* http.js - wallet http server for hsd
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* Copyright (c) 2019, Mark Tyneway (MIT License).
* https://github.com/handshake-org/hsd
'use strict';
const assert = require('bsert');
const path = require('path');
const {Server} = require('bweb');
const Validator = require('bval');
const base58 = require('bcrypto/lib/encoding/base58');
const MTX = require('../primitives/mtx');
const Outpoint = require('../primitives/outpoint');
const sha256 = require('bcrypto/lib/sha256');
const rules = require('../covenants/rules');
const random = require('bcrypto/lib/random');
const Covenant = require('../primitives/covenant');
const {safeEqual} = require('bcrypto/lib/safe');
const Network = require('../protocol/network');
const Address = require('../primitives/address');
const KeyRing = require('../primitives/keyring');
const Mnemonic = require('../hd/mnemonic');
const HDPrivateKey = require('../hd/private');
const HDPublicKey = require('../hd/public');
const {Resource} = require('../dns/resource');
const common = require('./common');
* @alias module:wallet.HTTP
class HTTP extends Server {
* Create an http server.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options
constructor(options) {
super(new HTTPOptions(options));
this.network = this.options.network;
this.logger = this.options.logger.context('wallet-http');
this.wdb = this.options.node.wdb;
this.rpc = this.options.node.rpc;
this.maxTXs = this.wdb.options.maxHistoryTXs;
* Initialize http server.
* @private
init() {
this.on('request', (req, res) => {
if (req.method === 'POST' && req.pathname === '/')
this.logger.debug('Request for method=%s path=%s (%s).',
req.method, req.pathname, req.socket.remoteAddress);
this.on('listening', (address) => {
this.logger.info('Wallet HTTP server listening on %s (port=%d).',
address.address, address.port);
* Initialize routes.
* @private
initRouter() {
if (this.options.cors)
if (!this.options.noAuth) {
hash: sha256.digest,
password: this.options.apiKey,
realm: 'wallet'
type: 'json'
this.use(async (req, res) => {
if (!this.options.walletAuth) {
req.admin = true;
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const token = valid.buf('token');
if (token && safeEqual(token, this.options.adminToken)) {
req.admin = true;
if (req.method === 'POST' && req.path.length === 0) {
this.error((err, req, res) => {
const code = err.statusCode || 500;
res.json(code, {
error: {
type: err.type,
code: err.code,
message: err.message
this.hook(async (req, res) => {
if (req.path.length < 2)
if (req.path[0] !== 'wallet')
if (req.method === 'PUT' && req.path.length === 2)
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const id = valid.str('id');
const token = valid.buf('token');
if (!id) {
if (req.admin || !this.options.walletAuth) {
const wallet = await this.wdb.get(id);
if (!wallet) {
req.wallet = wallet;
if (!token) {
let wallet;
try {
wallet = await this.wdb.auth(id, token);
} catch (err) {
this.logger.info('Auth failure for %s: %s.', id, err.message);
if (!wallet) {
req.wallet = wallet;
this.logger.info('Successful auth for %s.', id);
// Rescan
this.post('/rescan', async (req, res) => {
if (!req.admin) {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const height = valid.u32('height');
res.json(200, { success: true });
await this.wdb.rescan(height);
// Deep Clean
this.post('/deepclean', async (req, res) => {
if (!req.admin) {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const disclaimer = valid.bool('I_HAVE_BACKED_UP_MY_WALLET', false);
'Deep Clean requires I_HAVE_BACKED_UP_MY_WALLET=true'
await this.wdb.deepClean();
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Resend
this.post('/resend', async (req, res) => {
if (!req.admin) {
await this.wdb.resend();
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Backup WalletDB
this.post('/backup', async (req, res) => {
if (!req.admin) {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const path = valid.str('path');
enforce(path, 'Path is required.');
await this.wdb.backup(path);
res.json(200, { success: true });
// List wallets
this.get('/wallet', async (req, res) => {
if (!req.admin) {
const wallets = await this.wdb.getWallets();
res.json(200, wallets);
// Get wallet
this.get('/wallet/:id', async (req, res) => {
const balance = await req.wallet.getBalance();
res.json(200, req.wallet.getJSON(false, balance));
// Get wallet master key
this.get('/wallet/:id/master', (req, res) => {
