* account.js - account object for hsd
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* https://github.com/handshake-org/hsd
'use strict';
const assert = require('bsert');
const bio = require('bufio');
const binary = require('../utils/binary');
const Path = require('./path');
const common = require('./common');
const Script = require('../script/script');
const WalletKey = require('./walletkey');
const {HDPublicKey} = require('../hd/hd');
* Account
* Represents a BIP44 Account belonging to a {@link Wallet}.
* Note that this object does not enforce locks. Any method
* that does a write is internal API only and will lead
* to race conditions if used elsewhere.
* @alias module:wallet.Account
class Account extends bio.Struct {
* Create an account.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options
constructor(wdb, options) {
assert(wdb, 'Database is required.');
this.wdb = wdb;
this.network = wdb.network;
this.wid = 0;
this.id = null;
this.accountIndex = 0;
this.name = null;
this.initialized = false;
this.watchOnly = false;
this.type = Account.types.PUBKEYHASH;
this.m = 1;
this.n = 1;
this.receiveDepth = 0;
this.changeDepth = 0;
this.lookahead = 200;
this.accountKey = null;
this.keys = [];
if (options)
* Inject properties from options object.
* @private
* @param {Object} options
fromOptions(options) {
assert(options, 'Options are required.');
assert((options.wid >>> 0) === options.wid);
assert(common.isName(options.id), 'Bad Wallet ID.');
'Account key is required.');
assert((options.accountIndex >>> 0) === options.accountIndex,
'Account index is required.');
this.wid = options.wid;
this.id = options.id;
if (options.accountIndex != null) {
assert((options.accountIndex >>> 0) === options.accountIndex);
this.accountIndex = options.accountIndex;
if (options.name != null) {
assert(common.isName(options.name), 'Bad account name.');
this.name = options.name;
if (options.initialized != null) {
assert(typeof options.initialized === 'boolean');
this.initialized = options.initialized;
if (options.watchOnly != null) {
assert(typeof options.watchOnly === 'boolean');
this.watchOnly = options.watchOnly;
if (options.type != null) {
if (typeof options.type === 'string') {
this.type = Account.types[options.type.toUpperCase()];
assert(this.type != null);
} else {
assert(typeof options.type === 'number');
this.type = options.type;
if (options.m != null) {
assert((options.m & 0xff) === options.m);
this.m = options.m;
if (options.n != null) {
assert((options.n & 0xff) === options.n);
this.n = options.n;
if (options.receiveDepth != null) {
assert((options.receiveDepth >>> 0) === options.receiveDepth);
this.receiveDepth = options.receiveDepth;
if (options.changeDepth != null) {
assert((options.changeDepth >>> 0) === options.changeDepth);
this.changeDepth = options.changeDepth;
if (options.lookahead != null) {
assert((options.lookahead >>> 0) === options.lookahead);
assert(options.lookahead >= 0);
this.lookahead = options.lookahead;
this.accountKey = options.accountKey;
if (this.n > 1)
this.type = Account.types.MULTISIG;
if (!this.name)
this.name = this.accountIndex.toString(10);
if (this.m < 1 || this.m > this.n)
throw new Error('m ranges between 1 and n');
if (options.keys) {
for (const key of options.keys)
return this;
* Inject properties from options object.
* @private
* @param {Object} options
static fromOptions(wdb, options) {
return new this(wdb).fromOptions(options);
* Attempt to intialize the account (generating
* the first addresses along with the lookahead
* addresses). Called automatically from the
* walletdb.
* @returns {Promise}
async init(b) {
// Waiting for more keys.
if (this.keys.length !== this.n - 1) {
assert(this.receiveDepth === 0);
assert(this.changeDepth === 0);
this.initialized = true;
await this.initDepth(b);
* Add a public account key to the account (multisig).
* Does not update the database.
* @param {HDPublicKey} key - Account (bip44)
* key (can be in base58 form).
