* workerpool.js - worker processes for hsd
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* https://github.com/handshake-org/hsd
/* eslint no-nested-ternary: "off" */
'use strict';
const assert = require('bsert');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const os = require('os');
const Network = require('../protocol/network');
const Child = require('./child');
const jobs = require('./jobs');
const Parser = require('./parser');
const Framer = require('./framer');
const packets = require('./packets');
const {ownership} = require('../covenants/ownership');
* Worker Pool
* @alias module:workers.WorkerPool
* @extends EventEmitter
* @property {Number} size
* @property {Number} timeout
* @property {Map} children
* @property {Number} uid
class WorkerPool extends EventEmitter {
* Create a worker pool.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Number} [options.size=num-cores] - Max pool size.
* @param {Number} [options.timeout=120000] - Execution timeout.
constructor(options) {
this.enabled = false;
this.size = getCores();
this.timeout = 120000;
this.file = process.env.HSD_WORKER_FILE || 'worker.js';
this.children = new Map();
this.uid = 0;
* Set worker pool options.
* @param {Object} options
set(options) {
if (!options)
if (options.enabled != null) {
assert(typeof options.enabled === 'boolean');
this.enabled = options.enabled;
if (options.size != null) {
assert((options.size >>> 0) === options.size);
assert(options.size > 0);
this.size = options.size;
if (options.timeout != null) {
assert(options.timeout >= -1);
this.timeout = options.timeout;
if (options.file != null) {
assert(typeof options.file === 'string');
this.file = options.file;
* Open worker pool.
* @returns {Promise}
async open() {
* Close worker pool.
* @returns {Promise}
async close() {
* Spawn a new worker.
* @param {Number} id - Worker ID.
* @returns {Worker}
spawn(id) {
const child = new Worker(this.file);
child.id = id;
child.on('error', (err) => {
this.emit('error', err, child);
child.on('exit', (code) => {
this.emit('exit', code, child);
if (this.children.get(id) === child)
child.on('event', (items) => {
this.emit('event', items, child);
child.on('log', (text) => {
this.emit('log', text, child);
this.emit('spawn', child);
return child;
* Allocate a new worker, will not go above `size` option
* and will automatically load balance the workers.
* @returns {Worker}
alloc() {
const id = this.uid++ % this.size;
if (!this.children.has(id))
this.children.set(id, this.spawn(id));
return this.children.get(id);
* Emit an event on the worker side (all workers).
* @param {String} event
* @param {...Object} arg
* @returns {Boolean}
sendEvent() {
let result = true;
for (const child of this.children.values()) {
if (!child.sendEvent.apply(child, arguments))
result = false;
return result;
* Destroy all workers.
destroy() {
for (const child of this.children.values())
* Call a method for a worker to execute.
* @param {Packet} packet
* @param {Number} timeout
* @returns {Promise}
execute(packet, timeout) {
if (!this.enabled || !Child.hasSupport()) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setImmediate(() => {
let result;
try {
result = jobs.handle(packet);
} catch (e) {
if (!timeout)
timeout = this.timeout;
const child = this.alloc();
return child.execute(packet, timeout);
* Execute the tx check job (default timeout).
* @method
* @param {TX} tx
* @param {CoinView} view
* @param {VerifyFlags} flags
* @returns {Promise}
async check(tx, view, flags) {
const packet = new packets.CheckPacket(tx, view, flags);
const result = await this.execute(packet, -1);
if (result.error)
throw result.error;
return null;
* Execute the tx signing job (default timeout).
* @method
* @param {MTX} tx
* @param {KeyRing|KeyRing[]} ring
* @param {SighashType} type
* @returns {Promise}
async sign(tx, ring, type) {
let rings = ring;
if (!Array.isArray(rings))
rings = [rings];
const packet = new packets.SignPacket(tx, rings, type);
const result = await this.execute(packet, -1);
return result.total;
* Execute the tx input check job (default timeout).
* @method
* @param {TX} tx
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Coin|Output} coin
* @param {VerifyFlags} flags
* @returns {Promise}
async checkInput(tx, index, coin, flags) {
const packet = new packets.CheckInputPacket(tx, index, coin, flags);
const result = await this.execute(packet, -1);
if (result.error)
throw result.error;
return null;
* Execute the tx input signing job (default timeout).
* @method
* @param {MTX} tx
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Coin|Output} coin
* @param {KeyRing} ring
* @param {SighashType} type
* @returns {Promise}
async signInput(tx, index, coin, ring, type) {
const packet = new packets.SignInputPacket(tx, index, coin, ring, type);
const result = await this.execute(packet, -1);
return result.value;
* Execute the secp256k1 verify job (no timeout).
* @method
* @param {Buffer} msg
* @param {Buffer} sig - DER formatted.
* @param {Buffer} key
* @returns {Promise}
async ecVerify(msg, sig, key) {
const packet = new packets.ECVerifyPacket(msg, sig, key);
const result = await this.execute(packet, -1);
return result.value;
* Execute the secp256k1 signing job (no timeout).