if (!req.admin) {
res.json(200, req.wallet.master.getJSON(this.network, true));
// Create wallet
this.put('/wallet/:id', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
let master = valid.str('master');
let mnemonic = valid.str('mnemonic');
let accountKey = valid.str('accountKey');
const language = valid.str('language');
if (master)
master = HDPrivateKey.fromBase58(master, this.network);
if (mnemonic)
mnemonic = Mnemonic.fromPhrase(mnemonic);
if (accountKey)
accountKey = HDPublicKey.fromBase58(accountKey, this.network);
const wallet = await this.wdb.create({
id: valid.str('id'),
type: valid.str('type'),
m: valid.u32('m'),
n: valid.u32('n'),
passphrase: valid.str('passphrase'),
bip39Passphrase: valid.str('bip39Passphrase'),
master: master,
mnemonic: mnemonic,
accountKey: accountKey,
watchOnly: valid.bool('watchOnly'),
lookahead: valid.u32('lookahead'),
language: language
const balance = await wallet.getBalance();
res.json(200, wallet.getJSON(false, balance));
// List accounts
this.get('/wallet/:id/account', async (req, res) => {
const accounts = await req.wallet.getAccounts();
res.json(200, accounts);
// Get account
this.get('/wallet/:id/account/:account', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const account = await req.wallet.getAccount(acct);
if (!account) {
const balance = await req.wallet.getBalance(account.accountIndex);
res.json(200, account.getJSON(balance));
// Create account
this.put('/wallet/:id/account/:account', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
let accountKey = valid.get('accountKey');
if (accountKey)
accountKey = HDPublicKey.fromBase58(accountKey, this.network);
const options = {
name: valid.str('account'),
watchOnly: valid.bool('watchOnly'),
type: valid.str('type'),
m: valid.u32('m'),
n: valid.u32('n'),
accountKey: accountKey,
lookahead: valid.u32('lookahead')
const account = await req.wallet.createAccount(options, passphrase);
const balance = await req.wallet.getBalance(account.accountIndex);
res.json(200, account.getJSON(balance));
// Modify account
this.patch('/wallet/:id/account/:account', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
const acct = valid.str('account');
const options = {
lookahead: valid.u32('lookahead')
const account = await req.wallet.modifyAccount(acct, options, passphrase);
const balance = await req.wallet.getBalance(account.accountIndex);
res.json(200, account.getJSON(balance));
// Change passphrase
this.post('/wallet/:id/passphrase', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
const old = valid.str('old');
enforce(passphrase, 'Passphrase is required.');
await req.wallet.setPassphrase(passphrase, old);
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Unlock wallet
this.post('/wallet/:id/unlock', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
const timeout = valid.u32('timeout');
enforce(passphrase, 'Passphrase is required.');
await req.wallet.unlock(passphrase, timeout);
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Lock wallet
this.post('/wallet/:id/lock', async (req, res) => {
await req.wallet.lock();
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Import key
this.post('/wallet/:id/import', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
const pub = valid.buf('publicKey');
const priv = valid.str('privateKey');
const b58 = valid.str('address');
if (pub) {
const key = KeyRing.fromPublic(pub);
await req.wallet.importKey(acct, key);
res.json(200, { success: true });
if (priv) {
const key = KeyRing.fromSecret(priv, this.network);
await req.wallet.importKey(acct, key, passphrase);
res.json(200, { success: true });
if (b58) {
const addr = Address.fromString(b58, this.network);
await req.wallet.importAddress(acct, addr);
res.json(200, { success: true });
enforce(false, 'Key or address is required.');
// Generate new token
this.post('/wallet/:id/retoken', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
const token = await req.wallet.retoken(passphrase);
res.json(200, {
token: token.toString('hex')
// Send TX
this.post('/wallet/:id/send', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
const tx = await req.wallet.send(options);
const details = await req.wallet.getDetails(tx.hash());
res.json(200, details.getJSON(this.network, this.wdb.height));
// Create TX
this.post('/wallet/:id/create', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
// TODO: Add create TX with locks for used Coins and/or
// adds to the pending list.