* @throws Error on non-hdkey/non-accountkey.
pushKey(key) {
if (typeof key === 'string')
key = HDPublicKey.fromBase58(key, this.network);
if (!HDPublicKey.isHDPublicKey(key))
throw new Error('Must add HD keys to wallet.');
if (!key.isAccount())
throw new Error('Must add HD account keys to BIP44 wallet.');
if (this.type !== Account.types.MULTISIG)
throw new Error('Cannot add keys to non-multisig wallet.');
if (key.equals(this.accountKey))
throw new Error('Cannot add own key.');
const index = binary.insert(this.keys, key, cmp, true);
if (index === -1)
return false;
if (this.keys.length > this.n - 1) {
binary.remove(this.keys, key, cmp);
throw new Error('Cannot add more keys.');
return true;
* Remove a public account key to the account (multisig).
* Does not update the database.
* @param {HDPublicKey} key - Account (bip44)
* key (can be in base58 form).
* @throws Error on non-hdkey/non-accountkey.
spliceKey(key) {
if (typeof key === 'string')
key = HDPublicKey.fromBase58(key, this.network);
if (!HDPublicKey.isHDPublicKey(key))
throw new Error('Must add HD keys to wallet.');
if (!key.isAccount())
throw new Error('Must add HD account keys to BIP44 wallet.');
if (this.type !== Account.types.MULTISIG)
throw new Error('Cannot remove keys from non-multisig wallet.');
if (this.keys.length === this.n - 1)
throw new Error('Cannot remove key.');
return binary.remove(this.keys, key, cmp);
* Add a public account key to the account (multisig).
* Saves the key in the wallet database.
* @param {HDPublicKey} key
* @returns {Promise}
async addSharedKey(b, key) {
const result = this.pushKey(key);
if (await this.hasDuplicate()) {
throw new Error('Cannot add a key from another account.');
// Try to initialize again.
await this.init(b);
return result;
* Ensure accounts are not sharing keys.
* @private
* @returns {Promise}
async hasDuplicate() {
if (this.keys.length !== this.n - 1)
return false;
const ring = this.deriveReceive(0);
const hash = ring.getScriptHash();
return this.wdb.hasPath(this.wid, hash);
* Remove a public account key from the account (multisig).
* Remove the key from the wallet database.
* @param {HDPublicKey} key
* @returns {Promise}
removeSharedKey(b, key) {
const result = this.spliceKey(key);
if (!result)
return false;
return true;
* Create a new receiving address (increments receiveDepth).
* @returns {WalletKey}
createReceive() {
return this.createKey(0);
* Create a new change address (increments changeDepth).
* @returns {WalletKey}
createChange() {
return this.createKey(1);
* Create a new address (increments depth).
* @param {Boolean} change
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {@link WalletKey}.
async createKey(b, branch) {
let key, lookahead;
switch (branch) {
case 0:
key = this.deriveReceive(this.receiveDepth);
lookahead = this.deriveReceive(this.receiveDepth + this.lookahead);
await this.saveKey(b, lookahead);
this.receiveDepth += 1;
this.receive = key;
case 1:
key = this.deriveChange(this.changeDepth);
lookahead = this.deriveChange(this.changeDepth + this.lookahead);
await this.saveKey(b, lookahead);
this.changeDepth += 1;
this.change = key;
throw new Error(`Bad branch: ${branch}.`);
return key;
* Derive a receiving address at `index`. Do not increment depth.
* @param {Number} index
* @returns {WalletKey}
deriveReceive(index, master) {
return this.deriveKey(0, index, master);
* Derive a change address at `index`. Do not increment depth.
* @param {Number} index
* @returns {WalletKey}
deriveChange(index, master) {
return this.deriveKey(1, index, master);
* Derive an address from `path` object.
