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Developing and using plugins for hsd

hsd has a plugin interface that allows developers to expand or modify any property of any module within the system, and listen for any internal events. The default wallet used by hsd is in fact a plugin that is integrated by default when hsd is launched from the executable bin/node.

Because a plugin could easily modify consensus code, EXTREME CAUTION must be taken by users when running hsd with a plugin, or when developing one themselves.

Plugins are ingested by hsd at launch by passing a path to a plugin file or directory that contains a package.json file with a "main": "<relative/path/to/file>" property. Plugin files can be identified on the command line, in hsd.conf files or specified by the environment.

Example plugin installation and integration:

Command line:

(Plugins can be installed from npm directly into hsd/node_modules)

$ cd hsd
$ npm install hstratum
$ hsd --plugins hstratum

Shell environment:

$ export HSD_PLUGINS=/Users/hsd-developer/work/holdmyhand
$ hsd

Conf file:


plugins: /Users/hsd-developer/work/holdmyhand

Plugin development

FullNode, SPVNode and WalletNode modules (which all extend lib/node/node.js) can load plugins. A plugin file MUST have at least the following architecture:

class Plugin {
  constructor(node) {}

  async open() {}
  async close() {}

const plugin = exports;
plugin.id = 'plugin_name';
plugin.init = (node) => {
  return new Plugin(node);

The plugin lifecycle relative to hsd launch is as follows:

  1. FullNode is instantiated and populated with default modules (chain, pool, etc)
  2. Event listeners are set for these internal modules
  3. Plugins are loaded from the config module in order they are passed in
  4. FullNode is opened:
    • logger, workers, chain, mempool, miner and pool are opened by calling open() on each object
    • plugins are opened by calling open() on each plugin
    • http, ns, and rs are opened by calling open() on each object
  5. The process is reversed when the node is closed, calling close() on each object

Note that this means that some modules are already opened before plugins, and so some properties may not be malleable by a plugin.

Development tips

Plugins can share a logger with the host, and identify their own context:

this.logger = node.logger.context('holdmyhand');
this.logger.info('Root nameserver filtering is active.');

Log output:

[info] (holdmyhand) Root nameserver filtering is active.

Plugins can listen for events and even stub class methods.

This is an example snippet of a plugin that logs all incoming and outgoing p2p packets:

class Plugin {
  constructor(node) {
    this.pool = node.pool;

  init() {
    // Listen for incoming packet events
    this.pool.on('packet', (packet) => {
      console.log('Incoming packet: ', packet);

    // Wait for pool to be opened
    this.pool.on('peer open', (peer) => {

      // Steal the existing method
      peer.SEND = peer.send;

      // Replace the method with a wrapper listening for outgoing packets
      peer.send = (packet) => {

        // Do something...
        console.log('Outgoing packet: ', packet);

        // ...then return the original method

DNS resolver plugins

The HNS root authoritative name server has extra properties that give plugins more flexibilty inside the module. Users may have specific preferences for how hsd resolves names from the HNS root zone. Some possible modifications are:

The hsd root server module is in the repository in lib/dns/server.js. A plugin can access the server from an hsd FullNode or SPVNode from its constructor:

constructor(node) {
  this.ns = node.ns;

Once the server is instantiated the plugin can access certain properties:


A Set of strings that will not be looked up (a NXDOMAIN is returned):



A function that is called with a top-level domain name String. Returns a reserved name Object or null.


signRRSet(Array[wire.Record], Int)

A function that is called with an RR set (Array[wire.Record]) and type (wire.types) that signs the set with the HNS root ZSK and pushes the RRSIG back onto the answer (there is no return value).

this.ns.signRRSet(res.answer, type);

middle(String, wire.Message, Object)

An optional function, settable by a plugin, that is called with the TLD, the full request, and the request info before checking the cache, the blacklist, the HNS root zone, or the ICANN reserved TLD list. rinfo is a JSON object passed from the DNS Server and has the following shape:

  tcp: (bool),
  family: (string, "IPv4" or "IPv6"),
  address: (string, IP address),
  port: (int, port number)

If there is no function provided or if the provided function returns null, the root resolver lookup proceeds as by default. The function may also return a Message which is then returned directly to the resolver that made the query. Records in these responses will appear to come directly from the HNS root zone, so they should be flagged as authoritative where applicable and signed by the HNS root zone-signing key where applicable.

this.ns.middle = (tld, req, rinfo) => {
  const [qs] = req.question;
  const name = qs.name.toLowerCase();
  const type = qs.type;
  const wire = this.ns.wire;

  if (tld === 'bit') {
    const res = new wire.Message();

    // Lookup the full name from the request using a Namecoin full node
    res.answer = this.namecoinClient.lookup(name);

    // Sign the answer with the HNS root ZSK
    this.ns.signRRSet(res.answer, type);

    return res;

  // Bypass if the plugin doesn't care about the name
  return null;

See a mistake? Open a pull request.