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
const tx = await req.wallet.createTX(options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(tx, options.passphrase);
const json = tx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, tx, req.wallet);
res.json(200, json);
// Sign TX
this.post('/wallet/:id/sign', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
const raw = valid.buf('tx');
enforce(raw, 'TX is required.');
const tx = MTX.decode(raw);
tx.view = await req.wallet.getCoinView(tx);
await req.wallet.sign(tx, passphrase);
res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
// Zap Wallet TXs
this.post('/wallet/:id/zap', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const age = valid.u32('age');
enforce(age, 'Age is required.');
await req.wallet.zap(acct, age);
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Abandon Wallet TX
this.del('/wallet/:id/tx/:hash', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.bhash('hash');
enforce(hash, 'Hash is required.');
await req.wallet.abandon(hash);
res.json(200, { success: true });
// List blocks
this.get('/wallet/:id/block', async (req, res) => {
const heights = await req.wallet.getBlocks();
res.json(200, heights);
// Get Block Record
this.get('/wallet/:id/block/:height', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const height = valid.u32('height');
enforce(height != null, 'Height is required.');
const block = await req.wallet.getBlock(height);
if (!block) {
res.json(200, block.toJSON());
// Add key
this.put('/wallet/:id/shared-key', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const b58 = valid.str('accountKey');
enforce(b58, 'Key is required.');
const key = HDPublicKey.fromBase58(b58, this.network);
const added = await req.wallet.addSharedKey(acct, key);
res.json(200, {
success: true,
addedKey: added
// Remove key
this.del('/wallet/:id/shared-key', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const b58 = valid.str('accountKey');
enforce(b58, 'Key is required.');
const key = HDPublicKey.fromBase58(b58, this.network);
const removed = await req.wallet.removeSharedKey(acct, key);
res.json(200, {
success: true,
removedKey: removed
// Get key by address
this.get('/wallet/:id/key/:address', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const b58 = valid.str('address');
enforce(b58, 'Address is required.');
const addr = Address.fromString(b58, this.network);
const key = await req.wallet.getKey(addr);
if (!key) {
res.json(200, key.getJSON(this.network));
// Get private key
this.get('/wallet/:id/wif/:address', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const b58 = valid.str('address');
const passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
enforce(b58, 'Address is required.');
const addr = Address.fromString(b58, this.network);
const key = await req.wallet.getPrivateKey(addr, passphrase);
if (!key) {
res.json(200, { privateKey: key.toSecret(this.network) });
// Create address
this.post('/wallet/:id/address', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const addr = await req.wallet.createReceive(acct);
res.json(200, addr.getJSON(this.network));
// Create change address
this.post('/wallet/:id/change', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const addr = await req.wallet.createChange(acct);
res.json(200, addr.getJSON(this.network));
// Wallet Balance
this.get('/wallet/:id/balance', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const balance = await req.wallet.getBalance(acct);
if (!balance) {
res.json(200, balance.toJSON());
// Wallet UTXOs
this.get('/wallet/:id/coin', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const coins = await req.wallet.getCoins(acct);
const result = [];
for (const coin of coins)
res.json(200, result);
// Locked coins
this.get('/wallet/:id/locked', async (req, res) => {
const locked = req.wallet.getLocked();
const result = [];
for (const outpoint of locked)
res.json(200, result);
// Lock coin
this.put('/wallet/:id/locked/:hash/:index', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.bhash('hash');
const index = valid.u32('index');
enforce(hash, 'Hash is required.');
enforce(index != null, 'Index is required.');
const outpoint = new Outpoint(hash, index);
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Unlock coin
this.del('/wallet/:id/locked/:hash/:index', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.bhash('hash');
const index = valid.u32('index');
enforce(hash, 'Hash is required.');
enforce(index != null, 'Index is required.');
const outpoint = new Outpoint(hash, index);
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Wallet Coin
this.get('/wallet/:id/coin/:hash/:index', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.bhash('hash');
const index = valid.u32('index');
enforce(hash, 'Hash is required.');
enforce(index != null, 'Index is required.');
