaturity: (1 + 2 + 4) * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay,
  noRollout: false,
  noReserved: false

testnet.block = {
  pruneAfterHeight: 1000,
  keepBlocks: 10000,
  maxTipAge: 12 * 60 * 60,
  slowHeight: 0

testnet.goosigStop = 20 * testnet.pow.blocksPerDay;

testnet.activationThreshold = 1512;

testnet.minerWindow = 2016;

testnet.deployments = {
  hardening: {
    name: 'hardening',
    bit: 0,
    startTime: 1581638400, // February 14th, 2020
    timeout: 1707868800, // February 14th, 2024
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: false
  icannlockup: {
    name: 'icannlockup',
    bit: 1,
    startTime: 1691625600, // August 10, 2023
    timeout: 1703980800, // December 31, 2023
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: false
  testdummy: {
    name: 'testdummy',
    bit: 28,
    startTime: 1199145601, // January 1, 2008
    timeout: 1230767999, // December 31, 2008
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: true

testnet.deploys = [

testnet.keyPrefix = {
  privkey: 0xef,
  xpubkey: 0x043587cf,
  xprivkey: 0x04358394,
  xpubkey58: 'tpub',
  xprivkey58: 'tprv',
  coinType: 5354

testnet.addressPrefix = 'ts';

testnet.requireStandard = false;

testnet.rpcPort = 13037;

testnet.walletPort = 13039;

testnet.nsPort = 15349;

testnet.rsPort = 15350;

testnet.minRelay = 1000;

testnet.feeRate = 20000;

testnet.maxFeeRate = 60000;

testnet.identityKey = null;

testnet.selfConnect = false;

testnet.requestMempool = true;

testnet.claimPrefix = 'hns-testnet:';

testnet.deflationHeight = 0;

 * Regtest

const regtest = {};

regtest.type = 'regtest';

regtest.seeds = [];

regtest.magic = genesis.regtest.magic;

regtest.port = 14038;

regtest.brontidePort = 46806;

regtest.checkpointMap = {};
regtest.lastCheckpoint = 0;

regtest.halvingInterval = 2500;
regtest.coinbaseMaturity = 2;

regtest.genesis = genesis.regtest;
regtest.genesisBlock = genesis.regtestData;

regtest.pow = {};
regtest.pow.limit = new BN(
regtest.pow.bits = 0x207fffff;
regtest.pow.chainwork = new BN(
regtest.pow.targetWindow = 144;
regtest.pow.targetSpacing = 10 * 60;
regtest.pow.blocksPerDay = ((24 * 60 * 60) / regtest.pow.targetSpacing) >>> 0;
regtest.pow.targetTimespan =
  regtest.pow.targetWindow * regtest.pow.targetSpacing;
regtest.pow.minActual = (regtest.pow.targetTimespan / 4) >>> 0;
regtest.pow.maxActual = regtest.pow.targetTimespan * 4;
regtest.pow.targetReset = true;
regtest.pow.noRetargeting = true;
regtest.txStart = 0;

regtest.names = {
  auctionStart: 0,
  rolloutInterval: 2,
  lockupPeriod: 2,
  renewalWindow: 5000,
  renewalPeriod: 2500,
  renewalMaturity: 50,
  claimPeriod: 250000,
  alexaLockupPeriod: 500000,
  claimFrequency: 0,
  biddingPeriod: 5,
  revealPeriod: 10,
  treeInterval: 5,
  transferLockup: 10,
  auctionMaturity: 5 + 10 + 50,
  noRollout: false,
  noReserved: false

regtest.block = {
  pruneAfterHeight: 1000,
  keepBlocks: 10000,
  maxTipAge: 0xffffffff,
  slowHeight: 0

regtest.goosigStop = -1 >>> 0;

regtest.activationThreshold = 108;

regtest.minerWindow = 144;

regtest.deployments = {
  hardening: {
    name: 'hardening',
    bit: 0,
    startTime: 1581638400, // February 14th, 2020
    timeout: 1707868800, // February 14th, 2024
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: false
  icannlockup: {
    name: 'icannlockup',
    bit: 1,
    startTime: 1691625600, // August 10, 2023
    timeout: 1703980800, // December 31, 2023
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: false
  testdummy: {
    name: 'testdummy',
    bit: 28,
    startTime: 0,
    timeout: 0xffffffff,
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: true

