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HSD - Merkle Tree

Merkle hash trees are used to audit/verify large data structures. Handshake, Bitcoin and many other protocols use it with transaction hashes to provide efficient proofs of inclusion in blocks.

Handshake uses a different Merkle hash tree than Bitcoin for transactions. The Handshake hash tree is based on RFC 6962 and integrates a padding idea from RFC 7574. The motivation to switch Merkle tree algorithms was to fix known issues with the Bitcoin Merkle tree: hsd discussion, attack description.

How it works

The Handshake Merkle tree uses blake2b as the hash function. In general it follows the flow described in RFC 6962:

  1. Define EMPTY_HASH = blake2b(EMPTY_BUFFER)

  2. Given n inputs d[0...n], each input is hashed as blake2b(0x00 || d[i]). These inputs are transaction hashes (txid).

  3. All internal nodes are hashed using blake2b(0x01 || leftHash || rightHash), but if rightHash is missing then EMPTY_HASH is used instead. This is similar to RFC 7574.

Example 1

Block with 4 transactions:

      Merkle root     
          / \         
         /   \        
        /     \       
       /       \      
      e         f     
     / \       / \    
    /   \     /   \   
   a     b   c     d  
   |     |   |     |  
   d0    d1  d2    d3 

Example 2

Block with 6 transactions:

                Merkle root                        
               /           \                       
              /             \                      
             /               \                     
            /                 \                    
           j                   k                   
          / \                 / \                  
         /   \               /   \                 
        /     \             /     \                
       /       \           /       \               
      g         h         i         EMPTY_HASH
     / \       / \       / \                       
    /   \     /   \     /   \                      
   a     b   c     d   e     f                     
   |     |   |     |   |     |                     
   d0    d1  d2    d3  d4    d5                    

Example 3

Block with 5 transactions:

                Merkle root                        
               /           \                       
              /             \                      
             /               \                     
            /                 \                    
           i                   j                   
          / \                 / \                  
         /   \               /   \                 
        /     \             /     \                
       /       \           /       \               
      f         g         h         EMPTY_HASH 
     / \       / \       / \                       
    /   \     /   \     /   \                      
   a     b   c     d   e     EMPTY_HASH        
   |     |   |     |   |                           
   d0    d1  d2    d3  d4                          

Example 5

Block with 1 transaction:

  Merkle root


Bitcoin Merkle Tree

Handshake Merkle Tree

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