const coin = await req.wallet.getCoin(hash, index);
if (!coin) {
res.json(200, coin.getJSON(this.network));
// Wallet TXs
this.get('/wallet/:id/tx/history', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const reverse = valid.bool('reverse', false);
const limit = valid.u32('limit', this.maxTXs);
const after = valid.bhash('after');
const time = valid.u32('time');
enforce(limit <= this.maxTXs,
`Limit above max of ${this.maxTXs}.`);
let txs = [];
const opts = {limit, reverse};
if (after) {
opts.hash = after;
txs = await req.wallet.listHistoryAfter(acct, opts);
} else if (time) {
opts.time = time;
txs = await req.wallet.listHistoryByTime(acct, opts);
} else {
txs = await req.wallet.listHistory(acct, opts);
const details = await req.wallet.toDetails(txs);
const result = [];
for (const item of details)
result.push(item.getJSON(this.network, this.wdb.height));
res.json(200, result);
// Wallet Pending TXs
this.get('/wallet/:id/tx/unconfirmed', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const acct = valid.str('account');
const reverse = valid.bool('reverse', false);
const limit = valid.u32('limit', 10);
const after = valid.bhash('after');
const time = valid.u32('time');
enforce(limit <= this.maxTXs,
`Limit above max of ${this.maxTXs}.`);
let txs = [];
const opts = {limit, reverse};
if (after) {
opts.hash = after;
txs = await req.wallet.listUnconfirmedAfter(acct, opts);
} else if (time) {
opts.time = time;
txs = await req.wallet.listUnconfirmedByTime(acct, opts);
} else {
txs = await req.wallet.listUnconfirmed(acct, opts);
const details = await req.wallet.toDetails(txs);
const result = [];
for (const item of details)
result.push(item.getJSON(this.network, this.wdb.height));
res.json(200, result);
// Wallet TX
this.get('/wallet/:id/tx/:hash', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const hash = valid.bhash('hash');
enforce(hash, 'Hash is required.');
const tx = await req.wallet.getTX(hash);
if (!tx) {
const details = await req.wallet.toDetails(tx);
res.json(200, details.getJSON(this.network, this.wdb.height));
// Resend
this.post('/wallet/:id/resend', async (req, res) => {
await req.wallet.resend();
res.json(200, { success: true });
// Wallet Name States
this.get('/wallet/:id/name', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const own = valid.bool('own', false);
const height = this.wdb.height;
const network = this.network;
const names = await req.wallet.getNames();
const items = [];
for (const ns of names) {
if (own) {
const {hash, index} = ns.owner;
const coin = await req.wallet.getCoin(hash, index);
if (coin)
items.push(ns.getJSON(height, network));
} else {
items.push(ns.getJSON(height, network));
res.json(200, items);
// Wallet Name State
this.get('/wallet/:id/name/:name', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
enforce(name, 'Must pass name.');
enforce(rules.verifyName(name), 'Must pass valid name.');
const height = this.wdb.height;
const network = this.network;
const ns = await req.wallet.getNameStateByName(name);
if (!ns)
return res.json(404);
return res.json(200, ns.getJSON(height, network));
// Wallet Auctions
this.get('/wallet/:id/auction', async (req, res) => {
const height = this.wdb.height;
const network = this.network;
const names = await req.wallet.getNames();
const items = [];
for (const ns of names) {
const bids = await req.wallet.getBidsByName(ns.name);
const reveals = await req.wallet.getRevealsByName(ns.name);
const info = ns.getJSON(height, network);
info.bids = [];
info.reveals = [];
for (const bid of bids)
for (const reveal of reveals)
return res.json(200, items);
// Wallet Auction
this.get('/wallet/:id/auction/:name', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
enforce(name, 'Must pass name.');
enforce(rules.verifyName(name), 'Must pass valid name.');
const height = this.wdb.height;
const network = this.network;
const ns = await req.wallet.getNameStateByName(name);
if (!ns)
return res.json(404);
const bids = await req.wallet.getBidsByName(name);
const reveals = await req.wallet.getRevealsByName(name);
const info = ns.getJSON(height, network);
info.bids = [];
info.reveals = [];
for (const bid of bids)
for (const reveal of reveals)
return res.json(200, info);
// All Wallet Bids
this.get('/wallet/:id/bid', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const own = valid.bool('own', false);
const bids = await req.wallet.getBidsByName();
const items = [];
for (const bid of bids) {
if (!own || bid.own)
res.json(200, items);
// Wallet Bids by Name
this.get('/wallet/:id/bid/:name', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
let own = valid.bool('own', false);
if (name)
enforce(rules.verifyName(name), 'Must pass valid name.');
if (!name)
own = true;
const bids = await req.wallet.getBidsByName(name);
const items = [];
for (const bid of bids) {
if (!own || bid.own)
res.json(200, items);
// All Wallet Reveals