* @param {Path} path
* @param {MasterKey} master
* @returns {WalletKey}
derivePath(path, master) {
switch (path.keyType) {
case Path.types.HD: {
return this.deriveKey(path.branch, path.index, master);
case Path.types.KEY: {
assert(this.type === Account.types.PUBKEYHASH);
let data = path.data;
if (path.encrypted) {
data = master.decipher(data, path.hash);
if (!data)
return null;
return WalletKey.fromImport(this, data);
case Path.types.ADDRESS: {
return null;
default: {
throw new Error('Bad key type.');
* Derive an address at `index`. Do not increment depth.
* @param {Number} branch
* @param {Number} index
* @returns {WalletKey}
deriveKey(branch, index, master) {
assert(typeof branch === 'number');
const keys = [];
let key;
if (master && master.key && !this.watchOnly) {
const type = this.network.keyPrefix.coinType;
key = master.key.deriveAccount(44, type, this.accountIndex);
key = key.derive(branch).derive(index);
} else {
key = this.accountKey.derive(branch).derive(index);
const ring = WalletKey.fromHD(this, key, branch, index);
switch (this.type) {
case Account.types.PUBKEYHASH:
case Account.types.MULTISIG:
for (const shared of this.keys) {
const key = shared.derive(branch).derive(index);
ring.script = Script.fromMultisig(this.m, this.n, keys);
return ring;
* Save the account to the database. Necessary
* when address depth and keys change.
* @returns {Promise}
save(b) {
return this.wdb.saveAccount(b, this);
* Save addresses to path map.
* @param {WalletKey[]} rings
* @returns {Promise}
saveKey(b, ring) {
return this.wdb.saveKey(b, this.wid, ring);
* Save paths to path map.
* @param {Path[]} rings
* @returns {Promise}
savePath(b, path) {
return this.wdb.savePath(b, this.wid, path);
* Initialize address depths (including lookahead).
* @returns {Promise}
async initDepth(b) {
// Receive Address
this.receiveDepth = 1;
for (let i = 0; i <= this.lookahead; i++) {
const key = this.deriveReceive(i);
await this.saveKey(b, key);
// Change Address
this.changeDepth = 1;
for (let i = 0; i <= this.lookahead; i++) {
const key = this.deriveChange(i);
await this.saveKey(b, key);
* Allocate new lookahead addresses if necessary.
* @param {Number} receiveDepth
* @param {Number} changeDepth
* @returns {Promise<WalletKey?>}
async syncDepth(b, receive, change) {
let derived = false;
let result = null;
if (receive > this.receiveDepth) {
const depth = this.receiveDepth + this.lookahead;
assert(receive <= depth + 1);
for (let i = depth; i < receive + this.lookahead; i++) {
const key = this.deriveReceive(i);
await this.saveKey(b, key);
result = key;
this.receiveDepth = receive;
derived = true;
if (change > this.changeDepth) {
const depth = this.changeDepth + this.lookahead;
assert(change <= depth + 1);
for (let i = depth; i < change + this.lookahead; i++) {
const key = this.deriveChange(i);
await this.saveKey(b, key);
this.changeDepth = change;
derived = true;
if (derived)
return result;
* Allocate new lookahead addresses.
* @param {Number} lookahead
* @returns {Promise}
async setLookahead(b, lookahead) {
assert((lookahead >>> 0) === lookahead, 'Lookahead must be a number.');
if (lookahead === this.lookahead)
if (lookahead < this.lookahead) {
const diff = this.lookahead - lookahead;
this.receiveDepth += diff;
this.changeDepth += diff;
this.lookahead = lookahead;
const depth = this.receiveDepth + this.lookahead;
const target = this.receiveDepth + lookahead;
for (let i = depth; i < target; i++) {
const key = this.deriveReceive(i);
await this.saveKey(b, key);
const depth = this.changeDepth + this.lookahead;
const target = this.changeDepth + lookahead;
for (let i = depth; i < target; i++) {
const key = this.deriveChange(i);
await this.saveKey(b, key);
this.lookahead = lookahead;
* Get current receive key.