* @method
* @param {Buffer} msg
* @param {Buffer} key
* @returns {Promise}
async ecSign(msg, key) {
const packet = new packets.ECSignPacket(msg, key);
const result = await this.execute(packet, -1);
return result.sig;
* Execute the mining job (no timeout).
* @method
* @param {Buffer} hdr
* @param {Buffer} target
* @param {Number} rounds
* @returns {Promise} - Returns {Number}.
async mine(hdr, target, rounds) {
const packet = new packets.MinePacket(hdr, target, rounds);
const {nonce, solved} = await this.execute(packet, -1);
return [nonce, solved];
* Execute scrypt job (no timeout).
* @method
* @param {Buffer} passwd
* @param {Buffer} salt
* @param {Number} N
* @param {Number} r
* @param {Number} p
* @param {Number} len
* @returns {Promise}
async scrypt(passwd, salt, N, r, p, len) {
const packet = new packets.ScryptPacket(passwd, salt, N, r, p, len);
const result = await this.execute(packet, -1);
return result.key;
* Worker
* @alias module:workers.Worker
* @extends EventEmitter
class Worker extends EventEmitter {
* Create a worker.
* @constructor
* @param {String} file
constructor(file) {
this.id = -1;
this.framer = new Framer();
this.parser = new Parser();
this.pending = new Map();
this.child = new Child(file);
* Initialize worker. Bind to events.
* @private
init() {
this.child.on('data', (data) => {
this.child.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
this.emit('exit', code, signal);
this.child.on('error', (err) => {
this.emit('error', err);
this.parser.on('error', (err) => {
this.emit('error', err);
this.parser.on('packet', (packet) => {
this.emit('packet', packet);
* Listen for packets.
* @private
listen() {
this.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
this.on('error', (err) => {
this.on('packet', (packet) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
this.emit('error', e);
HSD_WORKER_ISTTY: process.stdout
? (process.stdout.isTTY ? '1' : '0')
: '0',
HSD_WORKER_IGNORE: ownership.ignore ? '1' : '0'
* Handle packet.
* @private
* @param {Packet} packet
handlePacket(packet) {
switch (packet.cmd) {
case packets.types.EVENT:
this.emit('event', packet.items);
case packets.types.LOG:
this.emit('log', packet.text);
case packets.types.ERROR:
this.emit('error', packet.error);
case packets.types.ERRORRESULT:
this.rejectJob(packet.id, packet.error);
this.resolveJob(packet.id, packet);
* Send data to worker.
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {Boolean}
write(data) {
return this.child.write(data);
* Frame and send a packet.
* @param {Packet} packet
* @returns {Boolean}
send(packet) {
return this.write(this.framer.packet(packet));
* Send environment.
* @param {Object} env
* @returns {Boolean}
sendEnv(env) {
return this.send(new packets.EnvPacket(env));
* Emit an event on the worker side.
* @param {String} event
* @param {...Object} arg
* @returns {Boolean}
sendEvent(...items) {
return this.send(new packets.EventPacket(items));
* Destroy the worker.
destroy() {
return this.child.destroy();
* Call a method for a worker to execute.
* @param {Packet} packet
* @param {Number} timeout
* @returns {Promise}
execute(packet, timeout) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._execute(packet, timeout, resolve, reject);
* Call a method for a worker to execute.
* @private
* @param {Packet} packet
* @param {Number} timeout
* @param {Function} resolve
* @param {Function} reject
* the worker method specifies.
_execute(packet, timeout, resolve, reject) {
const job = new PendingJob(this, packet.id, resolve, reject);
assert(!this.pending.has(packet.id), 'ID overflow.');
this.pending.set(packet.id, job);
* Resolve a job.
* @param {Number} id
* @param {Packet} result
resolveJob(id, result) {
const job = this.pending.get(id);
if (!job)
throw new Error(`Job ${id} is not in progress.`);
* Reject a job.
* @param {Number} id
* @param {Error} err
rejectJob(id, err) {
const job = this.pending.get(id);
if (!job)
throw new Error(`Job ${id} is not in progress.`);
* Kill all jobs associated with worker.
killJobs() {
for (const job of this.pending.values())
* Pending Job
* @ignore
class PendingJob {
* Create a pending job.
* @constructor
* @param {Worker} worker
* @param {Number} id
* @param {Function} resolve
* @param {Function} reject
constructor(worker, id, resolve, reject) {
this.worker = worker;
this.id = id;
this.job = { resolve, reject };
this.timer = null;
* Start the timer.
* @param {Number} timeout
start(timeout) {
if (!timeout || timeout <= 0)
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
this.reject(new Error('Worker timed out.'));
}, timeout);
* Destroy the job with an error.
destroy() {
this.reject(new Error('Job was destroyed.'));
* Cleanup job state.
* @returns {Job}
cleanup() {
const job = this.job;
assert(job, 'Already finished.');
this.job = null;
if (this.timer != null) {
this.timer = null;
return job;
* Complete job with result.
* @param {Object} result
resolve(result) {
const job = this.cleanup();
* Complete job with error.
* @param {Error} err
reject(err) {
const job = this.cleanup();
* Helpers
function getCores() {
return Math.max(2, os.cpus().length);
* Expose
module.exports = WorkerPool;