this.get('/wallet/:id/reveal', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const own = valid.bool('own', false);
const reveals = await req.wallet.getRevealsByName();
const items = [];
for (const brv of reveals) {
if (!own || brv.own)
res.json(200, items);
// Wallet Reveals by Name
this.get('/wallet/:id/reveal/:name', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
let own = valid.bool('own', false);
if (name)
enforce(rules.verifyName(name), 'Must pass valid name.');
if (!name)
own = true;
const reveals = await req.wallet.getRevealsByName(name);
const items = [];
for (const brv of reveals) {
if (!own || brv.own)
res.json(200, items);
// Name Resource
this.get('/wallet/:id/resource/:name', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
enforce(name, 'Must pass name.');
enforce(rules.verifyName(name), 'Must pass valid name.');
const ns = await req.wallet.getNameStateByName(name);
if (!ns || ns.data.length === 0)
return res.json(404);
try {
const resource = Resource.decode(ns.data);
return res.json(200, resource.toJSON());
} catch (e) {
return res.json(400);
// Regenerate Nonce
this.get('/wallet/:id/nonce/:name', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const addr = valid.str('address');
const bid = valid.ufixed('bid');
enforce(name, 'Name is required.');
enforce(rules.verifyName(name), 'Valid name is required.');
enforce(addr, 'Address is required.');
enforce(bid != null, 'Bid is required.');
let address;
try {
address = Address.fromString(addr, this.network);
} catch (e) {
return req.json(400);
const nameHash = rules.hashName(name);
const nonces = await req.wallet.generateNonces(nameHash, address, bid);
const blinds = nonces.map(nonce => rules.blind(bid, nonce));
return res.json(200, {
address: address.toString(this.network),
blinds: blinds.map(blind => blind.toString('hex')),
nonces: nonces.map(nonce => nonce.toString('hex')),
bid: bid,
name: name,
nameHash: nameHash.toString('hex')
// Create Open
this.post('/wallet/:id/open', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(name, 'Name is required.');
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
const tx = await req.wallet.sendOpen(name, options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
// TODO: Add create TX with locks for used Coins and/or
// adds to the pending list.
const mtx = await req.wallet.createOpen(name, options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
// Create Bid
this.post('/wallet/:id/bid', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const bid = valid.u64('bid');
const lockup = valid.u64('lockup');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(name, 'Name is required.');
enforce(bid != null, 'Bid is required.');
enforce(lockup != null, 'Lockup is required.');
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
const tx = await req.wallet.sendBid(name, bid, lockup, options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
// TODO: Add create TX with locks for used Coins and/or
// adds to the pending list.
const mtx = await req.wallet.createBid(name, bid, lockup, options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
// Create auction-related transactions in advance (bid and reveal for now)
this.post('/wallet/:id/auction', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const bid = valid.u64('bid');
const lockup = valid.u64('lockup');
const passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
const broadcastBid = valid.bool('broadcastBid');
enforce(name, 'Name is required.');
enforce(bid != null, 'Bid is required.');
enforce(lockup != null, 'Lockup is required.');
enforce(broadcastBid != null, 'broadcastBid is required.');
enforce(broadcastBid ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
const auctionTXs = await req.wallet.createAuctionTXs(
if (broadcastBid)
auctionTXs.bid = await req.wallet.sendMTX(auctionTXs.bid, passphrase);
if (sign) {
if (!broadcastBid)
await req.wallet.sign(auctionTXs.bid, passphrase);
await req.wallet.sign(auctionTXs.reveal, passphrase);
const jsonBid = auctionTXs.bid.getJSON(this.network);
const jsonReveal = auctionTXs.reveal.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths) {
await this.addOutputPaths(jsonBid, auctionTXs.bid, req.wallet);
await this.addOutputPaths(jsonReveal, auctionTXs.reveal, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, {
bid: jsonBid,
reveal: jsonReveal
// Create Reveal
this.post('/wallet/:id/reveal', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
let tx;
if (name) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
tx = await req.wallet.sendReveal(name, options);
} else {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
tx = await req.wallet.sendRevealAll(options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
let mtx;
// TODO: Add create TX with locks for used Coins and/or
// adds to the pending list.