* @returns {WalletKey}
receiveKey() {
if (!this.initialized)
return null;
return this.deriveReceive(this.receiveDepth - 1);
* Get current change key.
* @returns {WalletKey}
changeKey() {
if (!this.initialized)
return null;
return this.deriveChange(this.changeDepth - 1);
* Get current receive address.
* @returns {Address}
receiveAddress() {
const key = this.receiveKey();
if (!key)
return null;
return key.getAddress();
* Get current change address.
* @returns {Address}
changeAddress() {
const key = this.changeKey();
if (!key)
return null;
return key.getAddress();
* Convert the account to a more inspection-friendly object.
* @returns {Object}
format() {
const receive = this.receiveAddress();
const change = this.changeAddress();
return {
id: this.id,
wid: this.wid,
name: this.name,
network: this.network.type,
initialized: this.initialized,
watchOnly: this.watchOnly,
type: Account.typesByVal[this.type].toLowerCase(),
m: this.m,
n: this.n,
accountIndex: this.accountIndex,
receiveDepth: this.receiveDepth,
changeDepth: this.changeDepth,
lookahead: this.lookahead,
receiveAddress: receive ? receive.toString(this.network) : null,
changeAddress: change ? change.toString(this.network) : null,
accountKey: this.accountKey.toBase58(this.network),
keys: this.keys.map(key => key.toBase58(this.network))
* Convert the account to an object suitable for
* serialization.
* @returns {Object}
getJSON(balance) {
const receive = this.receiveAddress();
const change = this.changeAddress();
return {
name: this.name,
initialized: this.initialized,
watchOnly: this.watchOnly,
type: Account.typesByVal[this.type].toLowerCase(),
m: this.m,
n: this.n,
accountIndex: this.accountIndex,
receiveDepth: this.receiveDepth,
changeDepth: this.changeDepth,
lookahead: this.lookahead,
receiveAddress: receive ? receive.toString(this.network) : null,
changeAddress: change ? change.toString(this.network) : null,
accountKey: this.accountKey.toBase58(this.network),
keys: this.keys.map(key => key.toBase58(this.network)),
balance: balance ? balance.toJSON(true) : null
* Calculate serialization size.
* @returns {Number}
getSize() {
let size = 0;
size += 91;
size += this.keys.length * 74;
return size;
* Serialize the account.
* @returns {Buffer}
write(bw) {
let flags = 0;
if (this.initialized)
flags |= 1;
writeKey(this.accountKey, bw);
for (const key of this.keys)
writeKey(key, bw);
return bw;
* Inject properties from serialized data.
* @private
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {Object}
read(br) {
const flags = br.readU8();
this.initialized = (flags & 1) !== 0;
this.type = br.readU8();
this.m = br.readU8();
this.n = br.readU8();
this.receiveDepth = br.readU32();
this.changeDepth = br.readU32();
this.lookahead = br.readU32();
this.accountKey = readKey(br);
assert(this.type < Account.typesByVal.length);
const count = br.readU8();
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const key = readKey(br);
binary.insert(this.keys, key, cmp, true);
return this;
* Decode account.
* @param {WalletDB} wdb
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {Account}
static decode(wdb, data) {
return new this(wdb).decode(data);
* Test an object to see if it is a Account.
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {Boolean}
static isAccount(obj) {
return obj instanceof Account;
* Account types.
* @enum {Number}
* @default
Account.types = {
* Account types by value.
* @const {Object}
Account.typesByVal = [
* Helpers
function cmp(a, b) {
return a.compare(b);
function writeKey(key, bw) {
function readKey(br) {
const key = new HDPublicKey();
key.depth = br.readU8();
key.parentFingerPrint = br.readU32BE();
key.childIndex = br.readU32BE();
key.chainCode = br.readBytes(32);
key.publicKey = br.readBytes(33);
return key;
* Expose
module.exports = Account;