regtest.deploys = [

regtest.keyPrefix = {
  privkey: 0x5a,
  xpubkey: 0xeab4fa05,
  xprivkey: 0xeab404c7,
  xpubkey58: 'rpub',
  xprivkey58: 'rprv',
  coinType: 5355

regtest.addressPrefix = 'rs';

regtest.requireStandard = false;

regtest.rpcPort = 14037;

regtest.walletPort = 14039;

regtest.nsPort = 25349;

regtest.rsPort = 25350;

regtest.minRelay = 1000;

regtest.feeRate = 20000;

regtest.maxFeeRate = 60000;

regtest.identityKey = Buffer.from(

regtest.selfConnect = true;

regtest.requestMempool = true;

regtest.claimPrefix = 'hns-regtest:';

regtest.deflationHeight = 200;

 * Simnet

const simnet = {};

simnet.type = 'simnet';

simnet.seeds = [];

simnet.magic = genesis.simnet.magic;

simnet.port = 15038;

simnet.brontidePort = 47806;

simnet.checkpointMap = {};

simnet.lastCheckpoint = 0;

simnet.halvingInterval = 170000;
simnet.coinbaseMaturity = 6;

simnet.genesis = genesis.simnet;
simnet.genesisBlock = genesis.simnetData;

simnet.pow = {};
simnet.pow.limit = new BN(
simnet.pow.bits = 0x207fffff;
simnet.pow.chainwork = new BN(
simnet.pow.targetWindow = 144;
simnet.pow.targetSpacing = 10 * 60;
simnet.pow.blocksPerDay = ((24 * 60 * 60) / simnet.pow.targetSpacing) >>> 0;
simnet.pow.targetTimespan =
  simnet.pow.targetWindow * simnet.pow.targetSpacing;
simnet.pow.minActual = (simnet.pow.targetTimespan / 4) >>> 0;
simnet.pow.maxActual = simnet.pow.targetTimespan * 4;
simnet.pow.targetReset = false;
simnet.pow.noRetargeting = false;
simnet.txStart = 0;

simnet.names = {
  auctionStart: 0,
  rolloutInterval: 1,
  lockupPeriod: 1,
  renewalWindow: 2500,
  renewalPeriod: 1250,
  renewalMaturity: 25,
  claimPeriod: 75000,
  alexaLockupPeriod: 150000,
  claimFrequency: 0,
  biddingPeriod: 25,
  revealPeriod: 50,
  treeInterval: 2,
  transferLockup: 5,
  auctionMaturity: 25 + 50 + 25,
  noRollout: false,
  noReserved: false

simnet.block = {
  pruneAfterHeight: 1000,
  keepBlocks: 10000,
  maxTipAge: 0xffffffff,
  slowHeight: 0

simnet.goosigStop = -1 >>> 0;

simnet.activationThreshold = 75;

simnet.minerWindow = 100;

simnet.deployments = {
  hardening: {
    name: 'hardening',
    bit: 0,
    startTime: 1581638400, // February 14th, 2020
    timeout: 1707868800, // February 14th, 2024
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: false
  icannlockup: {
    name: 'icannlockup',
    bit: 1,
    startTime: 1691625600, // August 10, 2023
    timeout: 1703980800, // December 31, 2023
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: false
  testdummy: {
    name: 'testdummy',
    bit: 28,
    startTime: 1199145601, // January 1, 2008
    timeout: 1230767999, // December 31, 2008
    threshold: -1,
    window: -1,
    required: false,
    force: true

simnet.deploys = [

simnet.keyPrefix = {
  privkey: 0x64,
  xpubkey: 0x0420bd3a,
  xprivkey: 0x0420b900,
  xpubkey58: 'spub',
  xprivkey58: 'sprv',
  coinType: 5356

simnet.addressPrefix = 'ss';

simnet.requireStandard = false;

simnet.rpcPort = 15037;

simnet.walletPort = 15039;

simnet.nsPort = 35349;

simnet.rsPort = 35350;

simnet.minRelay = 1000;

simnet.feeRate = 20000;

simnet.maxFeeRate = 60000;

simnet.identityKey = Buffer.from(

simnet.selfConnect = true;

simnet.requestMempool = true;

simnet.claimPrefix = 'hns-simnet:';

simnet.deflationHeight = 0;

 * Expose

network.main = main;
network.testnet = testnet;
network.regtest = regtest;
network.simnet = simnet;