if (name) {
mtx = await req.wallet.createReveal(name, options);
} else {
mtx = await req.wallet.createRevealAll(options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
// Create Redeem
this.post('/wallet/:id/redeem', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
let tx;
if (name) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
tx = await req.wallet.sendRedeem(name, options);
} else {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
tx = await req.wallet.sendRedeemAll(options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
let mtx;
// TODO: Add create TX with locks for used Coins and/or
// adds to the pending list.
if (!name) {
mtx = await req.wallet.createRedeemAll(options);
} else {
mtx = await req.wallet.createRedeem(name, options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
// Create Update
this.post('/wallet/:id/update', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const data = valid.obj('data');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
enforce(name, 'Must pass name.');
enforce(data, 'Must pass data.');
let resource;
try {
resource = Resource.fromJSON(data);
} catch (e) {
return res.json(400);
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
const tx = await req.wallet.sendUpdate(name, resource, options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
// TODO: Add create TX with locks for used Coins and/or
// adds to the pending list.
const mtx = await req.wallet.createUpdate(name, resource, options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
// Create Renewal
this.post('/wallet/:id/renewal', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
enforce(name, 'Must pass name.');
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
const tx = await req.wallet.sendRenewal(name, options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
const mtx = await req.wallet.createRenewal(name, options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
// Create Transfer
this.post('/wallet/:id/transfer', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const address = valid.str('address');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
enforce(name, 'Must pass name.');
enforce(address, 'Must pass address.');
const addr = Address.fromString(address, this.network);
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
const tx = await req.wallet.sendTransfer(name, addr, options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
// TODO: Add create TX with locks for used Coins and/or
// adds to the pending list.
const mtx = await req.wallet.createTransfer(name, addr, options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
// Create Cancel
this.post('/wallet/:id/cancel', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
enforce(name, 'Must pass name.');
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
const tx = await req.wallet.sendCancel(name, options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
// TODO: Add create TX with locks for used Coins and/or
// adds to the pending list.
const mtx = await req.wallet.createCancel(name, options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
// Create Finalize
this.post('/wallet/:id/finalize', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
enforce(name, 'Must pass name.');
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
const tx = await req.wallet.sendFinalize(name, options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
const mtx = await req.wallet.createFinalize(name, options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
// Create Revoke
this.post('/wallet/:id/revoke', async (req, res) => {
const valid = Validator.fromRequest(req);
const name = valid.str('name');
const broadcast = valid.bool('broadcast', true);
const sign = valid.bool('sign', true);
enforce(broadcast ? sign : true, 'Must sign when broadcasting.');
enforce(name, 'Must pass name.');
const options = TransactionOptions.fromValidator(valid);
if (broadcast) {
// TODO: Add abort signal to close when request closes.
const tx = await req.wallet.sendRevoke(name, options);
return res.json(200, tx.getJSON(this.network));
// TODO: Add create TX with locks for used Coins and/or
// adds to the pending list.
const mtx = await req.wallet.createRevoke(name, options);
if (sign)
await req.wallet.sign(mtx, options.passphrase);
const json = mtx.getJSON(this.network);
if (options.paths)
await this.addOutputPaths(json, mtx, req.wallet);
return res.json(200, json);
* Add wallet path information to JSON outputs
* @private
async addOutputPaths(json, tx, wallet) {
for (let i = 0; i < tx.outputs.length; i++) {
const {address} = tx.outputs[i];
const path = await wallet.getPath(address);
if (!path)
json.outputs[i].path = path.getJSON(this.network);
return json;
* Initialize websockets.
* @private
initSockets() {
const handleTX = (event, wallet, tx, details) => {
const name = `w:${wallet.id}`;
if (!this.channel(name) && !this.channel('w:*'))
const json = details.getJSON(this.network, this.wdb.liveHeight());
if (this.channel(name))
this.to(name, event, wallet.id, json);
if (this.channel('w:*'))
this.to('w:*', event, wallet.id, json);
this.wdb.on('tx', (wallet, tx, details) => {
handleTX('tx', wallet, tx, details);
this.wdb.on('confirmed', (wallet, tx, details) => {
handleTX('confirmed', wallet, tx, details);
this.wdb.on('unconfirmed', (wallet, tx, details) => {
handleTX('unconfirmed', wallet, tx, details);
this.wdb.on('conflict', (wallet, tx, details) => {
handleTX('conflict', wallet, tx, details);
this.wdb.on('balance', (wallet, balance) => {
const name = `w:${wallet.id}`;
if (!this.channel(name) && !this.channel('w:*'))
const json = balance.toJSON();
if (this.channel(name))
this.to(name, 'balance', wallet.id, json);
if (this.channel('w:*'))
this.to('w:*', 'balance', wallet.id, json);
this.wdb.on('address', (wallet, receive) => {
const name = `w:${wallet.id}`;
if (!this.channel(name) && !this.channel('w:*'))
const json = [];
for (const addr of receive)
if (this.channel(name))
this.to(name, 'address', wallet.id, json);
if (this.channel('w:*'))
this.to('w:*', 'address', wallet.id, json);
* Handle new websocket.
* @private
* @param {WebSocket} socket
handleSocket(socket) {
socket.hook('auth', (...args) => {
if (socket.channel('auth'))
throw new Error('Already authed.');
if (!this.options.noAuth) {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const key = valid.str(0, '');
if (key.length > 255)
throw new Error('Invalid API key.');
const data = Buffer.from(key, 'utf8');
const hash = sha256.digest(data);
if (!safeEqual(hash, this.options.apiHash))
throw new Error('Invalid API key.');
this.logger.info('Successful auth from %s.', socket.host);
return null;
* Handle new auth'd websocket.
* @private
* @param {WebSocket} socket
handleAuth(socket) {
socket.hook('join', async (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const id = valid.str(0, '');
const token = valid.buf(1);
if (!id)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
if (!this.options.walletAuth) {
} else if (token) {
if (safeEqual(token, this.options.adminToken))
if (socket.channel('admin') || !this.options.walletAuth) {
return null;
if (id === '*')
throw new Error('Bad token.');
if (!token)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
let wallet;
try {
wallet = await this.wdb.auth(id, token);
} catch (e) {
this.logger.info('Wallet auth failure for %s: %s.', id, e.message);
throw new Error('Bad token.');
if (!wallet)
throw new Error('Wallet does not exist.');
this.logger.info('Successful wallet auth for %s.', id);
return null;
socket.hook('leave', (...args) => {
const valid = new Validator(args);
const id = valid.str(0, '');
if (!id)
throw new Error('Invalid parameter.');
return null;
class HTTPOptions {
* HTTPOptions
* @alias module:http.HTTPOptions
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options
constructor(options) {
this.network = Network.primary;
this.logger = null;
this.node = null;
this.apiKey = base58.encode(random.randomBytes(20));
this.apiHash = sha256.digest(Buffer.from(this.apiKey, 'ascii'));
this.adminToken = random.randomBytes(32);
this.serviceHash = this.apiHash;
this.noAuth = false;
this.cors = false;
this.walletAuth = false;
this.prefix = null;
this.host = '';
this.port = 8080;
this.ssl = false;
this.keyFile = null;
this.certFile = null;
* Inject properties from object.
* @private
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {HTTPOptions}
fromOptions(options) {
assert(options.node && typeof options.node === 'object',
'HTTP Server requires a WalletDB.');
this.node = options.node;
this.network = options.node.network;
this.logger = options.node.logger;
this.port = this.network.walletPort;
if (options.logger != null) {
assert(typeof options.logger === 'object');
this.logger = options.logger;
if (options.apiKey != null) {
assert(typeof options.apiKey === 'string',
'API key must be a string.');
assert(options.apiKey.length <= 255,
'API key must be under 255 bytes.');
this.apiKey = options.apiKey;
this.apiHash = sha256.digest(Buffer.from(this.apiKey, 'ascii'));
if (options.adminToken != null) {
if (typeof options.adminToken === 'string') {
assert(options.adminToken.length === 64,
'Admin token must be a 32 byte hex string.');
const token = Buffer.from(options.adminToken, 'hex');
assert(token.length === 32,
'Admin token must be a 32 byte hex string.');
this.adminToken = token;
} else {
'Admin token must be a hex string or buffer.');
assert(options.adminToken.length === 32,
'Admin token must be 32 bytes.');
this.adminToken = options.adminToken;
if (options.noAuth != null) {
assert(typeof options.noAuth === 'boolean');
this.noAuth = options.noAuth;
if (options.cors != null) {
assert(typeof options.cors === 'boolean');
this.cors = options.cors;
if (options.walletAuth != null) {
assert(typeof options.walletAuth === 'boolean');
this.walletAuth = options.walletAuth;
if (options.prefix != null) {
assert(typeof options.prefix === 'string');
this.prefix = options.prefix;
this.keyFile = path.join(this.prefix, 'key.pem');
this.certFile = path.join(this.prefix, 'cert.pem');
if (options.host != null) {
assert(typeof options.host === 'string');
this.host = options.host;
if (options.port != null) {
assert((options.port & 0xffff) === options.port,
'Port must be a number.');
this.port = options.port;
if (options.ssl != null) {
assert(typeof options.ssl === 'boolean');
this.ssl = options.ssl;
if (options.keyFile != null) {
assert(typeof options.keyFile === 'string');
this.keyFile = options.keyFile;
if (options.certFile != null) {
assert(typeof options.certFile === 'string');
this.certFile = options.certFile;
// Allow no-auth implicitly
// if we're listening locally.
if (!options.apiKey) {
if ( this.host === ''
|| this.host === '::1'
|| this.host === 'localhost')
this.noAuth = true;
return this;
* Instantiate http options from object.
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {HTTPOptions}
static fromOptions(options) {
return new HTTPOptions().fromOptions(options);
class TransactionOptions {
* TransactionOptions
* @alias module:http.TransactionOptions
* @constructor
* @param {Validator} valid
constructor(valid) {
if (valid)
return this.fromValidator(valid);
* Inject properties from Validator.
* @private
* @param {Validator} valid
* @returns {TransactionOptions}
fromValidator(valid) {
this.rate = valid.u64('rate');
this.maxFee = valid.u64('maxFee');
this.selection = valid.str('selection');
this.smart = valid.bool('smart');
this.account = valid.str('account');
this.locktime = valid.u64('locktime');
this.sort = valid.bool('sort');
this.subtractFee = valid.bool('subtractFee');
this.subtractIndex = valid.i32('subtractIndex');
this.depth = valid.u32(['confirmations', 'depth']);
this.paths = valid.bool('paths');
this.passphrase = valid.str('passphrase');
this.hardFee = valid.u64('hardFee'),
this.outputs = [];
if (valid.has('outputs')) {
const outputs = valid.array('outputs');
for (const output of outputs) {
const valid = new Validator(output);
let addr = valid.str('address');
if (addr)
addr = Address.fromString(addr, this.network);
let covenant = valid.obj('covenant');
if (covenant)
covenant = Covenant.fromJSON(covenant);
value: valid.u64('value'),
address: addr,
covenant: covenant
return this;
* Instantiate transaction options
* from Validator.
* @param {Validator} valid
* @returns {TransactionOptions}
static fromValidator(valid) {
return new this().fromValidator(valid);
* Helpers
function enforce(value, msg) {
if (!value) {
const err = new Error(msg);
err.statusCode = 400;
throw err;
* Expose
exports = HTTP;
exports.HTTP = HTTP;
exports.TransactionOptions = TransactionOptions;
module.exports = exports;